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2.0 Introduction 2.1 Learning Objectives 2.2 Work Study 2.2.1 Definition of Work Study 2.2.2 Objectives of Work Study 2.2.3 Benefits of Work Study 2.2. !ec"ni#ues of Work Study 2.3 $et"od Study 2.3.1 Definition of $et"od Study 2.3.2 Objectives of $et"od Study 2.3.3 Benefits of $et"od Study 2.3. %eed for $et"od Study 2. Ste&s in conducting $et"od Study 2.' Sy(bo)s and *"arts used in $et"od Study 2.+ ,rinci&)es of $otion -cono(y 2.. Su((ary 2./Se)f 0ssess(ent 1uestions

,roductivity "as no2 beco(e an everyday 2atc" 2ord. It is crucia) to t"e 2e)fare of industria) fir( as 2e)) as for t"e econo(ic &rogress of t"e country. 3ig" &roductivity refers to doing t"e 2ork in a s"ortest &ossib)e ti(e 2it" )east e4&enditure on in&uts 2it"out sacrificing #ua)ity and 2it" (ini(u( 2astage of resources.


0fter studying t"is unit you s"ou)d be ab)e to e4&)ain !"e conce&t of Work Study and its a&&)ication to day 5to6day )ife as an i(&ortant too) for increasing &roductivity and 2ork si(&)ification. !"e conce&t of $et"od Study and "o2 it is carried out. !"e various 7ecording !ec"ni#ues used in $et"ods Study !"e ,rinci&)es of $otion -cono(y and "o2 it is usefu) to reduce fatigue to 3u(an body


Work6study for(s t"e basis for 2ork syste( design. !"e &ur&ose of 2ork design is to identify t"e (ost effective (eans of ac"ieving necessary functions. !"is 2ork6study ai(s at i(&roving t"e e4isting and &ro&osed 2ays of doing 2ork and estab)is"ing standard ti(es for 2ork &erfor(ance. Work6study is enco(&assed by t2o tec"ni#ues8 i.e.8 (et"od study and 2ork (easure(ent Work Study (ay be defined as one of t"e (anage(ent tec"ni#ues 2"ic" can be a&&)ied to ac"ieve t"e o&ti(u( use of resources avai)ab)e to an organi9ation for acco(&)is"(ent of 2ork it is engaged in


0ccording to t"e Britis" Standard Institution8 :Work Study is a generic ter( for t"ose tec"ni#ues8 &articu)ar)y Method Study and Work Measurement8 2"ic" are used in a)) its conte4t8 and 2"ic" )ead syste(atica))y to t"e investigation of a)) t"e factors 8 2"ic" affect t"e efficiency and econo(y of t"e situation being revie2d in order to effect i(&rove(ent;.


Objectives of Work Study are as fo))o2s< 1. !o ana)yse t"e &resent (et"od of doing t"e job in order to deve)o& a better (et"od. 2. !o (easure t"e 2ork content of t"e job by (easuring t"e ti(e re#uired to do t"e job for a #ua)ified 2orker and "ence to estab)is" t"e standard ti(e. 3. !o increase t"e &roductivity by ensuring best &ossib)e use of "u(an8 (ac"ine and (ateria) resources and to ac"ieve best #ua)ity &roduct=service at (ini(u( &ossib)e cost. . !o i(&rove o&erationa) efficiency.


1. Increased &roductivity and o&erationa) efficiency 2. 7educed (anufacturing cost. 3. I(&roved 2ork &)ace )ayout. . Better (an&o2er &)anning and ca&acity &)anning '. >air 2ages to e(&)oyees. +. Better 2orking conditions to e(&)oyees .. I(&roved 2ork f)o2.

/. 7educed (ateria) "and)ing cost. ?. ,rovides a Standard of ,erfor(ance to (easure )abour efficiency. 10. Better Industria) 7e)ations and -(&)oyee (ora)e. 11. Basis for sound incentive sc"e(es. 12. ,rovides better job satisfaction to e(&)oyees.


Work study co(&rises of t2o tec"ni#ues 1. $et"od Study and 2. Work $easure(ent 2"ose definitions fro( B.S g)ossary are given be)o2< M !"#$ S!%$& is t"e syste(atic recording and critica) e4a(ination of e4isting and &ro&osed 2ays of doing 2ork8 as a (eans of deve)o&ing and a&&)ying easier and (ore effective (et"ods and reducing costs.; W#'( M )*%' + ,! is t"e a&&)ication of tec"ni#ues designed to estab)is" t"e ti(e re#uired for a #ua)ified 2orker to carry out a s&ecified job at a defined )eve) of &erfor(ance.;
METHOD STUDY To simplify the work and develop more economical methods of doing it


