Harmony No 36 Divinity of Father Divine

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~ Harmony il Ii &agazine ~


The Divinity of Father Divine

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J Peace, Everyone!


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As the Great Avatar or Logos, the Creator of our Solar System, Personified in the Fathership Degree . , By John Roine


The following is an illustrative, philosophical essay on the Personification of GOD, FATHER DIVINE, in Bodily Form, in the New Dispensation. It is given in the light of Theosophy (Theosophy is a Greek word meaning "God's Wisdom") by one who has been a student of this science about twenty years. The writer was a member in the Esoteric School of Occultism and a pupil of a Mastel', according to Dr. Besant's personal information in 1926. Also,· a Priest in the Liberal Catholic Church and

- a 32 Degree Mason ill Co-Masonry, besides being a member of several other organisations.

I Thank YOU, FATHER, that I am not making these statements with any sense of a superior feeling. Neither am I endeavouring to place myself in a different light (in the Presence of HIM Who is the LORD of Lords), than allY other person. I have striven to Jive the higher and fuller Life for many years, but still I have failed in many things. These names and labels that organisations have attached to me do not mean anything to me any more. I am simply stating them as past experiences for which I am very grateful. I am thanking FATHER for these experiences and that HE has led me along the path of Occultism to this marvellous realisation of knowing HIM as HE is, and that HE has given me freedom, joy and happiness and an


expansion of consciousness beyond any human words to express.

I Thank FATHER that I am giving this testimony that it might be enlightenment for those sincere students and seekers of Truth who are still seeking in the- darkness without realising that the SUN has truly risen and can be seen by everyone in its Glory and Splendor. If I were to .dwell on these former things, it would be to me as foolish as to carry a candle in my hand out in the clear sunlight to study how the flowers are growing.

We can now rejoice and give thanks to our Lord and Master for what HE has done. We can now be free from teachers, doctrines, dogmas, organisations and limitations, and to know the Truth as it is revealed by FATHER DIVINE in our own hearts, as we relax our conscious mentality and let GOD or CHRIST in us be our teacher. "When HE shall come, HE shall teach you all things."

Aiter we are free from theories and preconceived ideas and opinions of man, we neither accept nor reject anything, but we see everything on different levels or stages of GOD'S Consciousness, expressing ITSELF in man. There is no ultimate Truth except" that which is in GOD and HIS Fulness, which includes All.

We, as persons, see only in part and express only in part, but we all must vibrate in harmony. There is but One Light, as we see it in the Sun-all 6

colors are blended into One. All expressions emanatefrom one and the same Eternal Love which have no beginning and no end.

According to Theosophy, or the Ancient Wisdom

. Teachings, evolution on this earth is carried on in cycles. There are small cycles within the larger ones, some lasting about one thousand years and others for twenty-four thousand years. "The Day of the Lord is but as a thousand years."

At the close of a cycle, or kaipa, or dispensation, whether one of the major or the minor ones, there has always appeared a great Teacher or Prophet with the new Message and Teachings for the people as a Foundation or Principle of Life for the incoming dispensation upon which a new and greater civilisation has been built. The end of the present cycle of dispensation is one of the major ones, and therefore, the LORD of the Vineyard is here, HIMSELF, to judge HIS workers according to their deeds and actions. Jesus spoke to His Disciples (St. Matthew: 21-23) saying that a certain householder planted a vineyard and let it out to a husbandman, and journeyed into a far country. When the time for the ripening o:t the fruit drew near, he sent his servant to the husbandman, at different times, that he might receive the fruits of his vineyard, but each time the husbandman took the servants, beat them and slew them. At last, He sent His Son, saying, "They will reverence my Son," but they


cast him out of the vineyard and slew him also. Jesus then asked, "When the Lord of the Vineyard cometh Himself, what will He do unto this husbandman 1" The Day of the LORD is here now and HE h;s truly come with His Power and Dominion, to judg~ with Righteous Judgment both the living and the dead, They cannot slay Him at this time. FATHER, says: "There is no. power in Heaven or earth that will hinder ME from accomplishing that for which I came."

