04a Countifvlookup

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Excel Countif and Vlookup

File -> Open -> 04b-datastart.xlsx

Click on new tab icon to insert new sheet

Conditional Formatting

Select Sheet1

Select Column G

We want to highlight any cells with a P/E greater than 15

Select Home -> Conditional Formatting

Format cells greater than 15

Click OK

Any P/E greater than 15 is highlighted

Highlight any cells with a Price less than 50

Count, Sum, Average Max, Min

Insert new sheet

Want to find summary stats for Market Cap Type in the following headings

Click Formulas -> AutoSum -> Count Numbers

Inserts the COUNT function

Tell Excel what column you want to count: Go to Sheet 1 and select Column E

Select Column E

Press Enter on keyboard

There are 2496 companies with market capitalisation information in dataset

Select next cell

Select Formulas -> AutoSum -> Sum

Tell Excel what to Sum: Select Sheet1 then Column E and press Enter

Have now calculated the total market capitalisation of all 2496 companies

For market capitalisation calculate: Average Maximum Minimum

Countif and Sumif

We sometimes want summary statistics for different groups e.g. countries

Type in these headings

Select Cell D8, for Countif DE

Select Formulas -> More Functions -> Statistical -> COUNTIF

For Range choose Sheet1 Column D to count the number of observations per country

Click Column D

Click Criteria

For Criteria choose the cell with the country name

Click OK

There are 683 companies from Germany (DE)

For cell E8 select Formulas -> Math & Trig -> SUMIF

For Range choose Sheet1 Column D

Select Column D

Click Criteria

For Criteria choose the cell with the country name

Click Sum_range

For Sum_Range choose Sheet1 Column E as it contains market capitalisation

Select Column E

Click OK

Calculates the total market capitalisation of companies based in Germany

For France, Britain and Ireland use:
Countif to calculate number of companies in each country Sumif to calculate the total market capitalisation of these companies in each country


Select Sheet2

Sometimes we want to extract data from one list into another

Type in the full names of a number of companies featured in main dataset

We want to obtain P/E and TotalReturn data for these companies

Click Formulas -> Lookup & Reference -> VLOOKUP

Lookup_value -> Click on your first companys name

Click on Table_array -> Then open Sheet1 containing data

Select Column headings B to I

Click on Col_index_num and type 6

Click on Range_lookup and type false

Click OK

We have now extracted the P/E ratio for BP from our main dataset

Analyse the VLOOKUP formula to understand how it works

Analyse the VLOOKUP formula to understand how it works

A5 is the value that we want to search for Sheet1!B:I is the dataset that we look in (the first column of your dataset should always be the one which contains the name you are looking for) 6 is the column number in the dataset that we want to find

False is whether we will accept approximate matches

File -> Save As -> 04c-datacompleted.xlsx


Use Vlookup to obtain TotalReturn for your company Repeat for some other companies

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