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1.0 1.1 1.2 Introduction Objectives An overview of system features and components 1.2.1 Motherboard 1.2.2 Processor 1.2.3 Memory 1.2. Ports 1.2.! "us type and s#ots 1.2.$ Mass stora%e 1.2.$.1 1.2.$.2 1.2.$.3 &#oppy dis' drive (ard dis' drive )ompact dis' drive

1.2.* Add+on cards 1.2., Power supp#y 1.3 -ummary 1. .uestions

Most systems are simi#ar/ but a few important differences in system architecture have become more apparent as operatin% environments have increased in popu#arity. Operatin% systems such as O-02 1.1 and 2indows 3.1 re3uire at #east a 2,$ )P4 p#atform on which to run. O-02 2.1/ 3.1 52arp6/ and 2indows 7! wi## run on a 3,$ system/ and 2indows 89 .1 re3uires at #east a ,$ )P4 to run.

(ence/ the Persona# )omputers can be c#assified main#y on the basis of differences in system architecture. And the c#assification main#y depends on the type of hardware used such as the type of processor/ motherboard/ hard dis' contro##er/ f#oppy dis' contro##er/ system memory/ seria# ports/ bus types and s#ots etc. :nowin% and understandin% the differences amon% these hardware p#atforms wi## enab#e you to p#an/ insta##/ and use modern operatin% systems and app#ications more optima##y. A## P)+compatib#e systems can be broad#y c#assified as ,+bit 5P)0;9+c#ass6 systems or 1$0320$ +bit 5A9+c#ass6 systems. 9his unit discusses brief#y the various features and components of a computer system. 9he concept re#ated to the processors/ memory/ motherboard/ buses etc are e1p#ained in view of P)+ compatib#e systems.



At the end of this unit / you wi## be ab#e to 4nderstand the importance of various computer system components such as motherboard/ processor/ memory/ ports/ buses etc. :now the processor wor'in% modes<rea# and protected =escribe memory in terms of physica# and #o%ica# #ayouts =efine terms #i'e > memory ban'/ (MA/ 4MA/ ;MAppreciate the usa%e of I0O ports 4nderstand the construction/ setup and wor'in% of mass stora%e devices 9he type of power supp#y used in computer system 4nderstand the functions of add+on cards


9he )P4/ memory unit and the input0output unit constitute the basic components of a computer system. In order to ma'e these components functiona#/ other supportin% system components and chips such as "IO-/ seria# ports/ para##e# ports/ "uses/ ?A8 cards/ sound cards/ )= @OM drive/ (ard dis' drive etc./ are used. 9hese components determine the capabi#ities of a computin% system. 9he system components are brief#y described be#ow.

9he most important component in a P) system is the motherboard. It contains the )P4/ possib#y a math processor/ the system c#oc'/ the @OM with the system "IO- routines/ @AM/ 'eyboard contro##er/ #o%ic that re#ates to I0O operations and many more e#ectronics. A## e#ectronic components may not mounted be on a sin%#e motherboard. Instead they may be #ocated on an e1pansion board or an adapter card p#u%%ed into a s#ot. -ome systems use a passive desi%n that incorporates the entire system circuitry into a sin%#e mothercard. 9he mothercard is essentia##y a comp#ete motherboard that is desi%ned to p#u% into a s#ot. 9he mothercard concept a##ows the entire system to be easi#y up%raded by chan%in% one or more cards. &i%ure 1.1 shows the #ayout of a typica# motherboard.

A typica# motherboard has severa# options that ref#ects the hardware confi%uration by settin% the switches or jumpers. 9he settin% is throu%h the -A94P uti#ity and stored in )MO- @AM. 9he fo##owin% are some of the confi%uration options avai#ab#e> Monitor type )#oc' speed "us speed Memory on+board Memory type @OM siBe



9he )P4 or processor is the part that ma'es the computer smart. It is a sin%#e inte%rated circuit referred to as a microprocessor. 9he ear#ier microprocessors were Inte# ,0,0 or ,0,$/ they were very s#ow. 9hen came faster mode#s from Inte# such as ,02,$/ ,03,$/ ,0 ,$ and now Pentium processors. Aach of these vary in speed of their operation. 9he A9 compatib#es < ,02,$ onwards/ run in one of the two modes> @ea# mode Protected mode

9he processor comp#e1 is the name of the circuit board that contains the main system processor and any other circuitry direct#y re#ated to it/ such as c#oc' contro#/ cache/ and so forth. 9he processor comp#e1 desi%n a##ows the user to easi#y up%rade the system #ater to a new processor type by chan%in% one card. In effect/ it amounts to a modu#ar motherboard with a rep#aceab#e processor section. ?atest desi%ns a## incorporate the up%radab#e processor. Inte# has desi%ned a## ,$/ Pentium/ Pentium MM;/ and Pentium Pro processors to be up%radab#e to

faster 5sometimes ca##ed Over=rive6 processors in the future by simp#y swappin% 5or addin%6 the new processor chip. )han%in% on#y the processor chip for a faster one is the easiest and %enera##y most cost+effective way to up%rade without chan%in% the entire motherboard.

