Course Outlineart7revised

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Tanners Crossing School Lori Noonan-Robinson

Grade 7 Art

Course Overview: The overarching goal of the visual arts curriculum is to support, nurture, and inspire the growth of every student as an artist and as an artful learner. The student is at the centre. Students own feelings, perceptions, ideas, and expressions matter immensely. It is critical that these are valued, explored, and celebrated within all art learning experiences. Every student is an artist, one whose growth and learning are best facilitated within rich, open-ended, hands-on artmaking experiences. Artistry is learned. All students have artistic potential. In developing the skills, understandings, and values identified within the visual arts learning outcomes, students convert their potential to reality. Young artists matter! As students become capable of perceiving, thinking, and acting within the various visual arts media, they journey into an important form of artistic literacy. In learning to communicate ideas, experiences, and feelings in ways that have no linguistic equivalent, students connect with the world and tap into their own creative capacities in new ways. As students learn to generate ideas, identify and solve artistic problems with imagination and flexibility, and communicate effectively in more ways, they journey toward becoming creative, artistically literate adults, the kinds of citizens who will be able to participate in society with sensitivity, imagination, inspiration, and creativity.

Essential Learning Areas Art Language and Tools Students demonstrate understanding of and facility with visual art elements, principles, and media. Creative Expression in Art Students individually and collaboratively generate, develop, and communicate ideas in creating visual art for a variety of purposes and audiences. Understanding Art in Context Students connect the visual arts to contexts of time, place, and community, and develop understanding of how art reflects and influences culture and identity. Valuing Artistic Experience Students analyze, reflect on, and construct meaning in response to their own and others visual art.
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Tanners Crossing School Lori Noonan-Robinson

Grade 7 Art

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 867-2591.

Textbook(s)/Materials Required: Art supplies listed at the beginning of the year. Students are expected to have all art supplies in a box or container so that they are readily available for class. Students are not to keep their supplies in their lockers as they will not withstand the rough and tough treatment subjected to items kept in the locker.

Unit Title

Art Language and Tools Students demonstrate understanding of and facility with visual art elements, principles, and media.

Target Learning Outcomes A-L-1 A-L-2 A-L-3

Assessment Plan

Students will use art media, tools, and processes to explore and demonstrate understanding of the elements and principles of artistic design. Students will self-assess and have teacher assessment for the items they create using a rubric.

Proposed Timeline 10 weeks

Creative Expression in Art

Students individually and collaboratively generate develop, and communicate ideas in creating visual art for a variety of purposes and audiences.


Students generate and use ideas from a variety of sources for creating art. Students develop original artworks, creatively integrating ideas and art elements, principles, and media. Students finalize and share their original artworks.
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10 weeks

Tanners Crossing School Lori Noonan-Robinson Understanding Art in Context WHO, WHERE, WHEN, AND WHY ART? Students connect the visual arts to contexts of time, place, and community, and develop understanding of how art reflects and influences culture and identity.

Grade 7 Art

Valuing Artistic Expression VIEW, REFLECT, RESPOND . .. Students analyze, reflect on, and construct meaning in response to their own and others visual art.


Students experience and develop awareness of artworks from various times, places, social groups, and cultures. Students experience and develop awareness of a variety of art forms, styles, and traditions. Students demonstrate understanding of the roles, purposes, and meanings of the visual arts in the lives of individuals and in communities. Students demonstrate interest, curiosity, and engagement while experiencing art in a variety of contexts.

10 weeks

10 weeks

Students analyze their own and others artistic compositions. Students construct personal interpretations of their own and others artworks. Students assess their learning in creating and experiencing art. Due Dates will be given and students are expected to hand things in on or before the due date. You would not be allowed to do things late for your boss so do not hand things in late. This is a life expectation. If your child is absent it is his/her responsibility to find out what material they missed for that time they were absent.

Classroom Understandings:
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Tanners Crossing School Lori Noonan-Robinson

Grade 7 Art

Water bottles are allowed at your desk. Healthy snacks are also allowed at appropriate times. No pop, energy drinks, or candy. You may chew gum but it must not be seen, heard, or impede your speech. Desks must be cleared after each subject is completed. EVERYONE is expected to assist in the cleaning of the classroom at the end of the day. All chairs must be stacked and garbage picked up off the floor. Permission to stay indoors to work during lunch must be granted by the teacher, you must ask for permission before lunch. You are not allowed in the room to work unless you are supervised. Never Assume!!! Bathroom breaks are not a problem; one at a time and you must seek permission to leave the room. Students will not leave for a bathroom break during a lecture. You will not be able to use the phone during class time for any reason. All calls must be made at recess or lunch. If you own a cell phone it must be turned off during school hours and be placed in your locker or in your backpack. Lockers and locker area must be kept clean. The contents of your locker may not be spilling out onto the floor and the door to your locker must be able to close completely. You are not to write on the lockers and tampering with another persons locker in any way is not permitted. Each student is to have ONE locker -students found using more than one will be at risk of losing all locker privileges. Access to your locker in limited to between classes and during recess and lunch breaks. Students must bring to class ALL materials that will be required. Three rules: 1. Follow instructions the first time. 2. Hands and feet to yourself. 3. Use positive, appropriate, and respectful language at all time.

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Tanners Crossing School Lori Noonan-Robinson

Grade 7 Art

Plagiarism/Cheating Plagiarism means to take and use another persons ideas or writings as ones own. (Oxford English Dictionary) Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying answers from another student, downloading assignments off the Internet and passing off old assignments as ones own. Any assignment found to be plagiarized whether in part or in total MUST BE REWRITTEN to demonstrate learning. Semester End Summative Assessment Plan Art is the interpretation of the artist. Students will be encouraged to show their individuality. They are expected to do their best and to put in all of their effort. Students are not expected to make things that are exactly like the model. This is duplicating and is in effect plagiarism. They need to make things their own. Being an individual is celebrated in art class. This does not mean that students just do something to get it done, they must put in effort and at times may be asked to redo to help improve a skill or concept. Term 100% Lori Noonan-Robinson 867-2591 school Teacher Signature_________________________ Student Signature _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________ Date _______________________ Date _______________________ Date _______________________

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