Rationale 1

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Rationale for HTSB Standard 1: Learner Development Artifact: Case Study Course: ED 2 !

" Educational #syc$olo%y One of the assignments that I have completed in the Educational Psychology course that fulfils HTSB Standard 1:Learner Development is the Case Study focused towards the overall developmental progression of a student I chose to analyze. I chose to do this study on one of my students whom I teach at a martial arts school. This assignment required me to interview with my case study a out different aspects of their social! academic and personal life. "ased on the information that my case study has given me! I researched and gave detailed information on which stage of development my student is at in terms of physical! cognitive and social a ilities. I have learned that my student is gradually ecoming a well#rounded individual who is a le to complete certain tas$s! develop logical e%planations for concrete pro lems and handle responsi ilities oth at school and at home. I also provided different teaching strategies that help supports growth in these different developmental areas to improve his performance capa ilities in school. "ecause my case study is at the age and grade level in which I would li$e to teach! this information will serve me well in constructing effective lesson plans and methods of teaching that reflect their academic s$ills. I elieve that this assignment meets the criteria for Standard &' (earning )evelopment ecause it serves as evidence of my understanding on how The teacher regularly assesses individual and group performance in order to design and modify instruction to meet learners needs in each area of development (cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical and scaffolds the ne!t level of development 1(a " *s mentioned efore! I have learned a lot a out my student in terms of interest! academic a ility! and cognitive thin$ing. +nowing this! I also created a standard ased lesson plan that goes hand in hand with the case study. This lesson addresses my a ility to modify and adapt to my students developmental needs. ,or e%ample! I found out that my case study learns est when information is channeled to his past e%periences and interests to ma$e personal connections with the lesson. Thus! I stated in the plan that I would show a clip from a movie that he is a familiar with and e%plain to him how what were learning relates to the video. In addition! to support his social cognitive learning! I addressed the importance of modeling for my case study ased on the theory of cognitive apprenticeship! and applied it to the following practice'

1.Teacher will model what techniques students can use in the middle of the circle: 2.Teacher will invite 4 students up to form a circle around him/her 3.Teacher will pick a basic kata to demonstrate each of the 4 types of techniques mentioned in the radin rubric. 4.Teacher will then model the task that student on the outside needs to accomplish by callin out an attack to the opponents. The information that I was a le to gather a out my case study will help me ecome prepared as to how to e adaptive to the developmental needs of students in addition to creating plans and strategies that will ring out the est of their a ilities. *s a future teacher! it is important for me to gain $nowledge of the development aspects of my class to create a diverse and adaptive learning environment.

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