1.2.3 MEMORY
Memory is the most important component of a computer meant for storin% data and pro%ram instructions. 9he I"M P) architecture does not differentiate between memory used for storin% pro%ram instructions and that used to ho#d data. -o/ the pro%rammer must ensure that a pro%ram does not overwrite parts of itse#f with data. A computer system uses various types of memory such as semiconductor memories/ f#oppy dis'/ hard dis' and )=+@OM etc. =ifferent address schemes and memory contro##ers are a#so used. 9he memory can be described in terms of physica# and #o%ica# #ayouts.


9he )P4 and motherboard architecture dictates a computerCs physica# memory capacity. 9he ,0,, and ,0,$/ with 20 address #ines/ can use as much as 1M 5102 :6 of @AM. 9he 2,$ and 3,$-; )P4s have 2 address #inesD they can 'eep trac' of as much as 1$M of memory. 9he 3,$=;/ ,$/ Pentium/ Pentium+ MM;/ and Pentium Pro )P4s have a fu## set of 32 address #inesD they can 'eep trac' of E of memory/ whi#e the Pentium II with 3$ address #ines can mana%e an impressive $ EF @AM chips can be physica##y inte%rated into the motherboard or adapter board in severa# forms. O#der systems used individua# memory chips/ ca##ed dua# in+#ine pac'a%e 5=IP6 chips/ that were p#u%%ed into soc'ets or so#dered direct#y to a board. Most modern systems use a 30+ or *2+pin memory pac'a%e ca##ed a sin%#e in+#ine memory modu#e 5-IMM ). In addition/ many newer motherboards use a 1$,+pin pac'a%e ca##ed dua# in+#ine memory modu#e 5=IMM ).

A ban' is the sma##est amount of memory that can be addressed by the processor at one time and usua##y corresponds to the data bus width of the processor. Memory chips 5=IPs/ -IMMs/ -IPPs/ and =IMMs6 are or%aniBed in ban's on motherboards and memory cards. In order to add memory to the system./ it is necessary to 'now the ban' #ayout..


9here are different 'inds of memory insta##ed on a modern P)/ such as )onventiona# 5"ase6 memory 4pper Memory Area 54MA6 (i%h Memory Area 5(MA6 A1tended memory 5;M-6 A1panded memory 5obso#ete6 Gideo @AM memory 5part of 4MA6 Adapter @OM and -pecia#+Purpose @AM 5part of 4MA6 Motherboard @OM "IO- 5part of 4MA6

&i%ure 1.2 shows the #o%ica# address #ocations for a P)+compatib#e system. If the processor is runnin% in rea# mode/ on#y the first me%abyte is accessib#e. If the processor is in protected mode/ the fu## 1$D /07$D or $!/!3$M are accessib#e. Aach symbo# is e3ua# to 1: of memoryD each #ine or se%ment is $ :D and this map shows the first two me%abytes of system memory. CONVENTIONAL (BASE MEMORY 9he ori%ina# P)0;9+type system was desi%ned to use 1M of memory wor'space/ sometimes ca##ed @AM 5random access memory ). 9his 1M of @AM is divided into severa# sections/ some of which have specia# uses. =O- can read and write to the entire me%abyte/ but can mana%e the #oadin% of pro%rams on#y in the portion of @AM space ca##ed conventiona# memory/ which at the time the first P) was

introduced was !12:. 9he other !12: was reserved for use by the system itse#f/ inc#udin% the motherboard and adapter boards p#u%%ed into the system s#ots. I"M decided after introducin% the system that on#y 3, : was needed for these reserved uses/ and the company be%an mar'etin% P)s with $ 0: of user memory. 9hus/ $ 0: became the standard for memory that can be used by =Ofor runnin% pro%rams/ and is often termed the $ 0: memory barrier. 9he remainin% memory after $ 0: was reserved for use by the %raphics boards/ other adapters/ and the motherboard @OM "IO-.