WORK MEASUREMENT To determine how long it should to carry out



$et"od Study is a tec"ni#ue 2"ic" ana)yses eac" o&eration of a given &iece of 2ork very c)ose)y in order to e)i(inate unnecessary o&erations so as to deve)o& t"e #uickest and easiest (et"od of &erfor(ing necessary o&eration. It inc)udes standardi9ation of e#ui&(ent8 (et"od and 2orking conditions8 and training t"e o&erators to fo))o2 t"e standard (et"od. 2.3.1DEFINITION OF METHOD STUDY $et"od study can be defined as :Syste(atic recording and critica) e4a(ination of e4isting and &ro&osed 2ays of doing 2ork8 as a (eans of deve)o&ing and a&&)ying easier and (ore effective (et"od and t"ereby reducing costs;. 2.3..2 OBJECTIVES OF METHOD STUDY 1. !o study t"e e4isting (et"od of doing a job8o&eration or activity in order to deve)o& a better (et"od. 2. !o deve)o& an i(&roved (et"od of doing t"e job to i(&rove &roductivity and t"ereby reduce o&erating cost. 3. !o reduce e4cessive (ateria) "and)ing or (ove(ent and t"ereby reduce fatigue of 2ork(en. . !o i(&rove uti)i9ation of resources. '. !o e)i(inate 2astefu) and inefficient (otions. +. !o Standardise 2ork (et"ods or &rocesses82orking conditions8 (ac"inery8 e#ui&(ents and too)s. 2.3.3BENEFITS OF METHOD STUDY 1. Work Si(&)ification 2. I(&roved 2orking (et"od 3. Better &roduct #ua)ity . I(&roved 2ork&)ace )ayout '. I(&roved e#ui&(ent Design. +. Better 2orking conditions=environ(ent .. Better (ateria)s "and)ing and )esser (ateria) "and)ing cost. /. I(&roved 2ork f)o2 ?. Less fatigue to 2ork(en.

10. O&ti(u( uti)i9ation of a)) resources. 11. S"orter &roduction cyc)e ti(e. 12. 3ig"er job satisfaction for 2ork(en. 13. 7educed (ateria) consu(&tion and 2astages. 1 . 7educed (anufacturing cost and "ig"er &roductiv-!&. 2.3.4NEED FOR METHOD STUDY !"e need for i(&rove(ent is not a)2ays a&&arent. 3o2ever8 fo))o2ing are so(e of t"e &ointers 2"ic" (ay indicate t"e area for study. @iA O&erating costs6running "ig"er t"an nor(a) or gradua))y increasing @iiA 3ig" 2astage6&oor use of (ateria)s8 (ac"inery8 )abor8 s&ace and services @iiiA -4cessive (ove(ent and backtracking8 "and)ing of (ateria)s and (en @ivA -4istence of &roduction bott)enecks (v) -4cessive overti(e @viA -4cessive rejections and re2orks @viiA *o(&)aints about #ua)ity @viiiA *o(&)aints fro( 2orkers6&oor 2orking condition of "eavy job etc. @i4A Increasing nu(ber of accidents


1. SELECT 5 Se)ect t"e 2ork to be studied. It invo)ves taking into account of econo(ic8 tec"nica) and "u(an considerations. 2. RECORD 5 7ecord a)) t"e re)evant facts of t"e &resent@or &ro&osedA (et"ods by direct observations. 3. E1AMINE 6 -4a(ine t"e facts critica))y in se#uence 8using s&ecia) critica) e4a(ination s"eets. . DEVELO. 2 Deve)o& t"e best (et"od8 ie t"e (ost &ractica)8 econo(ic8 and effective (et"od under &revai)ing circu(stances. '. DEFINE 3 Define t"e ne2 (et"od so t"at it can a)2ays be identified. +. INSTALL 2Insta)) t"e ne2 (et"od as a standard &ractice. .. MAINTAIN 3 $aintain t"at standard &ractice by regu)ar standard c"ecks.

W"i)e se)ecting a job for (et"od study8 t"e fo))o2ing factors are to be considered<

1A -cono(ica) considertions< !"e cost of study 8 )oss of ti(e due to investigation8 costs s"ort ter( and )ong ter( associated 2it" &ros&ective c"anges in t"e reco((ended 2orking (et"od of t"e job s"ou)d be carefu))y esti(ated and e4a(ined . if t"e accu(u)ated esti(ated benefits out2eig" t"e esti(ated tota) cost8 as (entioned above8 t"en it s"ou)d be taken u&. Based on econo(ica) considerations t"e fo))o2ing jobs are se)ected < @aA O&erations "aving bott)enecks@2"ic" "o)d u& &roductionA @bA O&erations done re&etitive)y @cA O&erations "aving a great a(ount of (anua) 2ork. @dA O&erations 2"ere (ateria)s are (oved for a )ong distance.

2A !ec"nica) considerations< !"e i(&ortant &oint is to (ake sure t"at ade#uate tec"nica) kno2)edge is avai)ab)e 2it" 2"ic" to carry out t"e study. -4a(&)es are< aA 0 (ac"ine too) constituting a bott)eneck in &roduction is kno2n to be running at a s&eed at 2"ic" t"e "ig" s&eed or cera(ic cutting too)s 2i)) not o&erative effective)y. *an it be s&eeded u& or is t"e (ac"ine is itse)f not robust enoug" to take faster cutB. !"is ca))s for advice of a (ac"ine too) e4&ert.

