Rationale 4

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Rationale for HTSB Standard 4: Content Knowledge Artifact: Course Portfolio Course: ED 29 !

"ntroduction to Art# $usic and $o%e&ent in a Classroo& The artifact that is aligned with HTSB Standard 4: Content Knowledge is my course portfolio that I developed in ED 296: Introduction to Art, usic and ovement in a !lassroom" This was a cumulative assignment, which showcases the different types of themed artwor# we have completed during the course, ranging from the styles of $an %ogh to cross hatching, as well as my forum posts &ased on essential 'uestions dealing with how our personal thoughts on different topic areas such as directed art activities and how the arts are important in my life" In addition my standards &ased lesson plan and art research presentation is also showcased" The lesson plan demonstrated my a&ility to incorporate the arts into a su&(ect area" According to the instructor, all the assignments in the portfolio have met the o&(ectives of understanding how the use of art, music and movement can &e used to engage students across content areas" This artifact aligns with )T*+ *tandard ,: !ontent -nowledge &ecause it demonstrates my understanding of the uses of supplementary resources and technologies effectively to ensure accessibility and relevance for all learners 4(g ! .ne of the strategies in which students can &e engaged and connected to the lesson is through art and technology as it gives them the opportunity to have accessi&ility to creativity in understanding and applying information from a content area" .ne of my wor#s in the portfolio, the standards &ased lesson plan, integrates an art activity in which students are to create their own !hristmas portraits &ased around prior #nowledge or e/periences as well as information of o&(ects and situations that are related to theme of the &oo#: The Polar Express. To demonstrate further accessi&ility, I also encouraged students who are not artistic to use technology such as the computer or Internet to create their portraits" The artifact also demonstrates the disposition of integrating culturally relevant content to build on learners" bac#ground #nowledge 4(m ! I chose to do a !hristmas themed lesson plan &ecause it is a cultural holiday that most students can connect and contri&ute to &ase on their prior #nowledge and different &ac#grounds" This lesson plan gives students opportunities to apply that #nowledge and e/periences to what is relevant in the &oo#" In )awaii, art is part of our cultural world and as a teacher I want to integrate its use in getting students engaged in content that they are interested in as well as giving them opportunities to creatively e/press

themselves through their wor#"

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