9he term 4pper Memory Area 54MA6 describes the reserved 3, : at the top of the first me%abyte of system memory on a P)0;9 and the first me%abyte on an A9+type system. &IE. 1.2 shows the #o%ica# memory map of the first 2M. 9his memory has the addresses from A0000 throu%h &&&&&. 9he notations used> . H Pro%ram+accessib#e memory 5standard @AM6 E H Eraphics Mode Gideo @AM M H Monochrome 9e1t Mode Gideo @AM ) H )o#or 9e1t Mode Gideo @AM G H Gideo @OM "IO- 5wou#d be IaI in P-026 a H Adapter board @OM and specia#+purpose @AM 5free 4MA space6 r H Additiona# P-02 Motherboard @OM "IO- 5free 4MA in non+P-02 systems6 @ H Motherboard @OM "IOb H I"M )assette "A-I) @OM 5wou#d be I@I in I"M compatib#es6 h H (i%h Memory Area 5(MA6/ if (IMAM.-J- is #oaded. &i%ure 1.2 #o%ica# memory maps C!"#$"%&!"'( (B')$ M$*!+,:0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F--000000:................................................................ 010000:................................................................ 020000:................................................................ 030000:................................................................ 040000:................................................................ 050000:................................................................ 060000:................................................................ 070000:................................................................ 080000:................................................................ 090000:................................................................

U..$+ M$*!+, A+$' (UMA :0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F--0A0000:GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 0B0000:MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC :0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F--0C0000:VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 0D0000:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F--0E0000:rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 0F0000:RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRRRRRRRR

E/%$"0$0 M$*!+,:0---1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---D---E---F--100000:hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

E/%$"0$0 M$*!+, S.$1&2&1'%&!" (3MS M$*!+,:

110000:................................................................ 120000:................................................................ 130000:................................................................ 140000:................................................................ 150000:................................................................ 160000:................................................................ 170000:................................................................ 180000:................................................................ 190000:................................................................ 1A0000:................................................................ 1B0000:................................................................ 1C0000:................................................................ 1D0000:................................................................ 1E0000:................................................................ 1F0000:................................................................

NOTE- 9o save space/ this map is ended after the end of the second me%abyte. In rea#ity/ this map continues to the ma1imum of addressab#e memory. 9he way the 3, : of upper memory is used brea's down as fo##ows> 9he first 12,: after conventiona# memory is ca##ed Gideo @AM. It is reserved for use by video adapters. 2hen te1t and %raphics are disp#ayed on+screen/ the e#ectronic impu#ses that contain their ima%es reside in this

space. Gideo @AM is a##otted the address ran%e from A0000+"&&&&. 9he ne1t 12,: is reserved for the adapter "IO- that resides in read+on#y memory chips on some adapter boards p#u%%ed into the bus s#ots. Most GEA+compatib#e video adapters use the first 32: of this area for their on+ board "IO-. 9he rest can be used by any other adapters insta##ed. Many networ' adapters a#so use this area for specia# purpose @AM ca##ed -hared Memory. Adapter @OM and specia# purpose @AM is a##otted the address ran%e from )0000+=&&&&. 9he #ast 12,: of memory is reserved for motherboard "IO-/ 5the basic input0output system/ which is stored in read+on#y @AM chips or @OM6. 9he PO-9 5Power+On -e#f 9est6 and bootstrap #oader/ which hand#es your system at bootup unti# the operatin% system ta'es over/ a#so reside in this space. Most systems on#y use the #ast $ : 5or #ess6 of this space/ #eavin% the first $ : or more free for re+mappin% with memory mana%ers. -ome systems a#so inc#ude the )MO- -etup pro%ram in this area. 9he motherboard "IO- is a##otted the address ran%e from A0000+&&&&&.

3MS M$*!+,
In an A9 system/ the memory map e1tends beyond the 1M boundary and can continue to 1$M on a system based on the 2,$ or hi%her processor/ E 5 /07$M6 on a 3,$=; or hi%her/ or as much as $ E 5$!/!3$M6 on a Pentium II. A1tended memory is basica##y a## memory past the first me%abyte/ which can on#y be accessed whi#e the processor is in protected mode. 9he e1tended memory specification 5;M-6 was deve#oped in 17,* by Microsoft/ Inte#/ A-9 )orp./ and ?otus =eve#opment to specify how pro%rams wou#d use e1tended memory.

T4$ H&54 M$*!+, A+$' (HMA

is an area of memory 1$ bytes short of $ : in siBe/ startin% at the be%innin% of the first me%abyte of e1tended memory. It can be used to #oad device drivers and memory+resident pro%rams to free up conventiona# memory for use by rea# mode pro%rams. On#y one device driver or memory+resident pro%ram can be #oaded into (MA at one time/ no matter what its siBe.

"IO- stands for "asic Input Output -ystem. It is the #ow + #eve# system software that reside on a @ead On#y Memory 5@OM6 chip in the P). 9he "IOpro%rams is a set of routines for dea#in% with input0output devices such as 'eyboard/ disp#ay/ dis's and seria# and para##e# ports. Pro%rams can access these devices by ca##in% the "IO- routines/ and need not be aware of differences between machines that cou#d the way input0output is performed. 9hus/ "IO- enab#es various software to access the P)Ks hardware.


Port is a Lp#aceK for #oadin% and un#oadin% of data in a system. 9he I0O ports resemb#e memory addresses. 9hey a##ow the computer to communicate with periphera# devices such as modem/ 'eyboard. A#on% with data transfer to and from )P4 and periphera#s they are a#so used to set up and contro# the hardware/ and %et information about its status. 9he I0O ports can seria# or para##e# port dependin% on the type of communication.