'Every time a Great Teacher comes to the world, there has been much evil, suffering' and destruction, because of the tremendous outpouring of Power in order to quicken and hasten evolution.' Many times in the past, whole continents and civilisations have had to be destroyed in order to destroy the evil and bring out the good harvest that has been growing amongst the bad. t To-day we surely see the great Spiritual Power pouring out all over the world, and also the tremendous amount ef evil and destruction apparently existing everywhere.l

r However, each time the Spirit of CHRIST has come out victoriously. lt has risen to a higher and higher state of consciousness in man, until finally it will become conscious of its own Divinity in all humanity, as it became conscious of its Divinity in the Body of Jesus.1 It was Jesus who. first brought the Buddhic Plane into outer expression with our world, or in Christian language, the Christ Con-


sciousness. The Son of GOD was born to humanity for the salvation of mankind so that by HlM all might enter into Eternal Life, as exemplified by Christ in Jesus.,

f To-day there will be many in whom the Christ will come into full fruition and who shall reach the Sonship degree and eternal Life.' History shows that many of these great Teachers and Prophets

in the past, have brought the truths of life into >(' different periods and in different forms to man- t kind as a guiding light for each Dispensation.' We

will name some of these Great T-;;a.chers ac;rding

to Theosophy through whom the same Spirit of FATHER DIVlNE has spoken.1

I First, we know HIM, in this so-called Aryan Rac~ as Lord Vyassa, who, with the symbol of the sun, ~ taught the peopJe their unity with God and WhO)~'" also, we have been told, was inspired to write the

Bhagavad-Gita, the great Hindu Seripturesj The ~

second time he taught the Egyptian people as •

"Thoth"-"Hermes, the Thrice Great." He showed ~

to the people that Light was the symbol of their - unity with GOD and that they should follow that] ~ Divine Light which w.as in their hearts.' He came ~ 1.1 the third time as "Zarathustra" and he came ~ teaching the unity of GOD by the symbol of Fire.' _

I He taught that the Fire of the Spirit in man and the Spirit of the Universe (the Sun) were one and the. same, and that by Fire were all things made 9


J The fourth time this, Great Teacher came to the Greeks, known by the name of Orpheus, and by the mysteries of Sound and Beauty, He taught them that harmony of the Spirit in man was His Unity with GOD, and so by the Pathway of Beauty, man was made to see his Oneness with GOD.IWe know how the Greeks were known for their beauty and art, their SCUlpture and music. I

, The fifth time, He came as Gautama Buddha, teaching to His people the Law of Life-the Wisdom which enlightened the dark ways of the world. lIt is said that this individual Soul, who had gone through many former incarnations and through Whom the Spirit of GOD had taught the Children of men by many symbols, their unity with God, had now reached Oneness with the FATHER, or LOGOS, and at this time He left our world, although without conquering death, as did Jesus, but instead he passed on to loftier labors in the service of GOD on the Higher Planes, never again to take mortal form upon our planet. iWhen this Great One thus passed to the Higher Realms, His Mighty Brother, the Lord of Love, appeared on the scene and He is known for the first time among the Hindus as Sri Krishna, the Child God. i He taught personal devotion to the Divine and awakened within the hearts of His people the most passionate. Love of GOD, for the first time making GOD more personal


and bringing HIM closer into man's life.'

U His next coming was as Jesus in Palestine.' He taught the same Supreme Love - the love that sufl'ereth long, is kind and self-sacrificing, and that we should all be perfect as Our FATHER in Heaven is Perfect, making us realise our Oneness with GOD and that we truly are the Sons of GOD. I It was because of His great self-sacrifice that He conquered matter and death, and for the first time brought the Body salvation to mankind., The Christ Spirit, or the Son of GOD, became conscious of Its Divinity or Its Oneness with GOD, the FATHER, on the physical plane, and therefore, He is the firstborn among the children of men, with Whom the FATHER was well pleased., This is wonderfully symbolised in the great Pyramid .•

The first time He remained in this world in bodily form because GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only Begotten Son, the Christ, to make it possible for the sons of men to also reach that Oneness with the FATHER. I·

