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I. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Chemotherapy - is the use of medications to kill tumor cells b interferin! "ith cellular functions and re#roduction.

$. Adjuvant Therapy - also called as ad%u&ant care' is a treatment that is !i&en in addition to the #rimar ' main or initial treatment. (n e)am#le of ad%u&ant thera# is the additional treatment usuall !i&en after sur!er "here all detectable disease has been remo&ed' but "here there remains a statistical risk of rela#se due to occult disease. *. Neoadjuvant Therapy - in contrast to ad%u&ant thera# ' is !i&en before the main treatment. For e)am#le' s stemic thera# that is !i&en before remo&al of a breast is considered neoad%u&ant chemothera# . +. Cancer - is a disease #rocess "hereb cells #roliferate abnormall ' i!norin! !ro"th-re!ulatin! si!nals in the en&ironment surroundin! the cells. ,. Chemotherapeutic Agents - these are #harmacolo!ic a!ents that are kno"n to be of use in the treatment of cancer. -. Antineoplastic Agents - also kno"n as (nticancer (!ents' are #harmacolo!ic a!ents that inhibits or #re&ents de&elo#ment of neo#lasms. checkin! maturation and #roliferation of mali!nant cells. /. Extravasation - is the leaka!e of medication from the &eins into the subcutaneous tissues. 0. Metastasis - or metastatic disease' is the s#read of cancer cells from the #rimar tumor to distant sites.

II. 12R1OSES OF 1RE1(RIN3 45EMOT5ER(1E2TI4 (3ENTS 1. $. *. +. To ensure safet of the nurse To kno" e)act dosa!es to be !i&en to cancer #atients To kno" the uses of certain a!ent To #re&ent e)#osin! to a ha6ardous dru!

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