A seria# port is one throu%h which data is transmitted or received bit by bit. It is a#so referred to as an @-+232) port or communications port. 9he seria# ports are based on a chip ca##ed 4A@9 < 4niversa# Asynchronous @eceiver 9ransmitter. It may be bui#t onto the motherboard or it may be a part of a mu#tifunction

e1pansion card. 9he I"M P) architecture a##ows up to four seria# ports to insta##ed in a P). 9hey are accessed via =O- as )OM1 throu%h )OM .

9he I0O port addresses are> )OM1 > 03&,( < 03&&( )OM2 > 02&,( < 02&&( )OM3 > 03A,( < 03A&( )OM > 02A,( < 02A&( 9his port is the most versati#e I0O port on a P) and it is used for interfacin% modems/ 'eyboard/ seria# printers/ p#otters to the system.

9his port is used to transmit or receive data bits in para##e#/ at the same time. -o/ they can achieve hi%her data rates than seria# interfaces. 9he para##e# port is essentia##y intended to be a one way path from computer to printer. -ince/ a#most a## P) users consider printer to be essentia#/ most manufacturers now bui#d a para##e# interface on to the motherboard. 9he I"M P) architecture supports up to three para##e# ports. 4nder =O- they are ca##ed ?P91 5or P@86/ ?P92/ and ?P93. 9hese ports have addresses 03")( < 03"A(/ 03*,( < 03*A(/ and 02*,( < 02*A( respective#y.

Interrupt re3uest channe# or the hardware interrupts are used by various devices to re3uest the )P4 for their services


"4- refers to a %roup of wires that carry various si%na#s and interconnect different components in a system. A P) has many 'inds of buses and the main ones are the Processor bus/ memory bus and the I0O bus. 9he bus s#ots determines the 'ind of e1pansion circuit boards that wi## wor' in the system.

A P) has many 'inds of buses/ Processor bus I0O bus Memory bus


9his bus is used to transfer data between the )P4 and the main system bus or between the )P4 and an e1terna# memory cache. &i%ure 1.3 shows this bus .


External cache

Main system bus &IE. 1.3 9he processor bus. 9he processor bus is further divided into three types> the address bus/ data bus and contro# bus. 9he '00+$)) 9:) is unidirectiona#/ and used to address the memory and other devices. 9he 0'%' 9:) is a bi+directiona#/ and is used to e1chan%e the data from )P4 to memory or any other device. 9he 1!"%+!( 9:) is used to carry contro# information from )P4 to other devices. Most systems have an e1terna# cache for the )P4D these caches have typica##y been emp#oyed in a## systems that use the Pentium/ Pentium MM;/ Pentium Pro/ and Pentium II chips. In a Pentium+based system/ the processor bus has $ data #ines/ 32 address #ines/ and associated contro# #ines. 9he processor bus operates at the same base c#oc' rate as the )P4 does e1terna##y. 9his can be mis#eadin% as most )P4s these days run interna##y at a

hi%her c#oc' rate than they do e1terna##y. &or e1amp#e/ a Pentium 100 system has a Pentium )P4 runnin% at 100M(B interna##y/ but on#y $$.$M(B e1terna##y.

9o determine the transfer rate for the processor bus often ca##ed the bandwidth of the bus/ the data width 5$ bits for a Pentium chips6 is mu#tip#ied by the c#oc' speed of the bus. A1amp#e/ consider a Pentium chip that runs at a $$M(B motherboard speed/ and its data width of $ bits. 9he ma1imum instantaneous transfer rate is ca#cu#ated by usin% the formu#a> $$M(B 1 $ bits H /22 Mbit0sec /22 Mbit0sec M , H !2,M0sec.


9he memory bus is used to transfer information between the )P4 and main memory++the @AM in your system. 9his bus is either a part of the processor bus itse#f/ or in most cases is imp#emented separate#y by a dedicated chipset that is responsib#e for transferrin% information between the processor bus and the memory bus. In virtua##y a## systems that are 1$M(B or faster/ there wi## be a specia# memory contro##er chipset that contro#s the interface between the faster processor bus and the s#ower main memory. 9his chipset typica##y is the same chipset that is responsib#e for mana%in% the I0O bus.


9he address bus actua##y is a subset of the processor and memory buses. In our discussion of the processor bus/ you #earned that a Pentium system bus consists of $ data #ines/ 32 address #ines 53$ in a Pentium Pro or Pentium II6/ and a few contro# #ines. 9hese address #ines constitute the address busD 9he address bus is used to indicate what address in memory or what address on the system bus are to be used in a data transfer operation. 9he address bus indicates precise#y where the ne1t bus transfer or memory transfer wi## occur. 9he siBe of the memory bus a#so contro#s the amount of memory that the )P4 can address direct#y.


