Scope Notes

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Consultant Is a pofessional (individual or a firm) engaged in the practice of engineering, technically qualified by education and experience, and motivated

by personal responsibility, and professional integ rity, to confine practice within capabilities. Because of the importance of qualification and experience, the consulting engine er must be registered, and licensed as a professional engineer, more over, he may be categorised in relation to size of p rojects that he can implement, according to law of the country in which he practises and accepts legal responsibility for se rvices performed. Consultant in FIDIC means the party named in the agreement, who is employed as a n independent professional firm by the Client to perform the services and legal successors to the Consultant and pe rmitted assignees. Main Obligations of the Consultant: To provide economically viable Services, intangible commodities, and in FIDIC me ans the Services to be performed by the Consultant in accordance with the agreement and comprise Normal services, Additional services and Exceptional. Scope of Services The Consultant shall perform services relating to the project. The Scope of the Services is stated in Appendix A (2006). These Services may include: Normal, Additional and Exceptional Services. Normal Services Reporting Stage: 1. Preparation and submission of a report embodying preliminary proposals or fea sibility studies. 2. Inspection of the Project Site 3. Preliminary Investigations 4. Route Locations 5. Advice about the regulatory and statutory requirements 6. Need for surveys, analyses, tests and site or other investigations 7. Searching for, obtaining, investigating collating available data, drawings an d plans relating to works Preliminary design stage: Following the Client's instructions to proceed, Development of preliminary propo sals or the basic planning of the project comprising all or any of the following: 1. Submission of a basic planning report, 2. Establishment of final design criteria 3. Advice to the Client, as may be necessary, on the engagement and delineation of the services of other consultants and advisors 4. Preparation and submission to the client of any preliminary plans or inceptio n reports Design and Tender Stage: 1. Preparation of detail designs, tender documents and construction drawings 2. Preparation of specifications and schedules of quantities for engineering wor ks 3. Drafting or adapting invitations to tender, tender conditions, forms of tende r and conditions of contract, advising the client on tender strategies and suitable contractors 4. Analysis of tenders and submissions recommendations on the acceptance of tend

ers Working Drawing stage: 1. The Consultant shall provide working drawings in which includes full informat ion, dimensions, connection and details to such an extent that no further designs by contractor or other parties are required. Construction Stage: The overall contract administration and co-ordination, as well as construction m onitoring of the execution of the works in accordance with the contract including all or any of the following: 1. Giving instructions for the Works on behalf of the Client 2. Directing construction monitoring operations 3. Checking contractor's drawings of structure, plant, equipment and systems of works for conformity with design requirements 4. Issuing certificates or recommendations for payment of contractors and submit ting regular reports regarding works, finances and anticipated dates 5. Agree final quantities with contractors, compiling final accounts and issuing final payment certificates etc Additional Services: These services may be pertaining to all stages of the project, as enquires not d irectly concered with works, valuation for purchase, slae or leasing of plant, equipment etc... Additional Services may be resulting from: 1. Project Changes 2. Alterations or instructions by the Client requiring the Consultant to advise upon review, adapt and alter his completed designs and any other documentation and change the scope of his se rvices Such additional services are subject to agreement in writing between consultant and client The client shall pay the consultant for additional services at rates and prices which are given in or based conditions and details in Appendix C as far as they are applicable but otherwise it must agree in accordan ce with Variations Clause Exceptional Services: 1. Upon occurrence of circumstances described in clause 26 2. Upon abandonment or suspension or resumption of services or termination of th e agreement 3. Under provisions of Clause 27.1 (ii) 1st conditions: - Circumstances arise for which the consultant is not responsible . - These circumstances make his exercising to his duties ( whole or part thereof ) , irresponsible or impossible. - Informing the client by a promptly dispatched notice from the consultant . 2nd Condition: - Client may suspend all or part of the services , or resumption the services , terminate the Agreement . - In case of termination the agreement, Client shall inform the consultan t by notice of at least 56 days prior to date of termination determined by the c lient, to take immediately arrangements to stop services and minimize expenditures. 3rd Condition: - If the client considers that the consultant is without

good reason good reason discharging his obligations ,he can inform the consultant by notice stating the grounds for the notice . - If a satisfactory reply is not received within 21 days , the client may by a f urther notice , given within 35 days from the former notice ,term inates the agreement . Payment of Exceptional Services: - Unless otherwise agreed in writing the client shall pay the consultant in respect of exceptional services . A- as for additional services for extra time spent by the consultant s personnel i n the performance of the services . B- the net cost of all other extra expense incurred by the consultant . Duty of Care: The consultant shall exercise: 1- reasonable skill care and 2- diligence in the performance of his obligations under the agreement. The consultant may : A- have due regard to the third party contract that the details of such powers and duties are acceptable to him , and agreed in writing where they are not de scribed in appendix 1. B- if authorized to certify , determine or exercise discretion to do so fairly b etween the client and third party not as an arbitrator , but as an independent p rofessional exercising his judgment with reasonable skill , care and diligence . C if so authorized vary the obligations of any third party , subject to obtaining the prior approval of the approval of the client to any variation which can have important effect on costs or quality or time ( except in any emergency when the consultant shall inform the client as soon as practicable ).

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