I The Christ Principle, or the 'on of GOD, which came first time into full fruition in the body called Jesus, is the second aspect of th Holy Trinity as it is known in Christian Scriptures.' As the Great Cosmic Principle He is the manifested GODHEAD, the LOGOS or ISHVARA, the Creator of HIS Own Universe. g HE is the manifested Creative Principle in this Universe, or the Love aspect that binds and


holds all creation together. I. Therefore, when the Christ Principle becomes the Sublime Ruler in the consciousness of man HE is also the CREATOR in man, and so by and through Him, man will receive body salvation or Eternal Life and Oneness with the FATHER, for in Christ all shall live, but ill man - Adam - all die.(

I The third aspect in the Holy 'I'rinity is the Holy Ghost·1

I It is the emanating Life-principle in matter. It is also the quickening and re-creating Spirit in our physical bodiesv , manifesting through the solar plexus, known as the "Kundalini" or Serpent Fire ill India. r However, this cannot be compared or confused with ordinary emotionalism, as some outsiders are very apt to say in observing the emotions and movements of FATHER'S Children ill the meetings. J These motions are caused by this mighty Force or Energy rushing through the individuals, in whom the Kundalini has been opened by the Spirit and guidance of FATHER DIVINE and under His ProtectiOJ1.,

fI It is due to the lack of understanding of what in reality takes place at these meetings and in the bodies of the true followers, that gives the wrong impression, at firstJ Many of the observers will judge wrongly without due consideration, especially those with critical minds. J

'''Mind is the killer of the Real," says the Hindu 12

Scripture.fi But a little appreciative study with an open mind will soon reveal the marvellous work that FATHER is doing for the people whom He has lifted from sin and degradation to a Higher Life, and what an everlasting manifestation of patience FATHER has with His Children. lIt is Wonderful! ft r The Principle of FATHER ill the Holy Trinity is the first aspect, the Will or the First Cause of Creation, from whence came the Light of the World into visibility and from Whom all Creation carne into existence. J HE is the Law of the Universe or the Will to do.] As Christ said, "Let Thy Will be done."QAlthough in three aspects of attributes, still there is but One GOD, Who fills all the space in

ais Universe.l . _

If In every religion, GOD is spoken of as a "Trinity" and it is very interesting to see how, in each. certain aspects are worshipped more than others. I At this time, the Great Will aspect of FATHER has manifested or Personified Itself, on the physical plane in the Fatherhood Degree"He sits in judgment for HIS OWN Creation, fulfilling the Scriptures where it says that HE 'shall separate the wheat from the chaff, for the wheat is now ready for the Harvest.-R

tWe sometimes hear someone say that FATHER DIVINE will punish those who do not obey HIM and that HE threatens you. f The one who makes. these statements does not understand the Good Law. r

• FATHER DIVINE is Love Personified in its fullness, 13


and therefore never threatens anyone. He will state the Law and the effects of disobeying the Law, just the same as a mortal father would tell his children, whom he loves. For instance, he would advise Us 110t to touch a hot iron", and that the results would be painful if we disobey the Law. Why a hot iron burns, we do not know, but if we touch one, we wiII soon find out-e- and so on with other things.

These Laws do not exist independently-they exist in the Mind of GOD. HE is the Principle of 'Principles, the great Centre, from whence Law and Force emanate. So long as GOD endures, these "Laws shall endure. In them is Everlasting Blessedness; in them is everlasting punishment---depending upon how we contact the Law. The very same Law which brings blessings to the Righteous must bring misery to the wicked. GOD'S Great Love can be to <me Soul - Joy and Blessings; to others, pain and misery. The very same fire that melts the gold, hardens the clay. Now, when the Law-giver is here HIMSELF, the Law works much faster, especially if anyone endeavors to attack the Principle Itself, -or the One in Whom the Principle is PersonifiedFATHER DIVINE.

He, the Law-giver, can also forgive the past sins of those who confess their sins and forsake "them, for all bad Karma ends .in Christ. HE will absolve the sins of the individual in the Mighty Ocean of Ris Great Love and Mercy, and so the person



becomes a new creature, born into the consciousness

of Christ. .