9he I0O bus or e1pansion s#ots are those that enab#es the )P4 to communicate with periphera# devices. 9he bus and its associated e1pansion s#ots are needed because basic systems cannot possib#y satisfy a## the needs of a## the peop#e who buy them. 9he I0O bus enab#es you to add devices to your computer to e1pand its capabi#ities. 9he most basic computer components/ such as sound cards and video cards/ can be p#u%%ed into e1pansion s#otsD you a#so can p#u% in more specia#iBed devices/ such as networ' interface cards/ -)-I host adapters/ and others. In most modern P) systems/ a variety of basic periphera# devices and chips are bui#t into the motherboard such as/ dua# 5primary and secondary6 I=A contro##ers/ a f#oppy contro##er/ two seria# ports/ and a para##e# port/ video adapter/ -)-I host adapter/ or networ' interfaceD in such a system/ an e1pansion s#ot on the I0O bus is probab#y not needed. 8everthe#ess/ these bui#t+in contro##ers and ports sti## use the I0O bus to communicate with the )P4. In essence/ even thou%h they are bui#t in/ they act as if they are cards p#u%%ed into the systemCs bus s#ots. A#thou%h some P) systems provide on#y a sin%#e e1pansion s#ot/ most provide up to ei%ht s#ots on the motherboard. 9his s#ot typica##y is ca##ed a riser card s#ot. 9he riser card that p#u%s into it in turn has e1pansion s#ots on its sides. -tandard adapter cards are insta##ed in the riser card/ meanin% that the adapter cards end up bein% para##e# to the motherboard rather than perpendicu#ar to it. @iser cards are used when a vendor wants to produce a computer that is shorter in hei%ht than norma#.


8ewer bus types use a techno#o%y ca##ed bus masterin% to speed up the system. In essence/ a bus master is an adapter with its own processor that can e1ecute operations independent#y of the )P4. 9o wor' proper#y/ bus+masterin% techno#o%y re#ies on an arbitration unit/ most often ca##ed an inte%rated system periphera# 5I-P6 chip. 9he I-P enab#es a bus+mastered board to temporari#y ta'e e1c#usive contro# of the system/ as thou%h the board were the entire system. "ecause the board has e1c#usive contro# of the system/ it can perform operations very 3uic'#y. A bus+masterin% hard drive contro##er/ for e1amp#e/ achieves much %reater data throu%hput with a fast drive than can contro##er cards that are not bus+mastered. 9he I-P determines which device %ains contro# by usin% a four+ #eve# order of priority> =MA transfers -ystem+memory refresh/ the )P4 itse#f/ "us masters/


-ince the introduction of the first P)/ many I0O buses have been introduced. 9he reason is 3uite simp#e> &aster I0O speeds are necessary for better system performance. 9his need for hi%her performance invo#ves three main areas> 1. &aster )P4s re3uirements Aach of these areas re3uires the I0O bus to be as fast as possib#e. -urprisin%#y/ virtua##y a## P) systems shipped today sti## incorporate the same basic bus architecture I-A of I"M P)0A9. (owever/ most of these systems now a#so inc#ude a second hi%h+speed #oca# I0O bus such as G?+"us or P)I/ which offer much %reater performance for adapters that need it. 9he different I0O buses that can be identified by their architecture are I-A P)I ?oca# "us P) )ard 5former#y P)M)IA6 &ire2ire 5IAAA+137 6 2. Increasin% software demands 3. Ereater mu#timedia

Micro )hanne# Architecture 5M)A6 AI-A 4niversa# -eria# "us 54-"6 GA-A ?oca# "us 5G?+"us6

9he differences amon% these buses consist primari#y of the amount of data that they can transfer at one time and the speed at which they can do it. Aach bus architecture is imp#emented by a chipset that is connected to the processor bus. 9he fo##owin% sections describe the different types of P) buses very brief#y.


I-A/ which is an acronym for Industry -tandard Architecture/ is the bus architecture that was introduced as an ,+bit bus with the ori%ina# I"M P) in 17,1 and #ater e1panded to 1$ bits with the I"M P)0A9 in 17, . I-A is the basis of the modern persona# computer and the primary architecture used in the vast majority of P) systems on the mar'et today. It may seem amaBin% that such a seemin%#y anti3uated architecture is used in todayCs hi%h+performance systems/ but this is true for reasons of re#iabi#ity/ affordabi#ity/ and compatibi#ity/ p#us this o#d bus is sti## faster than many of the periphera#s that we connect to itF 9wo versions of the I-A bus e1ist/ based on the number of data bits that can be transferred on the bus at a time. 9he o#der version is an ,+bit busD the newer version is a 1$+bit bus. 9he ori%ina# ,+bit version ran at .**M(B in the P) and ;9. 9he 1$+bit version used in the A9 ran at $M(B and then ,M(B


9he introduction of 32+bit )P4/ posed a prob#em to hand#e the data by I-A/ because it can hand#e the data up to 1$+bits on#y. -o/ instead of e1pandin% the I-A bus/ I"M introduced a new bus ca##ed Micro )hanne# "us 5M)A6.