3A 3u(an reactions < !"ese are t"e (ost i(&ortant considerations to be (ade8 since (enta) and e(otiona) reactions to investigation 8 and c"ange of (et"od "as to be antici&ated. !rade Cnion re&resentative "ave to be educated on t"e genera) objectives of t"e (et"od study. If "o2ever t"e study of a &articu)ar job is creating unrest or i)) fee)ing a(ongst t"e 2ork(en 8)eave it a)one "o2ever &ro(ising it (ay be for econo(ic &oint of vie2.

RECORD It is t"e &"ase of data co))ection. Data is re)evant facts &ertaining to t"e e4isting (et"od 2"ic" are co))ected and recorded to carry out t"e investigation. 7ecording !ec"ni#ues de&end on ty&e and nature of t"e data. !"e broad tec"ni#ues are *"arts 5 for &rocess and ti(e records

Diagra(s and $ode)s 5 for &at" of (ove(ent of (en or (ateria)s ,"otogra&"ics aids

E1AMINE *ritica) e4a(ination is done by #uestioning tec"ni#ue. !"is ste& co(es after t"e (et"od is recorded by suitab)e c"arts and diagra(s. !"e individua) activity is e4a(ined by &utting a nu(ber of #uestions. !"e fo))o2ing factors are #uestioned< @1A ,ur&ose 5 !o e)i(inate t"e activity6 if &ossib)e @2A ,)ace 5 !o co(bine or re6arrange t"e activities. @3A Se#uence 6 6do6 @ A ,erson 6 6do6 @'A $eans 5 !o si(&)ify t"e activity. !"e fo))o2ing se#uence of #uestions is used< @1A ,ur&ose 5 W"at is actua))y done B W"y it is done B W"at e)se cou)d be done B W"at s"ou)d be done B @2A ,)ace 5 W"ere it is being doneB W"y it is done t"ere B W"ere e)se cou)d it be done B W"ere s"ou)d it be done B @3A Se#uence 5 W"en is it done B W"y is it done t"en B W"en cou)d it be doneB W"en s"ou)d it be done B @ A ,erson 5 W"o is doing it B W"y does t"at &erson do it B

W"o e)se cou)d do it B W"o s"ou)d do it B @'A$eans 5 3o2 is it done B W"y is it done t"at 2ay B 3o2 e)se cou)d it be done B 3o2 s"ou)d it be done B By doing t"is #uestioning Cn2anted activities can be e)i(inated %u(ber of activities can be co(bined or re6arranged $et"od can be si(&)ified. 0)) t"ese 2i)) reduce &roduction ti(e DEVELO. !"e ans2er to t"e #uestions given be)o2 2i)) resu)t in t"e deve)o&(ent of a better (et"od. 1. ,ur&ose 5 W"at s"ou)d be doneB 2. ,)ace 5 W"ere s"ou)d it be doneB 3. Se#uence 5 W"en s"ou)d it be doneB . ,erson 5 W"o s"ou)d do itB '. $eans 5 3o2 s"ou)d it be doneB DEFINE Once a co(&)ete study of a job "as been (ade and a ne2 (et"od is deve)o&ed8 it is necessary toobtain t"e a&&rova) of t"e (anage(ent before insta))ing it. !"e 2ork study (an s"ou)d &re&are a re&ort giving detai)s of t"e e4isting and &ro&osed (et"ods. 3e s"ou)d give "is reasons for t"e c"angessuggested. !"e re&ort s"ou)d s"o2 (a) Brief descri&tion of t"e o)d (et"od. @bA Brief descri&tion of t"e ne2 (et"od. @cA 7easons for c"ange. @dA 0dvantages and )i(itations of t"e ne2 (et"od. @eA Savings e4&ected in (ateria)8 )abour and over"eads. @fA !oo)s and e#ui&(ent re#uired for t"e ne2 (et"od. @gA !"e cost of insta))ing t"e ne2 (et"od inc)uding. 1. *ost of ne2 too)s and e#ui&(ent. 2. *ost of re6)ayout of t"e s"o&. 3. *ost of training t"e 2orkers in t"e ne2 (et"od. . *ost of i(&roving t"e 2orking conditions. W'-!! , *!),$)'$ 4')5!-5 6 Before insta))ing t"e ne2 (et"od8 an o&eratorDs instructions s"eetca))ed 2ritten standard &ractice is &re&ared. It serves t"e fo))o2ing &ur&oses< 1. It records t"e i(&roved (et"od for future reference in as (uc" detai) as (ay be necessary. 2. It is used to e4&)ain t"e ne2 (et"od to t"e (anage(ent fore(an and o&erators. 3. It gives t"e detai)s of c"anges re#uired in t"e )ayout of (ac"ine and 2ork &)aces. . It is used as an aid to training or retraining o&erators. '. It for(s t"e basis for ti(e studies.

