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Session 1 50 minute
Ideas for differentiating based on need while engaging in complex mathematical problem solving at the elementary level. Room # 467 Facilitated by: Mary Beth Cordon Using math and/or reading data effectively to inform interventions ROOM # 448 Facilitated by: Linda Hicks-Green

Session 2 50 minute
Creating a flipped classroom ROOM# 467 Facilitated by: Jeff Uselman

Session 3 50 minute
Using social media (Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, etc.) for professional learning. ROOM # 467 Facilitated by: Brenda Key Designing and implementing small group targeted TEKS based intervention sessions for STAAR subjects. ROOM # 448 Facilitated by: Ideas for differentiating based on need while engaging in complex mathematical problem solving at the elementary level ROOM # 465 Facilitated by: Revathi IdeasBalakrishnan for differentiating based on need while engaging in complex mathematical problem solving at the elementary leve ROOM # 433 Facilitated by: Strategies for meaningful team planning at the elementary level where so many content areas must be planned ROOM # 453 Facilitated by:


How to REALLY put the Smart board/Mimio I have to good use ROOM # 448 Facilitated by: Creative and engaging reading activities that involve students digging deeper into abstract thinking instead of merely concrete ROOM # 465 Facilitated by: Cyntia How to communicate with parents. Ascencio
Possible sub-topics could be how to word an email, what TO or what NOT TO say during a phone call, how to run a parent conference, how to problem solve with a parent, how to stay focused during difficult parent conversations ROOM # 433 Facilitated by: Sarah Fain

Coffee & KickOff

Incorporating technology (GAFE) into reading and math ROOM # 465 Facilitated by: Strategies for meaningful team planning at the elementary level where so many content areas must be planned ROOM # 433 Facilitated by: Pamela Gindoff Effective PBL unit ideas for second semester for students in STAAR grade levels ROOM # 453 Facilitated by:

Closing & Door Prizes (Don't get excited, just four T-shirts)

Creating effective working relationships between teachers and administrators ROOM # 453 Facilitated by: Roy Smith

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