M)A runs asynchronous#y with the main processor/ has no jumpers and switches++neither on the motherboard nor on any e1pansion adapter. It supports bus masterin% which improves its performance over the I-A buses.


9he AI-A bus is a successor to the I-A bus. It provides 32+bit s#ots for use with 32+bit processor. 9his s#ot has many capabi#ities of the M)A adapters and a#so supports o#der adapters of I-A standard. It provides faster hard drive throu%h bus when used with devices such as -)-I bus masterin% hard dis' contro##ers.


9he P)I bus uses the system bus/ by passin% the standard bus to increase the bus c#oc' speed and ta'e fu## advanta%e of )P4Ks data+path. It is compatib#e to Pentium systems. Information is transferred across the P)I bus at 33 M(B at the fu## data width of the )P4. 9he P)I bus can operate concurrent#y with the processor bus. (ence an advanta%e with re%ard to the speed of data transfer.


9he Persona# )omputer Memory )ard Internationa# Association bus is used to %ive #aptop and noteboo' computers the re3uired s#ots to add memory e1pansion cards/ fa10modems/ -)-I adapters/ ?A8 cards etc.


It inc#udes f#oppy dis's/ hard dis's/ compact dis' @OMs and =G=s a## meant for storin% data. Aach of these device need drive5s6 for accessin% the data. =rive is that hardware which supports these dis's. ?et us describe each one of them brief#y>


&#oppies are secondary stora%e devices/ which are very cost effective to use. 9he f#oppy dis' subsystem consists of various components #i'e f#oppy dis' drive/

a f#oppy dis' contro##er/ the cab#e connectin% the drive to the contro##er board and the f#oppy dis'ettes. =rives and dis's used in P)+compatib#e systems are divided into two c#asses> ! 10 +inch and 3 102+inch. A## f#oppy drives/ re%ard#ess of type/ consist of severa# basic common components. 9o proper#y insta## and service a dis' drive/ you must be ab#e to identify these components and understand their function A f#oppy dis' drive norma##y has two read0write heads one for each side of the dis'/ which ma'es it a doub#e+sided drive. 9he head actuator is a mechanica# motor device that causes the heads to move in and out over the surface of a dis'. 9he -pind#e Motor spins the dis' with the speed of rotation dependin% on the type of drive. 9he circuit boards contains the circuitry used to contro# the head actuator/ read0write heads/ spind#e motor/ dis' sensors/ and any other components on the drive 9he facep#ate is the p#astic piece that comprises the front of the drive. 9hese pieces/ usua##y removab#e/ come in different co#ors and confi%urations A## dis' drives have at #east two connectors++one for power to run the drive/ and the other to carry the contro# and data si%na#s to and from the drive. A &#oppy =is' )ontro##er 5&=)6 is a device contro##er which a##ows the

interchan%e of information between the system memory/ )P4 and the f#oppy dis' drive. 9his device contro##er can support up to four &==s. 9he main functions of &=) is to provide circuitry and contro# functions for interfacin% processor to &==s/ to support doub#e density recordin%/ provide error detection techni3ues and support for writin%/ de#etin%/ see'in% etc. A 1'9($/ usua##y a 3 +wire ribbon connects the &=) to the &==.


&#oppy drives can be removed in fo##owin% manner> 1. 2. 3. . 9urn off the power and remove power connection remove screws from mountin% brac'ets remove data connection s#ide the drive out of mountin% bay

Insta##in% &==s re3uires to setup or confi%ure a new f#oppy drive throu%h the fo##owin% steps 5however insta##ation of 3.! inch &==s are s#i%ht#y different6 1. turn off the power and remove the power cab#e from the soc'et. @emove the system unit cover + terminate the drive proper#y 2. remove the b#an'in% p#ate attached to the drive bay 3. set the drive se#ect jumper . se#ect system @eady0=is' chan%e !. s#ide the drive into the case/ connect the drive to the cab#eKs twisted or non+ twisted connector appropriate#y $. attach the power connector *. insta## the mountin% screws ,. rep#ace the system unit cover and power up the system and test the drive 9he usua# causes for the fau#ts in &==s are bad media/ dirty read0write heads/ misa#i%ned drives/ and fau#ty drive e#ectronics or contro##ers. 9o overcome this &==s must be cared proper#y < maintenance.