!"e 2ritten standard &ractice 2i)) contain t"e fo))o2ing infor(ation< @aA !oo)s and e#ui&(ent to be used in t"e ne2 (et"od. @bA Eenera) o&erating conditions. @cA Descri&tion of t"e ne2 (et"od in detai). Diagra( of t"e 2ork&)ace )ayout and sketc"es of s&ecia) too)s8 jigs or fi4tures re#uired. INSTALL !"is ste& is t"e (ost difficu)t stage in (et"od study. 3ere t"e active su&&ort of bot"(anage(entand trade union is re#uired. 3ere t"e 2ork study (an re#uires ski)) in getting a)ong 2it" ot"er &eo&)e and 2inning t"eir trust. Insta)) stage consists of @aA Eaining acce&tance of t"e c"ange by su&ervisor. @bA Eetting a&&rova) of (anage(ent. @cA Eaining t"e acce&tance of c"ange by 2orkers and trade unions. @dA Eiving training to o&erators in t"e ne2 (et"od. @eA !o be in c)ose contact 2it" t"e &rogress of t"e job unti) it is satisfactori)y e4ecuted. MAINTAIN !"e 2ork study (an (ust see t"at t"e ne2 (et"od introduced is fo))o2ed. !"e 2orkers after so(e ti(e (ay s)i& back to t"e o)d (et"ods. !"is s"ou)d not be a))o2ed. !"e ne2 (et"od (ay "ave defects. !"ere (ay be difficu)ties a)so. !"is s"ou)d be rectified in ti(e by t"e 2ork study (an. ,eriodica) revie2 is (ade. !"e reactions and suggestions fro( 2orkers and su&ervisors are noted. !"is (ay )ead to furt"er i(&rove(ent. !"e differences bet2een t"e ne2 2ritten standard &ractice and t"e actua) &ractice are found out. 7easons for variations are ana)ysed. *"anges due to va)id reasons are acce&ted. !"e instructions are suitab)y (odified.


!"e fo))o2ing c"arts and diagra(s are used in (et"od study. 1. O&eration &rocess c"art @orA Out)ine &rocess c"art. 2. >)o2 &rocess c"art. @aA $ateria) ty&e @bA O&erator ty&e ( c ) -#ui&(ent ty&e 3. !2o6"anded &rocess c"art. @orA Left "and67ig"t "and c"art . $u)ti&)e activity c"art. '. SI$O *"arts +. >)o2 diagra(. .. String diagra(. .ROCESS CHART SYMBOLS !"e recording of t"e facts about t"e job in a &rocess c"art is done by using standard sy(bo)s. Csing of sy(bo)s in recording t"e activities is (uc" easier t"an 2riting do2n t"e facts about t"e job. Sy(bo)s are very convenient and 2ide)y understood ty&e of s"ort "and. !"ey save a )ot of 2riting and indicate c)ear)y 2"at is "a&&ening.

1. Operation 0 )arge circ)e indicates o&eration. 0n o&eration takes &)ace 2"en t"ere is a c"ange in &"ysica) or c"e(ica) c"aracteristics of an object. 0n asse(b)y or disasse(b)y is a)so an o&eration. W"en infor(ation is given or received or 2"en &)anning or ca)cu)ating takes &)ace it is a)so ca))ed o&eration. Example 1.1 7educing t"e dia(eter of an object in a )at"e.3ardening t"e surface of an object by "eat treat(ent. 2. Inspection 0 s#uare indicates ins&ection. Ins&ection is c"ecking an object for its #ua)ity8 #uantity or identifications. Example 1.2 *"ecking t"e dia(eter of a rod. *ounting t"e nu(ber of &roducts &roduced. 3. Transport 0n arro2 indicates trans&ort. !"is refers to t"e (ove(ent of an object or o&erator or e#ui&(ent fro( one &)ace to anot"er. W"en t"e (ove(ent takes &)ace during an o&eration8 it is not ca))ed trans&ort. Example 1.3 $oving t"e (ateria) by a tro))ey O&erator going to t"e stores to get so(e too). 4. elay or temporary stora!e 0 )arge ca&ita) )etter D indicates de)ay. !"is is a)so ca))ed as te(&orary storage. De)ay occurs 2"en an object or o&erator is 2aiting for t"e ne4t activity. Example 1.4 0n o&erator 2aiting to get a too) in t"e stores. Work &ieces stocked near t"e (ac"ine before t"e ne4t o&eration. ". #ermanent stora!e 0n e#ui)atera) triang)e standing on its verte4 re&resents storage. Storage takes &)ace 2"en an object is stored and &rotected against unaut"ori9ed re(ova). Example 1." 7a2 (ateria) in t"e store roo(. $. %om&ined acti'ity W"en t2o activities take &)ace at t"e sa(e ti(e or done by t"e sa(e o&erator or at t"e sa(e &)ace8 t"e t2o sy(bo)s of activities are co(bined. Example 1.$

7eading and recording a &ressure gauge. 3ere a circ)e inside a s#uare re&resents t"e co(bined activity of o&eration and ins&ection. OUTLINE .ROCESS CHART 0n o&eration &rocess c"art is a gra&"ic re&resentation of t"e se#uence of a)) o&erations and ins&ections taking &)ace in a &rocess. It is a)so kno2n as out)ine &rocess c"art. It gives a birdDs eye vie2 of t"e overa)) activities. -ntry &oints of a)) (ateria) are noted in t"e c"art. 0n e4a(&)e of o&eration &rocess c"art is s"o2n in t"e figure 1.2. 3ere t"e &rocess of (anufacture of e)ectric (otor is s"o2n.


