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Jessica Liss Writing September 17, 2013 Long Copy Assignment #1 Final Dra t

!"e car is a prison

#t con ines yo$% &'ery time yo$ get into t"at bo( on )"eels, yo$ lose t"e o$tsi*e )orl*% +n a'erage, people spen* ,-0 "o$rs a year in t"is bo( on )"eels% .o$ /$st )aste* ,-0 "o$rs o yo$r li e t"is year, enclose* in a mobile contraption% 0$t maybe not1 2aybe yo$3re one o t"e l$c4y ones% .o$ "a'e not yet p$rc"ase* t"is prison5 o 5 a 'e"icle% .o$r still ree to b$y a mo*e o transportation t"at3s energetic, engaging, liberating, an* ree% Well, you lucky soul have the Vespa LX 50 4V Scooter. At a reasonable $3,399, this vehicle ill !et you here you nee" to !o, an" not aste your precious ti#e hile "oin! it. $h%an" no nee" to aste your #oney on a !as !u&&lin! #oney pit. 'he scooter(s )5* 90 #p! an" 4*valve, 4*stroke, air*coole" en!ine #akes it +uel*e++icient. A"venture is callin! you. ,reak +ree.

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