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Following is a section of optional rules to give the original six core factions in FIRESTORM ARMADA extra flavour and

tactical flexibility. Each faction has been given ONE Model Assigned Rule (MAR) which is applied to ALL models in the faction of Medium Size Class or Larger. Furthermore, specific models have been designated additional MAR, to represent advanced systems characteristic of that particular ship.

Please Note: These MARs are optional and to played with the consent of both players during a game. Some players may elect to disregard their use, as was intended with their initial release as an optional download. The full MAR document can be found in the Downloads section of and inside the FIRESTORM ARMADA Hardback Rulebook.

Terran AllianCe General MAR: Sector Shielding Razorthorn Class Battleship: Bigger Batteries Apollo Class Mk II Battleship: Point Defence Barrage AQUan Prime General MAR: Manoeuvrable Manta Class Battle Carrier: Quick Launch Hydra Class Mk II Battleship: Energy Transfer Poseidon Class Battleship: Drone Mines SorYlian ColleCtiVe General MAR: Experienced Engineers Swordbreaker Class Battleship: Reinforced Port/ Starboard Xiphos Class Mk II Carrier: Repair Shuttles (1)

DindrenZi Federation General MAR: Secured Bulkheads Conqueror Class Battleship: Minefields Claymore Class Carrier: Torpedo Spook THe DireCtorate General MAR: Reinforced Fore Judgement Class Battleship: Countermeasures Overseer Class Carrier: Espionage ReltHoZa Empire General MAR: Stealth Systems Apex Class Dreadnought: Systems Network Brood Class Battleship: Biohazard Ammo (Starboard/ Port), Systems Network Hive Class Carrier: Quick Launch, Systems Network

Copyright Spartan Games 2012

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