Beware of D G S Dinakaran and Jesus Calls

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Beware of D.G.S. Dinakaran and Jesus Calls.

Some two or more decades ago churches influenced by evangelism. They were only
preached Christianity at that time based only on the Bible. Nowadays, most of the
churches are accepting the apostate teachings of such ministers who are doing fortune
telling, prophecy, miracles. Now they claim the see Jesus personally. Some saying that
they had even gone to heaven and meet Jesus and his disciples. They greatly influenced
Christians by their visions, miracles, and stories, giving less important to the Bible.

D.G.S. Dinakaran who widely accepted from most churches of India. We have to watch
his movement, his prosperity theology, claimed to be a prophet, make heavenly tour and
others. About his beginning story, his life turn to God, he says when is going to suicide,
Jesus himself appear to him and saved him. Now how this has happened. If a Christian
commit a suicide, he sees God ? No. Bibles teaches that God like only good things. It is
the Satan who like bad thing and blessed. One thing is interesting to note that around the
1989, when D.G.S. Dinakaran ministry started in America, he claimed his beginning
story that he met with Jesus when he is sleeping in his bedroom and now his life is
changed. It just what the American minister preach. So, very careful his controversial

His another controversial teaching is that he says many times in the past year that Jesus is
coming soon. It is very near and he also teaches that Christ command him to make an
engineering college. Now if Jesus is coming very soon then why Jesus commanded him
to make an engineering college. It is clear that these people are making too much wealth
in the name God. Also, there is no relationship of God’s Kingdom with the engineering
college. A total apostate teaching.

Dinakaran also do fortunetelling which means telling the past and some future even of a
person. The Bible never teaches so, even banned (Deut. 18:12). It is although a power,
but conducted by Satan. But they presented as power of Holy Spirit and seduced many

Is Dinakaran a prophet. It is found that after happening of an incident, he claimed he

prophesied it 3 months or sometimes 6 months ago, but he never declared publicly the
prophecy before the incident, though the Bible presentation is very different and related
to God’s inspiration and is properly declared publicly before the incident. In his
presentation, he claimed to do prophecy some months before and do some prophecy of
future also. So people might think that he is a prophet. But it is very clear that what he
claimed to fulfill is never declared and what he prophecy for future is never fulfilled. So,
the Bible warns against such false prophet (Deut. 18:21, 22). False prophet should

Around the year 1989, he promotes prayer by asking name of a person who is seeking
prayer for himself. It mean they pray properly using a name of person who is seeking for
himself. Now, he got two benefits. See his cleverness and how he making two frauds.
First, when he come on the stage in a public meeting, he immediate started praying and
called some names of the people from the crowed. This made the crowd crazy and
amazed. But story behind his miracle is some agents of Jesus Calls sat among the crowd
and tell them that he is a preacher and in the last public meeting his foot or arm healed by
Dinakaran and he never missed his big public meetings. The preacher also stated them he
prays also and for his preaching, he needs their prayer also, so he needs their ‘name’. So,
before coming Dinakaran, there ‘names’ were passed to Dinakaran so he was doing
miracles. It was that time Dinakaran was became very famous as miracles without doing
any miracles as witnessed these preachers.

Another ‘name’ fraud done by Jesus Calls organization. (It is one of the reason that I
published this document). In this case, Jesus Calls sent some trained minister to do their
ministry to other city. In that place they pray for people, doing fortunetelling. In that
case, the trained minister when pray for someone, they asked their name. Now at the end
of the prayer the minister gave a verse from the Bible and insist him or her to write a
letter to Jesus Calls and wait for answer. In this case, the person get amazed when he got
a letter given the same verse of the Bible as given by the minister. For say if Sunita got a
Bible verse John 3:16, then the letter she received from Dinakaran is also John 3:16.
Now more amazing if Vineeta got a verse from minister say Psalms 23:1, then she got the
same verse from Dinakaran’s signed letter. Again more and more amazing, if Manish got
a verse of Bible from that minister say Mark 9:23, then he got the same verse Mark 9:23
from Dinakaran. They boasted that they have Holy Spirit and do such miracles.

But the truth is that if Sunita got the verse John 3:16, Sujata, Saveeta, Sunil all got same
verse John 3:16, notice the initial letter of the name ‘S’. Similarly If Vineeta got the
verse Psalms 23:1, Vijay, Vikas, Vinay all got the same verse Psalms 23:1, it because of
letter ‘V’ and similarly for Manish, Mukesh, Manoj will get the same verse Mark 9:23.
So, how clever they are and how crooked.

One thing is very clear they are promoting their prosperity theology. If you give God,
God will also give you. God has a big hand. Now they make millions of money,
property, college. The father and son duo working hard to promote donation. They also
printed in their magazine about some miracles happens to insist people to donate. I think,
no preacher in India lunches such schemes such as Young Participant (Rs. 1000/-) and
Family scheme (3000/-) and also some new which range from 10,0000 (1 Lakh) and
30,0000 (3 Lakh) and telling people more bigger as amount is bigger the blessing story in
their magazine. But the Bible teaches that God is not partial. He not categorized people
according to their donation amount. An apostate teaching.

Though they found many prayer towers. The people are now realizing that they are not

So, even if they do perform some miracle, the Bible do not deny it, but they are false
prophet. So, beware from.


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