!"e conventions fo))o2ed in &re&aring t"e c"art are 1. Write tit)e at t"e to& of t"e c"art. 2. Begin t"e c"art fro( t"e rig"t "and side to& corner. 3. 7e&resent t"e (ain co(&onent at t"e rig"t e4tre(e. . 7e&resent t"e se#uence of o&erations and ins&ections by t"eir sy(bo)s. *onnect t"e( byvertica) f)o2 )ines. '. 7ecord t"e brief descri&tion of t"e activity to t"e rig"t side of t"e sy(bo)s. +. %ote do2n t"e ti(e for eac" activity to t"e )eft of t"e sy(bo).
.. %u(ber a)) o&erations in one seria) order. Start fro( t"e rig"t "and to& @fro( nu(ber1A.

/. Si(i)ar)y nu(ber a)) ins&ections in anot"er seria) order @starting fro( 1A. ?. *ontinue nu(bering8 ti)) t"e entry of t"e second co(&onent. 10. S"o2 t"e entry of &urc"ased &arts by "ori9onta) )ines. FLOW .ROCESS CHART 0 f)o2 &rocess c"art is a gra&"ica) re&resentation of t"e se#uence of a)) t"e activities @o&eration8ins&ection8 trans&ort8 de)ay and storageA taking &)ace in a &rocess. ,rocess c"art sy(bo)s are used "ere to re&resent t"e activities. !"ere are t"ree ty&es of f)o2 &rocess c"arts. !"ey are 1. Man type (lo) process chart !"is f)o2 &rocess c"art records 2"at t"e 2orker does. 2. Material type (lo) process chart !"is f)o2 &rocess c"art records "o2 t"e (ateria) is "and)ed or treated. 3. E*uipment type (lo) process chart !"is f)o2 &rocess c"art records "o2 t"e e#ui&(ent or (ac"ine is used. Example 1.+ !"e activities of a stenogra&"er in &re&aration of a )etter are recorded in t"e o&erator ty&e f)o2 &rocess c"art s"o2n in figure 1.3.


!"e c"art records t"e activities of t"e steno. 3ere8 t"e (anager ca))s t"e steno and dictates a )etter. !"e steno takes notes of t"e )etter8 ty&es it8 gets t"e signature of t"e (anager and sends it for dis&atc"ing. !"ese activities are s"o2n in t"e c"art. !"is is o&erator ty&e f)o2 &rocess c"art. *onsidering t"e (essage in t"e )etter as (ateria)8 2e can &re&are t"e (ateria) ty&e f)o2 &rocess c"art. G , ')8 9%-$ 8-, * :#' +)(-,9 ) :8#; 4'#5 ** 5")'! 1. !"e detai)s (ust be obtained by direct observationFc"arts (ust not be based on (e(ory. 2. 0)) t"e facts (ust be correct)y recorded. 3. %o assu(&tions s"ou)d be (ade. . $ake it easy for future reference. '. 0)) c"arts (ust "ave t"e fo))o2ing detai)s< @aA %a(e of t"e &roduct8 (ateria) or e#ui&(ent t"at is observed. @bA Starting &oint and ending &oint. @cA !"e )ocation 2"ere t"e activities take &)ace. @eA !"e c"art reference nu(ber8 s"eet nu(ber and nu(ber of tota) s"eets. @fA Gey to t"e sy(bo)s used (ust be stated. TWO 2 HANDED .ROCESS #' LEFT3HAND RIGHT3HAND CHART It is t"e &rocess c"art in 2"ic" t"e activities of t2o "ands of t"e o&erator are recorded. It s"o2s 2"et"er t"e t2o "ands of t"e o&erator are id)e or (oving in re)ation to one anot"er8 in a ti(esca)e. It is genera))y used for re&etitive o&erations. O4 ')!-#,6 7e&resents t"e activities gras&8 &osition8 use8 re)ease etc. of a too) co(&onent or (ateria). T'),*4#'!6 7e&resents t"e (ove(ent of t"e "and or )i(b to or fro( t"e 2ork or a too)or (ateria). D 8)&6 7efers to t"e ti(e 2"en t"e "and or )i(b is id)e. S!#')9 /H#8$06 !"e ter( H"o)dD is used "ere instead of storage. !"is refers to t"e ti(e2"en t"e 2ork is "e)d by "and. !"e activity Hins&ectionD by "and is considered as an o&eration. 3ence8 t"e sy(bo) for ins&ection is not used in t"is c"art. !2o6"anded &rocess c"art can be used for asse(b)y8 (ac"ining and c)erica) jobs. G , ')8 9%-$ 8-, * :#' 4' 4)'-,9 !" 5")'! 1. ,rovide a)) infor(ation about t"e job in t"e c"art. 2. Study t"e o&eration cyc)e a fe2 ti(es before starting to record. 3. 7ecord one "and at a ti(e. . >irst record t"e activities of t"e "and 2"ic" starts t"e 2ork first. '. Do not co(bine t"e different activities )ike o&erations8 trans&ort etc.