The Life of GOD which has evolved through the different Kingdoms during the aeons (millions of years of time) and in the human kingdom, received the individual consciousness or Soul of man, and man became a Thinker. When man's consciousness was born on the mental plane as an individual or

. human Soul, it was his first birth as man - which comes from the Sanskrit word, "Manas" - the Fifth' Principle in man, sometimes 'called in the Hindu. Scripture the "Son of mind." FATHER says, "Ma11- child." The second birth on the Buddhic Plane will be the birth of the Christ Child 01' the Son of GOD -Divine 80u1-o1' the Sixth Principle. In this state he becomes conscious of his Divinity and unity with. all Life, as man now is conscious of his individuality.

But the son of man must first die in order that it will become the vehicle 01' the Reflector of the CHRIST Life. As' a good mirror will lose itself in the brilliant sunlight, so the soul of man, the Thinker, must lose his identity and become theReflector of the Christ Life on the physical plane. When Jesus died on the Cross the' Son of GOD, or Christ, was resurrected after three days. This same parable is symbolised in all of the Great Mysteriesby the death and resurrection of the neophyte, but what has been symbolised in the Mysteries, GOD has now made a reality in our life.


I After .Jesus was dead on the Cross; the soldi~rs stuck their spears into His side to Jet all of the human blood out of His Body-cutting the .!a !!!, which is the blood tie to man, to mortality, to human sympathy, fancies and tendencies.) FATHER

r DIVINE says, "If I thought I had any human blood in MY veins, I would cut My veins open and let it out.'" Although HE has come in the likeness of man, HE has no human relation., HE is GOD, in HIS fullest expression, in the world, and HIS Body is the HOLY BODY of GOD, I "For in Him dwelleth all the fullness of the God-head Bodily.'"< Cor. 15).

Man in his great selfishness, which is the overbalanced mentality, talks about himself and what he will do and what he has done. He wants everyone to know and recognise him as the great "I AM."

,'The unselfish or the one who is humble, does not see itself at all because he knows that GOD is within and that unconsciously; to himself, after he forget!'! all about self and lets it go, Christ will come into full fruition. a As FATHER ~ "Relax your conscious mentality and let go, and Christ will take

full possession." , ,-......=.

I Therefore, the one who is the Christ Consciousness can say, "1 and my FATHER are One," but he does not .say, "1- am GOD." but instead-UHe is GOn'and HIS Will be done in me as it is in Heaven."IKnowing that GOD is within, he also knows that he is the Body of GOD instead of 1 am that "I Am!' Man



can never become GOD, but 'GOD comes in the likeness of man. f This is hard for some of the teachers to accept who are teaching the illusion of the great "I AM" doctrine and theories, which is the mind substance of the mental world. I

I It is also known as the cross-roa,d of the two paths upon which man stande-e-the left and the right., One leads to the separate individualism and into the Land of Exilejlthe other leads to the Unity of GOD

. and the Oneness of Life and Love. 'As the Hindu Scriptures say, "The dew drop slips into the shining sea," and in that Sea of Life and Light it becomes One with its Creator.].

I The "I AM" doctrine is the limited mental version of man.' Its wisdom and understanding are limited on the mental plane only.' W.hel·e the individualism or the s~u} of man was born is' the plane of ~ the highest plane that man can .rea_c~ and wpen man gets over-balanced on this plane, he becomes egotistic, jealous, envious, and hates or· resents everything that does not agree with his limited versions .• He is always thinking and worrying about himself, strugglin.g and fighting for his life.]

I Christ said, "Man cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven---the Buddhic Consciousness-except he 'be born again.",N.either has any man ever ~een GOD, says the Scriptures. lAnd the Masters say, "Come out of your world, into ours, which is the Eternal Now." •



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NIt was.through the The~sophical teachings and the preparation for the" coming of' the World Teacher that I was led to"tli.e .realisabion of the Divinity of


J For about twenty-·} ears I gazed upon the pictures of the Masters and 'repeated, "From the unreal lead me to the real," etc. I met the Masters ,a few times in my dreams upon the Astral Plane. I worshipped the Christ or the Lord M\treya at the Altars in the Church and had manyreal experiences o~ His Holy Presence. I ....

