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Jessica Liss Creative Strategy for Nexcare No Sting Liquid Bandage 1.

Positioning Statement: For people who are on the go, who want a quick, pain free shield for minor cuts and wounds, e!care no sting liquid "andage spray is the liquid "andage that provides "reatha"le and waterproof protection unlike #and$%id and other leading store "rands, e!care heals and protects. 2. Creative BriefConsumer &ro"lem to 'vercome( Consumers "elieve adhesive strips are effective "ecause they are not aware of e!care o Sting Liquid #andage Spray. 'ther "rand adhesive strips are "eing purchased in place of e!care o Sting Liquid #andage Spray. %dvertising )oal( Convince consumers that e!care o Sting Liquid #andage Spray is the most effective and convenient product for a mother. *arget %udience( +emographics( %ge( ,-$./ )ender( Female 0ncome( 1-2,222 and up 0n particular, 3others &sychographics( For people who are4 Family oriented 'n$the$go 0nto new and modern products 5illing to spend the e!tra dollar for the e!tra quality and convenience.

Creative Strategy (Promise): Spraying Nexcare No Sting Liquid Bandage Spray on cuts and scrapes will result in healing and protecting etter than the leading competitor!s messy and inconveniently pac"aged adhesive strips# $eason %hy: Nexcare No Sting Liquid Bandage Spray has een speci&ically designed to e&&ectively heal cuts and scrapes while eing conveniently pac"aged in an easily accessi le &ashion ecause: '# (t!s &ormula clings to the s"in and heals cuts and scrapes quic"ly#

)# (t!s not messy which ma"es it easier to apply quic"ly and e&&ectively# *# (t involves one quic" spray+ ta"ing up less application time# ,dvertising Concept: -he ad &ocuses on the concept o& Nexcare No Sting Liquid Bandage eing highly convenient and easily accessi le &or a mother who is constantly on the go# -his process is done y showing the positive a&&ects one gains y using the product and the negative a&&ects one gains y not using the product#

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