Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Welcomes House Passage of Farm Bill

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For Immediate Release: January 29, 2014

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Welcomes House Passage of Farm Bill

(Camp Hill) - ennsyl!ania Farm "ureau ( F") is pleased t#e $%&% House #as passed t#e 2014 Farm "ill t#at 'ontains many (armer-supported pro!isions, in'ludin) a stren)t#ened ris* mana)ement pro)ram t#at pro!ides additional opportunities (or (ruit and !e)eta+le )ro,ers, +ut also in'ludes a redu'tion o( -2. +illion in (ederal spendin)% Representin) a positi!e s#i(t in (ederal a)ri'ulture poli'y, F" notes t#at t#e (arm +ill 'on(eren'e report repeals dire't payments, ,#ile impro!in) tools (or (armers to mana)e t#e in#erent ris*s o( /ot#er 0ature and 'ommodity pri'es% 12 ma3or #urdle #as +een 'leared ,it# House passa)e o( t#e ne, (arm +ill proposal% 4e +elie!e t#e +ipartisan a)reement (airly represents t#e needs o( 2meri'an (armers and 'onsumers and ,ill pro!ide a le!el o( 'ertainty (or (armers as t#ey plan (or t#e (uture,5 said F" resident Carl 6% &#a((er% 14e are no, as*in) t#e &enate to appro!e t#e le)islation%5 6#e &enate is e7pe'ted to 'onsider t#e +ill appro!ed +y t#e House (+y a 281-199 !ote) ,it#in a ,ee*% Farm "ureau a'*no,led)es t#at t#e o!erall (inan'ial num+ers (or t#e (arm +ill 'an +e di((i'ult to understand, +e'ause alt#ou)# it is a (i!e-year +ill, t#e Con)ressional "ud)et :((i'e (C":) s'ores t#e +ill +y estimatin) spendin) o!er 10 years% 6#e C": estimates dire't spendin) at -989 +illion o!er 10 years, ,it# -;89 +illion (or more t#an ;9< o( all spendin)) )oin) to support t#e &upplemental 0utrition 2ssistan'e ro)ram (&02 ) and -200 +illion (or a)ri'ulture and 'onser!ation pro)rams% 6#e Farm "ill also in'ludes a dairy )ross mar)in insuran'e pro)ram t#at en'oura)es inno!ation and responsi!eness to mar*et si)nals% 14e +elie!e t#e ne, mar)in insuran'e pro)ram ,ill #elp ennsyl!ania dairy (armers +etter mana)e t#eir ris*, ,#ile also pro!idin) more sta+ility to an industry ,it# #istori'ally !olatile mil* pri'es,5 'on'luded &#a((er% Pennsylvania Farm Bureau is the states largest farm organization with a volunteer membership of more than 58,300 farm and rural families, representing farms of every size and ommodity a ross the state! """

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