a Two years ago, a.Jew days before I left for New York to see FATH~R'.DIVINE, I sat in my room in Ojai, California, and had the picture of the Lord Mitreya before me, II prayed to Him to show me if I was to go to New York to see FATHER DIVINE, and if HE was what I .had heard people say HIM to ' be.IThe picture . before iny ~yes changed to that of FATHER Dl~INE. 'ali.a I heard 'a Voice within me calling me t'o' HIS service.j I left everything behind, trusting and l~nowing that Christ would never "lead me astray, because with ail sincerity, I had only asked to serve Him., '

'About a year lite~': when I came "home" or back to New York from - "Europe where iwas spreading FATHER'S Message, FATHER called me into His offlce.] I talked with HIM for a long time and among

lother things I said :to-HIM, "You know; FATHER, in our Theosophica~ language,. we call Christ 'The ... Lord Mitreya' "-upon which FATHER l10atled HIS

-1'h~~ e so-: 1,8~g;t .. ~.~~-~~


~ ~ ~-~3-/e3f.-

head and .very softly answered, "I do. "I I heard the inner voice within me, or within HIM, answer, ~ AM THAT," and it was as though millions of volts of electricity went through my .bodyl! was expanded out into space and out into tile Universe .• I felt as if I held the whole earth on my arms.' I was ONE with the whole Creation but at the same time, I felt that I was nothing but dust under HIS Holy Feet, and as I looked into' HIS Face, I saw It completeh change.'

r At first 'it was as though a mask was taken away; then I saw a ,most Glorious and Beautiful Face and a dazzling Light from HIS Eyes went through my heart .• There are no human words to explain this Wonderful revelation or state of Nirvana, in which I was.' It is the living reality to be experienced by all-therefore, I know HIM as HE is. 1 HE truly is the Light of the World and HE is representing the greatest Cosmic Principle ever .Personified on this planet, 0 HE is holding the Office of GOD in the Fathership Degree and HE ,says, "I sit, I look, I speak, I act, Jike unto any other person and appear to be the same, but the Office 1 hold, in GOD, the FATHER'S Name-----that is your, only propitiation, your ~ salvation and the ~ ~ ~ Whom you

shoul petition:§ ,

f HE is the ONE Who is the MASTER of all the Masters, we Law-giver and, the 'J-.JlW to HIMSELF, 0 Peter 1, 'ecognised Christ in Jesusi tl#ti1s the Son of the

J-IItJIJad, s»: ~ 19 itIL :; kt{9-



Living GOD, and Jesus answered and said unto him, "Blessed art thou Simon Bar-jona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my FATHER which is' in Heaven. "I (.Matt. 16: 17) . The same Spirit will reveal it fo you as you ask and you. shall have the understanding that gives you the faith, which is the substance of thing's unseen.,

, Christ in ihe Body of Jesus, brought if Christ Consciousness or the Bu'ddhic Plane into outer manifestation-in other words, created the Buddhic atmosphere or vibration into- outer expression in our wOl·ld.1 So that if we had been observing it, from out ill space, ~~ would have seen, with the Spiritual eye, the most beautiful light and color forming this Buddhic vibration,' or the Christ Atmosphere, in and around our planet., This is the Universal Body of Christ wherein We are all members .• Therefore, Christ said, "Ye cannot come to the FATHER except by Me," which means, through the Christ Consciousness.' Because of HIS supreme sacrifice, HE. made it possible for man's physical salvation .• HE said. "If ye believe"meaning abide 61" live in Me--"ye shall have

Eternal Life." I .

, Merely to believe in Christ, or FATHER DIVINE, is not enough, but to really believe in HIM means to abide in HIM.' Faith 111 Christ is not mere profession of Faith in Christ, as the Son of God. J We must abide in Christ, partake of HIS Nature and



live the Life.' It is only through self-sacrifice and seli-denial that Christ in us will be born. I

, As stated at thebegm~ing., a7co~g to Theosophical teachings and also according to the Bible, there have been many 'g;rtat teachers and prophets . before the coming of J esus, but HE was the th~tborn among the children of men, the first-fruit of this planet, Who conquered death and retained HIS