A hard dis' drive contains ri%id/ dis'+shaped p#atters usua##y constructed of a#uminum or %#ass. 4n#i'e f#oppy dis's/ the p#atters cannot bend or f#e1++hence the term hard dis'. 9he basic structure of a hard dis' is simi#ar to that of a dis'ette/ the major differences between the hard dis' and f#oppy dis' bein% that the hard dis' has more than two sides/ can ho#d much more data and is much more faster. Physica##y/ the hard dis' has severa# dis's or p#atters mounted vertica##y on the spind#e. 9he number of p#atters depend on the type of the hard dis'. Aach p#atter has a two read0write head. Aach side of the p#atter is divided into concentric

trac's. A## of the same trac's on each p#atter are co##ective#y 'nown as cy#inder. &urther/ trac's are divided into sectors. 9he fi%ure 1. shows the main components of (==> p#atters/ @ead02rite heads/ (ead Actuators/ spind#e motor. As with f#oppy dis's/ =O- stores hard dis' fi#es in c#usters or a##ocation units. )#uster siBe on hard dis' varies/ but it is typica##y / ,/ or 1$ sectors. 9o read from 5or write to 6 a fi#e/ =O- must convert the c#uster number to cy#inder/ head/

and sector number. It must then issue a "IO- function ca## with these as parameters. Information about the drive is he#d in a drive tab#e/ which is a part of system "IO-/ and is accessed usin% the drive type number. Many compatib#es have entries for up to $ drive types and many machines even have a user+ definab#e drive type. 9he user can enter the characteristics via the -A94P uti#ity. &i%ure 1. showin% (==

H'+0 D&)= C!"%+!(($+ (HDC Is the hardware which is used to communicate with the hard dis'. 9he speed of the system main#y depends on this. Inte%rated =rive A#ectronics 5I=A6 and -ma## )omputer -ystem Interface 5-)-I6 are the most common type of (ard dis' contro##ers in modern computers. -)-I offers %reat e1pandabi#ity/ cross+p#atform compatibi#ity/ hi%h capacity/ performance/ and f#e1ibi#ity. I=A is #ess e1pensive than -)-I and a#so offers a very hi%h+ performance so#ution/ but e1pansion/ compatibi#ity/ capacity/ and f#e1ibi#ity are more #imited compared with -)-I. -)-I offers some additiona# performance potentia# with a mu#tithreaded O- #i'e 2indows 89 or O-02/ but I=A offsets this with a #ower overhead direct system bus attachment.


"efore a hard dis' can be used to store data/ it must under%o three types of preparations ?O2 ?AGA? &O@MA99I8E PA@9IO8I8E (IE( ?AGA? &O@MA99I8E


It is performed by the dis' contro##er card. It divides each p#atter into trac's/ each of which contains 1* sectors/ and each sector ho#ds !12 bytes of data. 9his format writes a number of mar's to each sector/ #i'e the sector address/ synchroniBation bytes/ and %ap bytes that comprise the space between the sectors to %ive the dis' contro##er a bit more time to read the sectors. 9he #ow #eve# format imposes a numberin% scheme on the sectors based on the coordinates of side/ cy#inder/ and sector. 9his information is based on the @OM "IO- of the motherboard.


9his is done throu%h =O- command 5&=I-:6. 9his pro%ram divides the dis' into one or more partitions. Aach partition has I= fie#d 5=O-/?inu16. One of these is mar'ed as active < boot from this partition. 9hus/ different operatin% system wi## reside in mar'ed partitions.


It is accomp#ished by the &O@MA9 )OMMA8=. 9his command creates the =Oreserved area on the dis' and divides the sector not inc#uded in the reserved area into units ca##ed c#usters. 9he =O- reserved area stores the information on the structure of the dis' and the fi#es on it.


9he fo##owin% steps are fo##owed to remove a hard dis' from the system 9urn off the power and disconnect the power cab#e from the soc'et. @emove the system unit cover. @emove the drive mountin% screws and s#ide the drive out @emove the data and power cab#e connections from the drive 9he fo##owin% steps are fo##owed to insta## a hard drive in an I"M+compatib#e system> )onfi%ure the drive )onfi%ure the contro##er or interface Physica##y insta## the drive )onfi%ure the system ?ow+#eve# format the drive 5not re3uired with I=A and -)-I6 Partition the drive (i%h+#eve# format the drive 9o be%in the setup procedure/ you need to 'now severa# detai#s about the hard dis' drive/ contro##er or host adapter/ and system @OM "IO-/ as we## as most of the other devices in the system. 9his information usua##y appears in the various OAM manua#s that come with these devices. -ome common fau#ts associated with (== are =rive not formatted

)MO- @AM drive type incorrect or #ost 5A96 =is' boot error @ead0write error "ad sectors


