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SOAP method should be used in writing the proposal S: Subjective O: Objective A: assessment P: plan of treatment The following structure

should be used: 1) Subjective: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Medical history: Age; gender Present complaint History of present compliant Past medical history Past surgical history Drug history Social history

2) Objective 1. Observation 2. Laboratory findings 3. Other investigations 3) Assessment This section should include appropriate physiotherapy tests and assessment procedures you used to evaluate your patient 4) Plan of care 1. Problem list: based on the above identify the problem list for your patient 2. Long term goal: based on your problem list indicate the long term goal for the patient (the goal should be task specific and time specific) 3. Short term goals: based on the above indicate the short term goals that you will use to achieve the long term goal 4. Treatment plan: what you will do to achieve each short term goal

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