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Rationale for HTSB Standard 8: Instructional Strategies Artifact- Critiquing a Lesson Plan Course: ED 8!

- Introduction to Classroo" #anage"ent The artifact that supports HTSB Standard 8: Instructional Strategies the critiquing of a lesson plan that I completed for ED 285: Introduction to Classroom Management. For this acti it!" the class #as di ided into groups and each of them recei ed different lesson plans. The o$%ecti e for each group #as to identif! errors #ithin different elements of a lesson plan and ma&e changes or additions to that specific part. 'ur group had a lesson that in ol ed identif!ing $asic geometric shapes. (hile anal!)ing it" I noticed that the! #ere a lot of changes that needed to $e made in order for the lesson to $e engaging and re#arding for the students in addition to $eing detailed enough for another instructor to teach. *n e+ample #ould $e that #ithin the o$%ecti es section" the author descri$es the goal as ,-ou are all going to learn the triangle" the square" rectangle and circle.. This is a er! $rief description of the o$%ecti e and the author fails to mention in detail #hat the specific standards and $enchmar&s are for geometr!. /ome of the comments I put #ere to ,loo& up 0C1/ standards for specific o$%ecti es 2M*.3.5.4 Identif!ing $asic geometric shapes. 5eometric /hapes and Their 1roperties and 6elationships7 and ha e students $uild o$%ects using the $asic shapes.. *nother e+ample #ould $e that the author The assignment demonstrates m! &no#ledge of appl!ing 0T/8 /tandard 8: Instructional /trategies into the classroom $ecause I #as a$le use a variety of instructional strategies to support and expand learners communication through speaking, listening, reading, riting, and other modes 8!h"# Through this acti it!" I #as a$le to add arious teaching strategies that enhance the engagement of the author9s lesson. I suggested that students should paint their shapes instead of coloring them due to the fact that most children in the lo#er le el elementar! grade le els en%o! using paint for their #or&. I #as also a$le provide multiple models and representations of concepts and skills ith opportunities for learners to demonstrate their kno ledge through a variety of products and performances 8!e"# There ma! $e students in the classroom that do not &no# ho# to dra# their $asic shapes and the author did not pro ide an! modeling" thus ris&ing their understanding on ho# to perform the gi en tas&. I suggested that the teacher should include a demonstration on ho# to dra# $asic shapes $! illustrating them on the $oard and ha e students cop! them #hile I am gi ing the directions. 'nce students ha e mastered this s&ill" an e+tension of this strateg! #ould $e for students to cut out their shapes and

$uild their o#n o$%ects. This encourages them to $e creati e and connects their prior &no#ledge to the information that is presented in the lesson.

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