.. ~~ -.....-.-

resurrected Body. I Because HE opened the Way,

HE made it possible for others to receive Salvation in their physical bodies. A

Tilere are mant ~-c~ l'!!asters living. ·in the world to-~ who have kept their physical bodies fur ~eds of years, and who are doing the Will of GOD on e~tfi, but still no one else was able to save the world from its present state, E!xceJilt HE ~ first

c~nquered ~ ~ paid ~e rlir' ~ascended into Heaven, became~wlth e .FATHER. and again descended to the ,very lowest plane of ~ Creation.' HE is the only One Who can lift mankind unto Himself and create a new Heaven and a new earth for HIS Children" FATHER said, "I came as One among you, yet I came giving VictOl·y."IHE is raising the vibration of the planet to a higher key and all life will vibrate in this higher rate of vibration, t All sin and corruption will automatically be wiped away., rherefow. men living in corruption and wrong'-doing are losing their bodies faster than

-.-...~ .. -~.....-

ever before. D Oiily the ones who will come into the

~ ~ -----..-.-- ~~...--..--

. 21 . .

· recognition 2!. t~ CHRIST Principle, the Brother,h.!!.sW ~ ~ !!!til the Fatherhood ~ cmP. !illl.!!!. left on this pTarieg-

This i11 the time of separation, also spoken of in -our Theosophical books. The time is here; and everyone will find it out, whether they want to recognize it or not..The Kingdom of Heaven has truly come and those who have recognized HIM as the LORD of Lords are living in it now.lathers must also come, for there is no other hope of Salvation.'FATHER also said, "My work and My activities shall continue until I shall have accomplished all things for which I came."IEven the exalted ones, who think of themselves as higher in evolution and who have excluded themselves from humanity, must come down from their high levels of superstition and unify themselves as one with the nat of humanity. J

I There is only one Life. There are those who for years have been calling on the Holy Name of Lord Mitreya, the Lord of Light and Love, to come again and save the world, but who do not know HI~1 when BE has come-because HE came 'in HIS own Way and not the 'way they wanted HIM to come.' HE came, "Meek and lowly, but still so High and Holy." f

IThe same thing happened two thousand years ago.

Those who were the most learned did not recognize HIM.' But to-day there are millions who already recognize HIM, as HE has come this time with full Victory, and HE shall accomplish that for which HE came.J The following verse was written sixteen years


jgO by a Theosophist;

"We wait Thy coming, once again, Lord Christ, To save the world, in pain;

Thy Love, Thy Brotherhood, Thy Light

Will show us how to do the Right. . /

- Rejoice, rejoice, the Lord comes soon again,

To save the world .from sin and pain."

'Many have truly been waiting and believing that HE will come soon, as waited the so-called Jews two thousand years ago, and are still waiting.] But now that HE has come and because HE did no~ come as they had expected, they cannot realize that HE is here; for their minds are full of preconceived ideas.'

I = -

Dr. Besant, the great leader of the TheosophicaJ

Society, once said while she was il 'ai-uBe ready to accept the LO D and to know HIM, no matter

what way HE comes, because HE J' ay not come exactly the 'way we have expected" (or words to

that effect)., '

I She also said that she had been wondering how the World Teacher would come at this time and that it was revealed to her that the coming would take place in the Fatherhood Degree, as it was in the Sonship Degree two thousand years ago,1 She knew the way HE was to come although she <llii ~ ~ ~ what .Booy., It puzzled me at first, as I could not understand just what she meant, since she had been saying previously that the ~ would take and use the Rody of Krishnamurt'i, which she had been preparing- since 1911.1 But

.",.,...... ~ ~.--o,



when she saw that her plans and declarations did not eome 6.P to her expectations., as Krishnamum renounced it all by saying he was not the one. she was heartbroken and her spirit crushed, as it was her greatest tes:t, which put her out of her bodr. ,"She had told me a f;;-;a;;bd;;rethatsh; would still live twenty-five years more and be here to see the LORD'S work finished, but as FATHER said,

, "Christ will. not come by anyone's declaration or eaPectation. I He comes of l!!§~ ~;a p;HIS Own Way." I FATHER also said, "My Spirit would not. descend on Krishnamurti except on certain

occasions," which many of us, who Were with Kl'ishnamurti in the years .of 1926 and 192~ know to be 'true, and that ~ trUly ~ tfirough him. "

