Plant Propagator

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‘Tis a wellknown fact that plants grow much better if their climate is stable and without the wide temperature fluctuations that can occur in this country. It would therefore seem seasible to provide some form of temperature control, especially when trying to raise seeds. ‘There are many plant propagators on the market but although these reduce the severity of the temperature fluctuations they do not re move them completely. With this simple heat- ing system a fairly constant temperature can be maintained and more successful seed raising should follow. TEMPERATURE CONTROL CIRCUITRY ‘The control circuitry is shown in Fig. 1. The heart of the whole device is a glass bead ther- mistor RTH. As the temperature increases the resistance of the thermistor decreases and so the potential at the base of TRI increases When this value is greater than the potential at the base of TR2 then the current that is drawn by R2 passes through TR1 instead of ‘TR2 This causes RS to bias off TRS which in tum switches off TR4 and consequently the heater, ‘As the thermistor cools down TR2 takes over and so the heater is switched on again. This A temperature controlled heated tray for raising seeds, process will keep the propagator at a fairly constant temperature, the temperature being set by VR1 which determines the potential at which the two transistors TRI and TR2 roverse rolls. With the values chosen quite a large tem- perature variation can be covered and this can be set to suit the particular plant types being cultivated. ‘The whole device runs off a 12 volt 1 amp (approx.) d.c. supply and, as this is a comparator type circuit, there is no need for elaborate stabi lisation. Therefore the power supply shown in Fig. 1 is suitable for this device, HEATER ‘There are many heating elements readily available on the market that are suitable for this device but they all require adaption for use in a low voltage circuit, Insulation is not really of much importance in the heater as it is operated at such a low voltage. ‘Two elements that immediately spring to mind are the wire from an electric bar fire and a piece of electric blanket heater wire, The bar fire wire has the advantage that to provide a 1 amp heater current a reasonably long length of wire is required, but it is uninsulated, whereas the blanket wire is insulated and only requires about half the current for the same heat, its equivalent length is thus about half too; this means that it would need to heat twice the area, The fire wire also has the advantage that it is readily available and for this reason was chosen. The system is adaptable to most heaters. A length of wire of approximate resistance 12 ohms should be unwound from a 1 kilowatt fire-bar (approx 1-7 metres). This should then be placed in the pattern shown in Fig. 2 on top of a layer of peat and small pebbles (it may be easier Fig. 4 Circuit diagram of the Plant Propagator. The components to the left of FSH form supply, those to the right the control circuitry. to straighten the wire before attempting this) ‘The two ends of the wire are then soldered to two terminals mounted on the side of the seed tay, and the heater is then ready for use. MOUNTING THE PROBE ‘The thermistor probe should be mounted as near the centre of the tray as possible to ensure an overall reading, it should also be placed central with respect to the heating wires, ‘The thermistor is held in a terminal block with two wires going to two terminals on the side of the tray. If is best to try and insulate this sensor from the possible effects of watering, ete CONSTRUCTION All the electronics (apart from the thermistor, heater, transformer and rectifier) can be mounted on a piece of 0-18 inch matrix Vero- board, The layout is shown in Fig. 3. This ean then, together with the transformer, be mounted in the control box. The box can be any metal of plastic case that is large enough to house all the components. If a metal case is used this should be earthed with @ three-core mains lead and fused three-pin plug—a 1 amp fuse is adequate. SETTING UP AND CALIBRATION To set up the device simply connect the four wires from the control box to the seed tray and switch on, setting the required temperature with VBI. To calibrate it simply place a thermometer in the soil around about the centre of the tray (taking care not to disturb the thermistor) and read off the temperature for certain settings of the pot after allowing time for the soil to warm up. It is helpful to put a voltmeter across the heater when setting up and calibrating so that the temperature at which the heater switches off can easily be seen, Everyday Electronics, March 1974 wah range of about 60 degrees F to 100 degrees F should be attainable although the upper figure weed the components shown a temperature is dependent on the efficiency of the heater and on losses through the propagator. : Components Resistors mi Ro Ro Re RS Re 150? Soko ‘602 360: 10K Bako. All AW 210% carbon Capacitor cr ‘Semiconductors TRY TRE TR TRa DI-D4 Any 59 p. 10004 elect. 15 ‘22026 (orange) 2N2926 (orango) BCY70 silicon pnp 2N3054 silicon npn 4 1-5 amp (or greater) bridge reetiier d.p.dat. mains toggle switeh BdOW primary 12V, 1-5A. secondary transformer amp fuse and holder THB12 bead type thermistor (Henry's Radio) ‘kt carbon potentiometer heating clement—see toxt panel mounting neon indicator with builtin resistor. Veroboard 25 holes » 16 strips » 0-19 inch matrix, aluminium for TR& heatsink, approx Toman» 36mm 225.w.g., connecting wire, case, knob for VR, plant tray, connecting terminals for tay (6 of, 2 way connector block, _ Fig. 3, Veroboard layout and wiring (below) and transformer connections (above). TR4is mounted on a small heat sink made from a strip of aluminium bent at one end with holes drilled to clear is and for the mounting screws, rma

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