9he )=+@OM 5compact disc read+on#y memory6 is an optica# stora%e medium capab#e of ho#din% up to $,2M of data 5appro1imate#y 333/000 pa%es of te1t6/ * minutes of hi%h+fide#ity audio/ or some combination of the two. Accessin% data from a )=+@OM is 3uite a bit faster than f#oppy dis' but considerab#y s#ower than a modern hard drive. 9he term )=+@OM refers to both the discs themse#ves and the drive that reads them. 9he )=+@OM drive operations are described in the fo##owin% manner> 1. 9he #aser diode emits a #ow+ener%y infrared beam toward a ref#ectin% mirror. 2. 9he servo motor/ on command from the microprocessor/ positions the beam onto the correct trac' on the )=+@OM by movin% the ref#ectin% mirror. 3. 2hen the beam hits the disc/ its refracted #i%ht is %athered and focused throu%h the first #ens beneath the p#atter/ bounced off the mirror/ and sent toward the beam sp#itter. . 9he beam sp#itter directs the returnin% #aser #i%ht toward another focusin% #ens. !. 9he #ast #ens directs the #i%ht beam to a photo detector that converts the #i%ht into e#ectric impu#ses. $. 9hese incomin% impu#ses are decoded by the microprocessor and sent a#on% to the host computer as data. T4$ CD-ROM 0+&#$ ).$1&2&1'%&!") inc#ude the data transfer rate/ access time/ interna# cache or buffers. 9here are three different types of interfaces avai#ab#e for attachin% a )=+@OM drive to your system. 9hey are> -)-I0A-PI 5-ma## )omputer -ystem Interface/ Advanced -)-I Pro%rammin% Interface6

I=A0A9API 5Inte%rated =rive A#ectronics0A9 Attachment Pac'et Interface6 Proprietary

DVD (D&5&%'( V$+)'%&($ D&)1

9he future of )=+@OM is ca##ed =G= 5=i%ita# Gersati#e =isc6. 9his is a new standard that dramatica##y increases the stora%e capacity of/ and therefore the usefu# app#ications for/ )=+@OMs. 9he prob#em with current )=+@OM techno#o%y is that it is severe#y #imited in stora%e capacity. A )=+@OM can on#y ho#d a ma1imum of about $,0M of data/ which may sound #i'e a #ot/ but is simp#y not enou%h for many up and comin% app#ications/ especia##y where the use of video is concerned.


)ards #i'e video card/ networ' card/ sound card etc. are inserted motherboard/ app#ications. to the

to increase the capabi#ities of a computer system for varied

9he video board or video card determines the 'ind of software that can be run on a system and the time re3uired to disp#ay the data on the monitor screen. 9hey decide the co#or and the number of pi1e#s 5picture e#ements6 that can be disp#ayed on the screen. 9he common#y avai#ab#e video boards are Monochrome =isp#ay Adapter 5M=A6/ )o#or Eraphics Adapter 5)EA6/ Anhanced Eraphics Adapter 5AEA6/ Gideo Eraphics Array 5GEA6 etc.

9his is an essentia# card that may be inserted into the P)/ when P)Ks need to communicate with each other and share resources over a #oca# area networ'. -ome e1amp#es inc#ude Athernet/ 9o'en @in%/ and A@) 8et.

9his card is it is inserted in to the P) and used when it is re3uired to reproduce sound and music on a P). A sound card in combination with a )=+@OM and audio interface/ can p#ay music. 9he sounds are recorded and reproduced either with &M synthesis/ MI=I contro# or wave tab#es.


Most of the computers emp#oy a separate switch mode power supp#y 5-MP-6/ which is connected to the motherboard and other boards via a connector. -MPprovides direct current 5dc6 power supp#ies of N!v to the motherboard and N12v for other #o%ic circuits. (owever/ it a#so supp#ies <!v and <12v for other chips.



9his unit e1amined the main components of a P) compatib#e system/ how they fit to%ether/ and how they wor'. 9he concepts re#ated to )P4/ memory/ and I0O ports/ "uses/ motherboard/ add+on cards/ mass stora%e devices/ -MP- etc. were brief#y dea#t. (ardware desi%n is a comp#icated subject to be dea#t in few pa%es. (owever/ this unit has %iven you an insi%ht to a## these.


the importance of a motherboard as an important system

1. "rin% out

component of a computer. 2. 2hat is the difference between physica# memory and #o%ica# memoryO 3. A1p#ain the terms> memory ban'/ "IO-/ conventiona# memory/ (MA/ 4MA/ ;M. 2hat is the importance of seria# and para##e# ports in a P)O !. 2hat is an e1pansion s#otO "rief#y state its use. $. 2hat is "us masterin%O

*. 8ame any two popu#ar bus architecture. ,. 2hat are mass stora%e devicesO Eive e1amp#es. 7. 2hat do you mean by formattin% a hard dis'O =escribe the necessary steps invo#ved. 10. "rief#y e1p#ain the operations invo#ved in a )=+@OM drive. 11. 2hat are add+on cardsO 2hy are they usedO Eive e1amp#es.

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