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Author: Student #1 Grade: 138 / 150

Form (40 points) Writing Skills (20 pts) Clarity of writing Appropriate vocabulary Sentence structure Grammar/Proofreading Comment: See comments in essay 18 Organization (20 pts) Structure Flow/Transitions Clarity of thought Citations Comment: See comments in essay 19 Content (110 points) Question and Thesis (50 pts) Clear and concise question Source of question discussed Clear and concise thesis Import of thesis discussed Accurate presentation of a Catholic position Excellent (10-9 pts) Question is clear Source of question clearly explained with explicit connection to author Thesis is clear and underlined Import of thesis is clearly discussed with explicit connection to author Catholic position is clear and accurate Good (8.5-7.5 pts) Question is largely clear Source of question largely explained with little connection to author Thesis is largely clear Import of thesis is largely clear with implicit connection to author Catholic position is largely clear and accurate Fair (7-6 pts) Question is partially clear Source of question partially explained with no connection to author Thesis is partially clear Import of thesis is partially clear with no connection to author Catholic position is partially clear and accurate Poor (0-4 pts) Question is unclear Source of question unexplained with no connection to author Thesis lacks clarity Import of thesis is not clear with no connection to author Catholic position is unclear and inaccurate Organized and coherent article with a clear structure Analysis flows smoothly from paragraph to paragraph Demonstrates excellent clarity of thought References correctly cited Organized article with some structure Analysis largely connected or inconsistently connected Some clarity of thought References mostly cited Article largely unstructured Little transition between paragraphs/thoughts Little clarity of thought References poorly cited Article unstructured No transitions between paragraphs No clarity of thought References not cited Excellent (5 pts) Clearly written article Vocabulary used excellent effect, enhancing the articles meaning Superb sentence structure with variety of constructions No grammatical errors Good (4.5 pts) Writing is mostly clear Vocabulary used unevenly Strong sentence structure used, but inconsistently Some grammatical errors Fair (4 pts) Writing is somewhat clear Non-specific or general vocabulary Standard sentence structure, more variety needed Grammatical errors interfere with meaning Poor (0-3 pts) Writing is unclear Words used without meaning Repetitive or unclear sentence structure Substantial grammatical errors

Comment: See comments in essay 47

Support and Critique (60 pts) Uses appropriate research Evidence supports claims Shows command of theological concepts Theological argument has sound logical structure Critical analysis

Excellent (12-11 pts) All required sources used creatively and often Clear evidence supports conclusions Theological concepts are discussed with clarity and insight Argument is clearly developed with sound logic Analysis of thesis insightfully critiques problematic implications and responds

Good (10.5-9.5 pts) All required sources used regularly Developing evidence Theological concepts are discussed with clarity Argument is largely clear with sound logic Analysis of thesis offers strong critiques

Fair (9-7 pts) All required sources used infrequently Little evidence provided Theological concepts are discussed with imprecision Argument is partially clear with weak structure Analysis of thesis offers superficial critique

Poor (0-6 pts) All required sources are used minimally. Makes unsubstantiated claims Theological concepts are discussed with confusion Argument is unclear and unstructured. Lacks meaningful critical analysis

Comment: See final comments in the essay. 54

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