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This module provides an overview of computer organization and architecture. It is assumed that the reader has some basic knowledge of hardware such as logic gates, flip-flops, registers etc. This module is divided into 5 units each emphasizing on the need, organization, and architecture. Examples and block diagrams are provided in each unit to make the reader comfortable. Unit 1 gives an overview structure. Unit 2 describes the addressing methods and instruction execution methods. It includes various instructions, its formats, addressing methods and execution of a computer instructions. Unit 3 describes the organization of hardware which enables a #$% to perform its main function & instruction fetch and instruction execution. This unit shall also introduce the possibilit! of generating control signals in the #$% b! micro -programmed control and an alternative approach called hardwired control. Unit 4 explains different t!pes of memories, its organization and working, also the various techni'ues used to increase the effective speed, reduce the cost and size of main memor!. Unit 5 discusses the various wa!s in which input(output can take place between the #$% and the peripheral devices. The I() methods like $rogrammed I() , *irect emor! +ccess, Interrupt I() , I() channels and I() processors are discussed. This module concentrates on general design and architecture of a computer. ,ith this background the user can go in for an! specific design and architecture and also appreciate the different computer organizations and architectures such as -educed Instruction .et #omputer/-I.#0 #omputer/#I.#0. and #omplex Instruction .et of basic computer organization, which includes emor! - processor interaction and "us

functional components of a computer,

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