Example 1., -4a(&)e of a t2o6"anded &rocess c"art is s"o2n in figure 1. . 3ere t"e asse(b)y of a nut and 2as"er over a bo)t is recorded. !"e 2ork &)ace )ayout is s"o2n in t"e rig"t "and corner. !"e activities of )eft "and are recorded at )eft "a)f of t"e c"art. !"e activities of t"e rig"t "and are recorded at t"e rig"t "a)f of t"e c"art.

!"e "ori9onta) )ines re&resent t"e ti(e sca)e. 0ctivities of )eft "and and rig"t "and s"o2n int"e sa(e )ine occur at t"e sa(e (o(ent. Su((ary of t"e nu(ber of eac" activity can be tabu)ated at t"e botto( of t"e c"art. !"e c"art is first dra2n for t"e e4isting (et"od. !"is c"art is ana)ysed and if it is found t"at one "and is over )oaded t"an t"e ot"er8 (odification are done in t"e )ayout of t"e 2ork&)ace or in t"e se#uence of activities. !"en a ne2 c"art is (ade for t"e &ro&osed cyc)e. MAN3MACHINECHART #' MULTI.LE ACTIVITY CHART 0 (an6(ac"ine c"art is a c"art in 2"ic" t"e activities of (ore t"an one 2orker or (ac"ine arerecorded. 0ctivities are recorded on a co((on ti(e sca)e to s"o2 t"e inter6re)ations"i&. It is a)so kno2n as (u)ti&)e activity c"art. It is used 2"en a 2orker o&erates a nu(ber of (ac"ines at a ti(e. It is a)so used 2"en a nu(ber of 2orkers joint)y do a job. 0ctivities of 2orkers or (ac"ines are recorded in se&arate vertica) co)u(ns @barsA 2it" a "ori9onta) ti(e sca)e. !"e c"art s"o2s t"e id)e ti(e of t"e 2orker or (ac"ine during t"e &rocess.By carefu))y ana)y9ing t"e c"art8 2e can rearrange t"e activities. Work )oad is even)y distributed a(ong t"e 2orkers or (ac"ines by t"is t"e id)e ti(e of 2orker or (ac"ine is reduced. $u)ti&)e activity c"art is very usefu) in &)anning tea( 2ork in &roduction or (aintenance. Csing t"e c"art 2e can find out t"e correct nu(ber of (ac"ines t"at a 2orker can o&erate at a ti(e. We can a)so find out t"e e4act nu(ber of 2orkers needed to do a job joint)y.

!o record t"e ti(e8 ordinary 2rist 2atc" or sto& 2atc" is used. 3ig" accuracy is not needed. $an6(ac"ine c"art is a ty&e of (u)ti&)e activity c"art. 3ere8 t"e activities of a nu(ber of (ac"ines are recorded. 0n e4a(&)e of (an6(ac"ine c"art is s"o2n in figure 1.'. 3ere one o&erator t2o se(i6 auto(atic (ac"ines si(u)taneous)y. !"e activities of t"e o&erator is recorded in a se&arate vertica) co)u(n. !"e activities of t"e t2o (ac"ines are recorded in t2o se&arate vertica) co)u(ns. !"e different activities )ike )oading8 (ac"ining and un)oading are re&resented by different sy(bo)s. B)ank s&ace s"o2s t"e id)e ti(e.



0 Si(o c"art is anot"er Left63and 7ig"t63and c"art 2it" t"e difference t"at it is dra2n to ti(e sca)e and in ter(s of basic (otions ca))ed t"erb)igs. It is used 2"en t"e 2ork cyc)e is "ig")y re&etitive and of very s"ort duration.

T" '<8-9* On ana)ysing t"e resu)t of severa) (otion studies conducted8 Ei)bret"s conc)uded t"at any 2ork can be done by using a co(bination of so(e or a)) of 1. basic (otions8 ca))ed !"erb)igs @Ei)bret" s&e))ed back2ardA. !"ese can be c)assified as effective t"erb)igs and ineffective t"erb)igs. -ffective t"erb)igs take t"e 2ork &rogress to2ards co(&)etion. 0tte(&ts can be (ade to s"orten t"e( but t"ey cannot be e)i(inated. Ineffective t"erb)igs do not advance t"e &rogress of 2ork and t"erefore atte(&ts s"ou)d be (ade to e)i(inate t"e( by a&&)ying t"e ,rinci&)es of $otion -cono(y. !ab)e gives different t"erb)igs a)ong 2it" t"eir sy(bo)s and descri&tions.