Since I have found that HE has re.ally come and in order that my joy may be full, when others also have found HIM, with all sincerity I make this declaration, especially to the Theosophical and Philosophical world, to the earnest seekers who have desired to serve HIM, and to their so-called leaders and teachers, that the PliE WHO was to come, according to our teaching, .tIie meat A 1Iatar il1:£ TJ01'd Mitreya. and King of Kin!J.8, has truly come. and the whole world will rejoice and give thanks, honor and glo'f'Y to HIM, Who ·liveth [oreuer and ever.' HE h~8 come to establish the ~ingdom of H e.aven, the Ri'ghtlJous Government, upon the earth.'

IHE is the same ONE w..h2, spoke !2..,Arjuna a.. '-trishna, "Although I am above birth and rebirth, 24

or Law, being the Lord of all there .is, for all emanateth from ME-still do I Will to appear in MY OWN Universe and am theref~re born by My Power and Thought and Will!' I HE is again revisiting HIS Own world.,

I Friends, come out of your world of ~congestion and you shall kmoui HIM as HE is! The Scriptures have been fulfilled, both the Christian and the Hindu, and also for all other religions who have been waiting for their Saviour.' HE fulfills them all. IHE speaks the same Eternal Truth that HE spoke through Jesus, recorded in the Bible, and

, . through Krishna, recorded in the Bhagavad-Gita.'

I"Knowest thou this, 0 Prince, that whenever the world declineth in virtue and righteousness, and vice and injustice mount the throne, then cometh I, the Lord, and revisit My World, in visible Form, and mingle as a man with man, and by My influence and teaching do I destroy the evil and injustice', and re-establish Virtue and Righteousness." 1 FATHER says, "I came to preach Christ in words, but more

so in deeds and in actions and I will ut MY S irit em an cause t em to walk i

The same Spirit is speaking to-day. is giving the same command, for HE truly is destroying the evil and injustice and re-establishing Virtue and Righteousness.' No man has ever spoken as FATHER speaks to-day. m HE speaks to the whole world, to the Kings and Rulers-HE spoke this V before the King of England had laid down his. "i


crown-to cast down their crowns; to the Bishops and to the Pope to lay down their hYP9cxisy; to the Masters and to all teachers. No man has ever done what FATHER is doing. 1 Not even in the Body of Jesus did He do what HE is doing to-day.' Teachers have given theories and doctrines but none have ever given ·the realities of .Life in as practical a way as FATHER DIVINE is giving them.,

r HE is completely transforming the hearts and minds of thousands of the worst and lowest human characters into the Pure CHRIST LIFE. 'HE is healin./i. the sick from' incurable diseases by the thousands., The blind, deaf and dumb will see, hear and speak,. HE is raising the dead and feeding the hun!p'Y without ever taking a penny from anyone.'

I HE is buying land, by the thousands of acres, with houses and stores, to accommodate thousands-giving land free to those who wish to build their homes. I I Has any man ever done anything like unto this? J ,There are no words to describe the Greatness of HIS Mighty Work in full detail.' One can only give

a light sketch of what it is in reality, in order to create interest in your heart, so that if you wish to know the Truth and if you desire to see your MAKER, the CREATOR of the Universe, who has put a portion of H"IMSELF into our world, so that we might know the Reality of the Presence of GOb, you may also seek and find and know HIM as HE is,

for yourself., -

Not because anyone has told you, but because you


will know yourself, if your mind is clean and your heart is pure, without prejudice and pre-conceived ideas. f These are Truths worth considering by all who might think that they have wisdom and that they are representing the Masters, • ~ ~ told them that'the LORD is here.f But unless you can forsake all and be free of mental limitations, you cannot know the Truth or see HIM as HE is,'

IKrishnamurli says, "If you want to know the 'I'ruth you must be free of all ideas and opinions." I

