A1 - B2 Speaking

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A1 speaking Describe a picture.

You need to provide as many details about the picture as you can in the time allowed. Describe the basic picture and then break down the details in a logical manner.

A2 speaking Describe a place you visited when you were a child. You should say: where it is when you went there what you did there and explain why you would, or would not, like to return to this place again. B1 speaking AMERICAN OR BRITISH ENGLISH? DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Have you ever been to the United States? What do you know about the United States? Consider these points: Films Literature Sport Eating habits Stereotypes and traditions Politics Music Fashion Influential personalities / celebrities Importance of the language

Do you prefer British or American English? B2 speaking Media How much TV do you watch in a week? .. (Would you prefer to watch more TV than that or less?) .. (Why?) Tell us about a TV programme youve seen recently. Do you have a favorite newspaper or magazine? ..... (Why do you like it?) Do you use the Internet to learn new things? ..... (What sort of things do you look for?)

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