FLOW DIAGRAM In any &roduction s"o&8 re&air s"o& or any ot"er de&art(ent8 t"ere are (ove(ents of (en and (ateria) fro( one &)ace to anot"er. ,rocess c"arts indicate t"e se#uence of activities. !"ey do not s"o2 t"e fre#uent (ove(ents of (en and (ateria). If t"ese (ove(ent are (ini(i9ed8 a )otof savings can be ac"ieved in cost and effort. If t"e &at" of (ove(ent of (ateria) is not fre#uent and si(&)e8 a f)o2 diagra( is used for recording t"e (ove(ent. 0 f)o2 diagra( is a diagra( 2"ic" is dra2n to sca)e. !"e re)ative &osition of (ac"ineries8 gang 2ays8 (ateria) "and)ing e#ui&(ent etc. are dra2n first. !"en t"e &at" fo))o2ed by (en or (ateria) is (arked on t"e diagra(. Different (ove(ents can be (arked in different co)ours. ,rocess sy(bo)s are added to t"e diagra( to identify t"e different activities at different 2ork centres.

!"e f)o2 diagra( are used for t"e fo))o2ing &ur&oses< 1. !o re(ove un2anted (ateria) (ove(ent. 2. !o re(ove back tracking. 3. !o avoid traffic congestion. . !o i(&rove t"e &)ant )ayout.

C#,= ,!-#,* )$#4! $ )' 1. 3eading and descri&tion of t"e &rocess s"ou)d be given at t"e to& of t"e diagra(. 2. Ot"er infor(ations )ike )ocation8 na(e of t"e s"o&8 na(e of t"e &erson dra2ing t"e diagra( are a)so given. 3. !"e &at" fo))o2ed by t"e (ateria) is s"o2n by a f)o2 )ine. . Direction of (ove(ent is s"o2n by s(a)) arro2s a)ong t"e f)o2 )ines. '. !"e different activities are re&resented by t"e sy(bo)s on t"e f)o2 )ines. @Sa(e sy(bo)s used in f)o2 &rocess c"art are used "ereA.
+.If (ore t"an one &roduct is to be s"o2n in t"e diagra( different co)ours are used for

eac"&at". STRING DIAGRAM We (ake use of f)o2 diagra( for recording t"e (ove(ent of (en or (ateria) 2"en t"e (ove(ent is si(&)e and t"e &at" is a)(ost fi4ed. But 2"en t"e &at"s are (any and are re&etitive8 it (ay not be &ossib)e to record t"e( in a f)o2 diagra(. 3ere a string diagra( is used. String diagra( is a sca)ed &)an of t"e s"o&. Location of (ac"ines and various faci)ities aredra2n to sca)e in a dra2ing s"eet. ,ins are fi4ed at t"e various 2ork centres in t"e dra2ing s"eet. 0 continuous co)oured t"read or string is taken round t"e &ins 2"ere t"e (ateria) or 2orker (oves during t"e &rocess.


1. Dra2 t"e )ayout of t"e s"o& to sca)e in a dra2ing s"eet. 2. $ark t"e various 2ork centres )ike (ac"ines8 stores8 2ork benc" etc. in t"e diagra(. 3. 3o)d t"e dra2ing s"eet on a soft board and fi4 &ins at t"e 2ork centres. . !ie one end of a co)oured string to t"e 2ork centre fro( 2"ic" t"e (ove(ent starts. '. >o))o2 t"e &at" of t"e 2orker to different 2ork centre and according)y take t"e t"read to different &oints on t"e dra2ing board. +. 0t t"e end of t"e session note do2n t"e nu(ber of (ove(ents fro( one 2ork centre to anot"er. .. 7e(ove t"e string and (easure t"e tota) )engt" of t"e string. $u)ti&)y by t"e sca)e and get t"e actua) distance of (ove(ent. A448-5)!-#,* 1. It is used for recording t"e co(&)e4 (ove(ents of (ateria) or (en. 2. Back tracking8 congestion8 bott)enecks8 under uti)i9ed &at"s are easi)y found out. 3. It is used to c"eck 2"et"er t"e 2ork station is correct)y )ocated. . Csed to record irregu)ar (ove(ents. '. Csed to find out t"e (ost econo(ica) route


!"e 4'-,5-48 * #: +#!-#, 5#,#+& for( a set of ru)es and suggestions to i(&rove t"e (anua) 2ork in (anufacturing and reduce fatigue and unnecessary (ove(ents by t"e 2orker8 2"ic" can )ead to t"e reduction in t"e 2ork re)ated trau(a. !"e &rinci&)es of (otion econo(y can c)assified into t"ree grou&sI< 1. ,rinci&)es re)ated to t"e use of human body8 2. ,rinci&)es re)ated to t"e arrange(ent of t"e work place8 3. ,rinci&)es re)ated to t"e design of tools and equipment.