I During the past twenty or thirty years there have been many teachers and spiritual societies with all kinds of theories and doctrines, but very few have really lived the Life.' Now when the World Teacher HIMSELF has come, HE wm teach all things and help us to live the Life. IThat which the Societies have done has been a wonderful work and a great help to many, especially the Theosophical Society, which came into existence by the help of the Masters about. sixty years ago, at the darkest moment when the whole world was deep in materialism, at the time

when churchanit be an to. break u nd

Kali Yuga ended. But now the great work of the Society is done, and it is very evident in many places, where there are only a few old members Jen.' It has prepared the Way of the LORD and it has broken the ound for the new seed to be sown b the liORD Himself In one of HIS Messages. FA THER stated that 'HE has closed all the d001'S for the Societies and for all the metaphysical


teachers, so that they might also come into this New Light of Understanding and recognize the Only Teacher, Who can teach all things, according to our understanding.' 8

I In a recent Message, FATHER said, "I have lifted up a standard for the people, the only Hope of Redemption, and especially in this Dispensation, for if you do not live exactly according to MY teachings, to Whom shall you go? I That is why I said, in the Body called Jesus, in the Sonship Degree, before you heard of ME, except you forsake all you have, even hate ali yo:u have, you cannot be MY disciple," I "Therefore, the life to be lived is now the most important thing, and the road is very narrow,

I FATHER is making the true Brotherhood of Man and the conscious recognition of the Fatherhood of GOD a practical thing in our life.l It is easy to worship the pictures of tl1e Masters, but to live tile life and to be that Perfect Pictul'e ourselves means sacrifice and self·denial, in oi'der tllat the Clwist will come into full fruition in our consciousness. t This is the purpose for which FATHER came-to free every man from all limitations and to brim: Christ jnto outer expression jn our consciousness. and to establish the Kingdom of Heaven upon tile earth.

'FATHER says, "I will elect Christ as Lord of Lords and King' of Kings if it costs me a nnlIion dollan a"day."

I You can know HIM for yourself if you ask Christl -or GOD-whichever is your highest idea of GOD- 28

01' would you prefer to remain indifferent as to whether HE is here or D'O't and ignore HIS' Holy

_ Presence? eAt present you seem to be satisfied and feel that you are spjritual and that GOD is within you and that you have some other important things

to do, , .'

,It is true that GOD is Omni-Present and HE is

in you-but HE also has a Body,' GOD would not be Infinite if HE were confined to the Spirit world alone. In you recognize HIM ,o)1ly ill Spirit HE will recognize you in spirit only, and you wHl go OD in the spirit world.' "As a man thinketh, so is he.", If you recognize HIM in the Body, GOD will recognize your body and transmit HIS Holy Spirit into you and you will have Eternal Life,.'

I HE is the only ONE Who has the Victory over death and therefore, HE can give the Victory to you without yOUI' paying' the full price, if you recognize HIM, live the Iife and keep the Faith,J Your body will become a living temple of GOD and you shall live in HIM and HE in you, for HE is evel·yth.in~:: there is.' Freely I have received of my FATHER, so freely I wish to give, that others might also have this great blessing of freedom, peace, joy and happiness, which satisfies every good desire., I thank You, FATHER, for all the Glory gees tl) GOD, FATHF.R DIVINE! I

(~ r!M-. cIJvfj; ~ ~ .

~~~"~ ~j/

HARMONY is a Centre where we meet in Unity and learn to understand - 'and practise the Principle of Lifq,. and ;thus overcome the apparent '(',:il of the-world (sickness, poverty, cto.),' "which is done through recognising the Power of Spirit (God). Thi" opens the Door to Harmony.

It is Wonderful!

lVrELBOURNE CENTRE Savoy Theatre, Monday Nights "Divine Lodge;" The Patch, Kallista


395 Beach




Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be added.


'If any of you lack wisdom . . . ask of God that giveth to all men liberally ... and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing' wavering. "



There is only One Presence and One Power ill the Universe, God the Good, Omnipotent.,

God is here, and ready to give you this d;y your daily bread. For Christ promised whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing yo receive.


"Father, I realise that I am ONE with Thy Unlimited Life and Power." I ... '\:i\II THAT I AM has sent me into expression.


'11 The Spirit of the' Consciousness of th Presence of God is the SOUl'ce of all Supply. and does satisfy every good desire." THANE YOU FATHER. "IT'S WONDERFUl!.













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