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Eddie Holguin 5/5/12 Pd.

The legend of The Duckinator

New York City 1992 was a settle environment. It was a port city during the Gulf war. Joseph Crowsha, father of Michael Crowsha, was stationed at the Naval Base in New York City. Joseph was completely devastated by the war when he returned home for a while, and warned Michael to stay away from the Navy, Military, etc. What choice did Michael have at the time? He was only 10 years old. After Joseph was sent back into the waters, a call came from the Navy to the Crowsha residence. Michael walked into the living room to find his mother crying, only to find out that his father had been killed in a mine explosion. Michael struggled to cope with his loss from then on. Years later, Michael and his friends were exploring a new area they had found near a river. Michael wondered away from his friends to find a strange looking duck coming out of the water. With one flap of its wings, it launched itself in the direction of Michael and bit him on the wrist. Glowing fang marks appeared on Michaels wrists, which could only mean the duck was a radioactive mutation that must have flown by from another source. Michael ran back home without saying bye to his friends, and blacked out. When he awoke, he found wings that had grown out of his arms and reconnected with his waist. He realized he could make fangs appear from his wrists like the ducks teeth from before. He appeared to have the same characteristics and capabilities as a duck has. Michael knew that his new power could be very useful in the Navy. When Michaels 18th birthday came, he signed up for the Navy and showed them his new capabilities. They assigned him a special job; to detach mines in the ocean. Michael saw this as a way of honoring his father even though it pained him everyday to have to see a mine. Michael would swoop into the deep waters and detach the mines for termination using his fangs from his wrists. After detachment, all he had to do was swim up, and fly back to safety on the ship. The crew members on board would refer to his as The Duckinator.

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