1. .'-,5-48 * ' 8)! $ !# %* #: H%+), B#$&

!"e t2o "ands s"ou)d begin and co(&)ete (otions at t"e sa(e ti(e. !"e t2o "ands s"ou)d not be id)e at t"e sa(e ti(e e4ce&t during rest &eriods. $otions of t"e ar(s s"ou)d be (ade in o&&osite and sy((etrica) directions and s"ou)d be (ade si(u)taneous)y 3and (otions s"ou)d be confined to t"e )o2est c)assification 2it" 2"ic" it is &ossib)e to &erfor( t"e 2ork satisfactori)y< 1. >inger (otions 2. Wrist (otions 3. >orear( (otions . C&&er ar( (otions '. S"ou)der (otions


$o(entu( s"ou)d be e(&)oyed to assist t"e 2orker 2"enever &ossib)e8 and it s"ou)d be reduced to a (ini(u( if it (ust be overco(e by (uscu)ar effort. S(oot" continuous (otions of t"e "ands are &referab)e to 9ig9ag (otions or straig"t6 )ine (otions invo)ving sudden and s"ar& c"anges in direction. Ba))istic (otions are faster8 easier and (ore accurate t"an contro))ed (otions=(ove(ents. Work se#uence s"ou)d be arranged to bui)d r"yt( and auto(acity into t"e o&erations. -4< o&ening and c)osing of s"irt buttons. 3ands s"ou)d be re)ieved of a)) 2ork t"at can be done by feet or ot"er &arts of t"e body.

.'-,5-48 * ' 8)! $ !# )''),9 + ,! #: !" W#'( .8)5

!"ere s"ou)d be a definite and fi4ed &)ace for a)) too)s and (ateria)s. !oo)s8 (ateria)s8 and contro)s s"ou)d be )ocated c)ose in and direct)y in front of t"e o&erator. Dro& de)ivers 8 *"utes88 Eravity feed bins and Eravity conveyers s"ou)d be used 2"enever &ossib)e to trans&ort (ateria)s. I))u(inate t"e 2ork&)ace &ro&er)y for ade#uate seeing and visua) &erce&tion. $ateria)s and too)s s"ou)d be )ocated to &er(it t"e best se#uence of (otions. 0rrange t"e "eig"t of t"e 2ork&)ace and c"air for a)ternate sitting and standing8 2"en &ossib)e. ,rovide &ro&er 2orking tab)es8 stoo)s and c"airs because to 2ork in standing= sitting &osition in s"o& f)oor 2i)) consu(e energy. ,rovide a c"air of t"e ty&e and "eig"t to &er(it good &osture !"e "eig"t of t"e 2ork&)ace and c"air s"ou)d &referab)y arranged so t"at a)ternate sitting and standing at 2ork is easi)y &ossib)e. Gee& t"e s"o& in good order 8 neat and c)ean.

.'-,5-48 ' 8)! $ !# D *-9, #: T##8* ),$ E?%-4+ ,!

!"e "ands s"ou)d be re)ieved of a)) 2ork t"at can be done advantageous)y by a Jig or >i4ture or a foot o&erated device 8 sto&s or &neu(atic devices. 7educed noise increases t"e s&eed of 2ork and re#uires )ess energy. *o(bine too)s 2"enever &ossib)e. -4 3a((er 2it" its back "aving c)a2s for re(ova) of nai)s. ,re&osition too)s and (ateria)s so as to reduce searc"8 se)ect and find o&erations.


3and)es on too)s and cranks s"ou)d be designed so as to &er(it (a4i(u( contact 2it" "ands8 &articu)ar)y 2"en force is a&&)ied as in scre2 drivers and &)iers. W"ere eac" finger &erfor(s so(e s&ecific (ove(ent8 t"e )oad s"ou)d be distributed in accordance 2it" t"e in"erent ca&acities of t"e fingers. !"e )ocation of )evers8 crossbars and "and2"ee)s s"ou)d be )ocated in suc" a &osition t"at o&erator can use t"e( 2it" )east c"ange in body &osition and 2it" greatest (ec"anica) advantage

Work Study dea)s 2it" efficient design of (et"od ofe4ecution of &"ysica) 2ork and estab)is"ing Standards of ,erfor(ance. !"e u)ti(ate objective is to to en"ance &roductivity. Work Study "as t2o e)e(ents< $et"od Study and Work $easure(ent. $et"od Study refers to syste(atic recording and critica) e4a(ination of e4isting (et"ods and &ro&osed 2ays of doing t"e 2ork.. !"e (ain &ur&ose of (et"od study is to e)i(inate unnecessary (ove(ents in t"e &rocess of doing t"e job8 t"erby en"ancing &roductivity. Out)ine &rocess c"art8 >)o2 &rocess c"art8 !2o6"anded &rocess c"art8 SI$O c"art are so(e of t"e recording tec"ni#ues. 0n out)ine of (et"od study covers t"e fo))o2ing Ste&s< Se)ect8 7ecord8 -4a(ine8 Deve)o& 8 Insta)) and $aintain. !3-7BLIES is t"e basic unit of 2ork activity used in (icro(otion studies. !"e &rinci&)es of (otion econo(y for( a set of ru)es and suggestions to i(&rove t"e (anua) 2ork in (anufacturing and reduce fatigue and unnecessary (ove(ents by t"e 2orker8 2"ic" can )ead to t"e reduction in t"e 2ork re)ated trau(a


1. Define Work Study. Discuss its re)evance in (odern conte4t. I))ustrate 2.Define $et"od Study B -4&)ain t"e ste&s used to carry out $et"od Study. 3. Discuss any t2o tec"ni#ues to record t"e &resent (et"od of doing t"e job.


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