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Clan War Daimyo Edition

Reference Sheet 62 1.0 Triggers - Units

25% 50% 75%

Ide Takerus Game Aides

Turn Sequence
1.0 Initiative Phase
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 Initiative Roll Commander's Modifier Initiative Focus General's Modifier Modified Initiative Score (MIS) Break Ties Special Actions and Orders Return to Duty Morale Checks Maneuvers Engagements
3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.3 3.2.4 Engaging Movements Angle of Contact Maximized Contact Dwindling Units Incidental Engagements

Morale Tests
62 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 43 66 66
66 67 67 68 68 71 71 71

CC 2:1 4:1 Ldr FrBR/* FR4 BU Flnk

2.0 Special Actions Phase


3.0 Primary Movement Phase


3.3 3.4

Realignment Leaving an Engagement

3.4.1 Contesting 3.4.2 Parting Shots 3.4.3 Pursuit

69 70

Casualties totaling 25% of its original numeric strength Casualties totaling 50% of its original numeric strength Casualties totaling 75% of its original numeric strength Casualties amounting to 25% of current strength during a single phase other than Close Combat Casualties amounting to 25% of current strength during Close Combat and caused fewer Wounds than received Suffered more Wounds than it caused and the unit was outnumbered by at least 2 to 1 any time during Close Combat phase Outnumbered by at least 4 to 1 any time during Close Combat phase Its commander was removed as a casualty Friendly unit within 8 became Broken, Routed or was destroyed during the current phase (ML=5 ignore this) Friendly, Routed unit ends a movement phase within 4 (ML=5 ignore this) Engaged while Broken or Unformed (Immediate) Engaged on flank while engaged on different side ( Immediate) Sustained Wounds = 1/3 starting wounds Sustained Wounds = 2/3 starting wounds


All triggers beyond the first become 1 modifiers

1 /3 2 /3

2.0 Triggers Individuals/Lone Personalities

Apply Unit triggers as 1 modifiers as appropriate


4.0 Cavalry Movement Phase

4.1 4.2 Maneuvers Engagements
4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.3 4.2.4 Engaging Movements Angle of Contact Maximized Contact Dwindling Units Incidental Engagements


Morale Checks

43 66 66

66 67 67 68 68 71 71 71

3.0 Fear Related Morale Triggers

Fearless Fear -> ->Fear

4.3 4.4

Realignment Leaving an Engagement

4.4.1 Contesting 4.4.2 Parting Shots 4.4.3 Pursuit

69 70

Units with Fearless ignore these triggers Unit with Fear announces engaging move and has movement to make contact (Immediate) Unit attempts to engage a unit with Fear ( Immediate) (If the test fails the unit is NOT broken but its movement ends and the Unit is not considered to have moved for purposes of reactionary movement)


Apply Fear rating as a negative modifier to these tests

4.0 Modifiers
+ -

4.5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.1

Morale Checks


5.0 Ranged Attack Phase

Line of Sight Fire Arc Attack Roll Damage Roll Wounds and Casualties Cover Fast/First Strike, Ranged Firing into an Engagement Higher Ground, Ranged Moving and Firing Reactionary Fire Morale Checks Attack Roll Damage Roll Wounds and Casualties Fast/First Strike, Close Flank Attacks Higher Ground, Close Overlap Advantage Rank Advantage Morale Checks Exceptions
7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 Broken, Routing, Spent or Unformed 50%+ in Difficult Terrain 12" of enemy Generated a Ranged Attack Produced a magical attack


73 73 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 77 77 43

Leadership of Leader Multiple Triggers Fear Previous Morale tests this TURN


5.0 Result

If the result is equal to or greater than the TN then the Morale test succeeds, if not the test fails. Unless otherwise specified in the test, a failed Morale test results in a Ready unit becoming Broken or a Broken unit becoming Routed.


Unit Conditions
1.0 Ready
Unit is not suffering any harmful effects. A ready unit that fails a Morale test becomes Broken

55 55

6.0 Close Combat Phase

79 80 81 81 82 83 83 83 43 84

2.0 Broken

Must attempt to leave engagement, -2 modifier to all rolls, may not use Ability, Innate, Ranged Attack or Spell. Must always perform full movement away from enemy and/or towards nearest cover or table edge. A Broken unit that fails a Morale test becomes Routed during End phase.

3.0 Routed

7.0 Reserve Movement Phase

84 84 84 84 84

Must attempt to leave engagement, -2 modifier to all rolls, may not use Ability, Innate, Ranged Attack or Spell. Must perform Full Retreat if engaged and must always perform full movement away from enemy and/or toward nearest table edge. No Morale tests necessary while Routed and a Routed unit may not normally attempt to Rally.


4.0 Spent

May not move, maneuver or make attacks or use effects other than Kiso. Spent personalities may not use skills during a duel.


5.0 Unstable

7.2 7.3 7.4 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4

No Free Maneuvers Stop when within 8" of Enemy No Attacks Victory Determination Rally Test Draw/Discard Tactical Cards End Duration-based Effects

84 84 84 84 84 85 85

8.0 End Phase


-2 modifier to all rolls, if an unstable unit is forced to make a Morale test and fails, it immediately suffers 2 Wounds for each point by which the test failed. A unit suffering from instability may make a Morale test during the Rally Test portion of the End Phase, but only if it not engaged during the phase, it is not within 8 of another friendly, unstable, unit and it is has at least 10% of its original numeric strength. If it passes it is no longer unstable. If it fails it remains unstable but it doesnt suffer any losses from the rally test.


Clan War Daimyo Edition

Reference Sheet 35 35 1.0 Eligibility

Ide Takerus Game Aides

Maneuver List
1.0 Breakaway
Complex, Disengaging Maneuver.
Defense required. When engaged, turn and make full move +4 away from enemy.

