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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

STANDARDS: CC.1.5.PK.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in

small and larger groups. CC.1.5.PK.C Respond to what a speaker says in order to follow directions seek help or gather information. CC.1.5.PK.! "sing simple sentences e#press thoughts feelings and ideas speaking clearly enough to be understood by most audiences. $%A&'AR' (5.)* PR+,$+C-A. R!.A%-+&$/-P$ 0 -%/ A'".%$ v$%A&'AR' (5.)* PR+,$+C-A. R!.A%-+&$/-P$ 0 -%/ A'".%$ 1 $olicit help from adults to accomplish challenging tasks

THEME: 2ullying LESSON TOPIC: 2ullying OBJECTIVES: .anguage*

,$tudents will be able to * ,describe pictures about bullying ,discuss and listen about the topic of bullying ,listen to the book /oward 2. 0igglebottom .earns About 2ullies ,tell teachers what they are drawing on their 32e 2rave 2e 2old A %eacher 4ust 2e %old3 sheet.


,$tudents will be able to* ,understand what bullying is and how to tell the teacher when it is being done ,draw and verbally e#press their understanding of bullying and how to tell a teacher

LEARNING STRATEGIES: 5isual learning auditory learning differentiated instruction using

drawings to e#press comprehension and

KEY VOCABULARY: bully speaking up brave help MATERIALS: pictures words on construction paper book,/oward 2. 0igglebottom .earns
About 2ullies drawing papers crayons pencils

(Building background) %eachers will show a situation of bullying by using pictures. %eachers will have an open discussion with the students telling them that they will be learning about bullying and asking what a bully is what speaking up is what being brave is and what asking for help is. %eachers will put up the words and pictures demonstrating the words on the chalkboard. %eachers will give simple definitions for key vocabulary worrds.

(Language and content objectives, comprehensible input, strategies, interaction, feedback) %eachers will read the book /oward 2. 0igglebottom .earns About 2ullies. %eachers will refer back to key vocabulary throught the story and stop to ask 6uestions or clarify key concepts. %eachers will also ask students to show their scared face 7like a victim of bullying8 and their mean face 7like a bully8. $tudents will repeat the phrase 32e brave be bold a teacher must be told3

9 (::; Pearson !ducation -nc.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 2

whenever it is said in the story. teacher centered. %he reading of the book will be very interactive and not <ust

PRACTICE AND APPLICATION: (Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice and application, feedback)
$tudents will be given a blank sheet where they will be asked to draw what they should do when they are being bullied or when they see someone being bullied. 7$tudents should be drawing them telling a teacher and asking for help8. +nce students are finished drawing this the teachers will go around and ask each student what they have drawn and the teacher will print what they say on their paper.

REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT: (Review objectives and vocabulary, assess learning)

$tudents will be asked to go over the key vocabualry words one last time and they will all be able to hold up their drawings and look around at their classmate=s. %he students will all answer together what they should do if they or someone else is being bullied.


$tudents may be able to share with another kindergarten class what they have learned. %he teachers could read the boo k 2ully %rouble and learn new things about bullying and asking for help.
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