Ranged Attacks
To be eligible to make a ranged attack a unit must not be:
Engaged Broken, Routed, Spent or Unformed


2.0 Contract/Expand

Expand or contract frontage by up to two models on each side. Restructure unit to conform to new frontage; reposition personalities if necessary.

2.0 Targeting

3.0 Full Retreat

Automatic, Disengaging Maneuver, Reactionary Movement.


Must have a direct and unbroken line of sight to the target and the target must be in the firing units arc of fire:
Rank and File = 90 forward Skirmish = 180 forward Horsearcher = 180right front to left rear counterclockwise


Make immediate Morale test. Turn and make full move +4 away from enemy. May be performed as movement, as an enemy attempts to engage, or to leave an engagement.

4.0 Hiruma Withdrawal

Complex, Reactionary Movement.


Must target the nearest enemy unit within arc and LOS but may ignore this if:
The enemy unit is immune to the firers Ranged Attacks The enemy unit may not be targeted by Ranged Attacks The nearest enemy is a single model costing less than 40 koku Less than 25% of the firing unit can target the enemy unit, due to arc or LOS

Defense required. Move unit directly back up to full move. May be performed as movement or as an enemy attempts to engage.

5.0 Move Through



When a unit must move (such as when Broken or Routed) but is blocked by units (friend or foe) it Moves Through a blocking unit, causing that unit to make a Maeuver test. Failure results in becoming Unformed. Friendly units have a 2 modifier to roll.

6.0 Oblique Movement



If at least 25% of the models in the unit are out of arc to the primary target but have another unengaged enemy unit in their arc and LOS that portion of the unit may designate that enemy unit as a secondary target. No unit may fire into an engagement. Ignore engaged units in targeting.

3.0 Order of attack resolution

1st 2nd 3rd


Battle 3 required. Move forward at 45? angle. Test made at 2 unless led by Lion personality. Special rules regarding engaging moves.

Units resolve their attacks in the following order

All units with First Strike - simultaneously All units with Fast Strike - simultaneously All other units - simultaneously

7.0 Overrun Attack



Mounted with heavy armor required. Must make Maneuver test to perform engaging maneuver. Following Close Combat, enemy unit must make Maneuver test using additional modifiers (+1 for each Wound caused, -1 for each Wound received). If that test fails, the enemy becomes unformed. If it succeeds, Overrunning unit must make a Maneuver test, failure results in unit becoming unformed.

3.0 Modifiers

Higher Ground (1+)

8.0 Retreat in Good Order

Complex, Disengaging Maneuver, Reactionary Movement.


Defense required. If Maneuver test fails, perform Full Retreat. Turn and make full move +4 away from enemy. May be performed as movement, as an enemy attempts to engage, or to leave an engagement.

Moving and Firing Reactionary Fire Cover Unit Modifiers as per description

9.0 Turn About



Extended: +4 Extreme: +8 Close: -0ATT Extended: -2ATT Extreme: -4ATT -2ATT -1ATT <50%: -0ATT 50%: -1ATT +/- ?ATT/DAM


Unit turns 180?, front becomes rear and back becomes front. New frontage contains same number of models as old frontage, restructure unit to formation and reposition personalities.

Close Combat
1.0 Eligibility

10.0 Turn Left/Turn Right



To be eligible to make a close combat attack a unit must not:

Have made a reactionary fire ranged attack Be Routed or Spent


All models in unit turn 90? in place (left or right). The units former depth becomes its frontage and its former frontage becomes its depth. Reconstruct unit to new formation and reposition personalities.

11.0 Wheel


2.0 Order of attack resolution

1st 2nd 3rd

Units resolve their attacks in the following order

All units with First Strike - simultaneously All units with Fast Strike - simultaneously All other units - simultaneously


Front corner (left or right) remains stationary while the rest of the unit moves forward in an arc around that corner.

12.0 Withdrawal

Complex, Reactionary Movement.


3.0 Modifiers

Defense required. Make up to move directly backward. May be performed as movement, as an enemy attempts to engage.

Unit Formations

1.0 Standard Formation

A unit in Standard formation has between 4 and 12 models in the front rank, and no more than six ranks. A unit may maintain Standard Formation if it has less than 4 models remaining. All units in the game must begin in Standard Formation, with the exception of Skirmishers.


Higher Ground +1ATT Overlap Advantage (2 nd turn+) per 2 overlapping figs +1Dice Rank Advantage per full rank behind first +2Dice Flanked Side: -1all rolls Rear: -2all rolls Unformed -1all rolls Flanking an engaged unit (Morale trigger) +1ATT/+1DAM Unit Modifiers as per description +/- ?ATT/DAM


2.0 Non-Standard Formaiton

A unit in a Non-Standard Formation may only make a maneuver if it would return it to a Standard Formation. Units in Non-Standard Formation are at a 1 to all rolls, unless specified by a special formation. The following formations are considered Special (Non-Standard) formations:
Archers Row Skirmish Skirmish (Shugenja unit) Column Horsearcher Column Block
Thanks to Rktaktik and Rand for suggestions and proofing Mail suggestions to Join the online discussions of ClanWar at:


1.0 General

Void Effects

A personality can spend void only once per turn.

148 149
Void Cost
1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

2.0 Void Effects

Void can be spent for the following effects: Effect

+2 to a single die result (must be declared before the roll) +1DAM +1MOR/MAN/RES Heal 1 Wound +1ATT/+1DAM(must be declared before the roll) +1 Damage dice +1ATT/+1DAM for unit (Special Action) +2MOR/MAN/RES (Special Action) Re-roll a failed MOR/MAN/RES test +1 movement when engaging

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