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Di y l mt bc th mu gii thiu ca cp trn trong doanh nghip, ui l!

ng "h#ng $% d&ng hon ton ni dung bc th'

(ampl) *)comm)ndation +)tt)r ,rom an -mploy)r

[Date] [Full Name] [Title] [School Name] [Address] [City, State, Zipcode] Dear [Mr./Ms. Last Name] ! am "riti#$ to you "ith re$ard to [Mr./Ms. Full Name], "ho has re%uested that ! "rite a letter o& recomme#datio# o# [his/her] 'ehal&. [First Name] a#d ! discussed [his/her] rece#t decisio# to pursue $raduate studies throu$h your u#i(ersity. ! applaud [his/her] decisio# a#d stro#$ desire to ta)e [his/her] dedicatio# a#d s)ill to the #e*t le(el. At [+mployer,s Compa#y Name] "e co#ti#ually reco$#i-e #e" employees "ho see) more tha# a career. They are loo)i#$ to ma)e their mar) i# the [i#dustry type] i#dustry. They come "ith dreams o& hi$h success a#d are "illi#$ to "or) hard. .o"e(er, the [i#dustry type] i#dustry is %uite competiti(e a#d o&te# tou$h to 'rea) i#to. Ma#y "ith hi$h hopes do#,t sur(i(e the pressure. /thers seem to ha#dle pressure "ell, 'ut lac) creati(ity, $uts or discipli#e. There is also a $reat #eed &or these i#di(iduals to remai# &ocused o# the 0'i$ picture1 a#d lead the compa#y to"ard its $oals. Lastly, o#e must co#ti#ue to $ro" a#d impro(e perso#ally a#d pro&essio#ally to reach the top. Luc)ily &or [+mployer,s Compa#y Name], "e reco$#i-e that [First Name] possesses [ma#y/all] o& the #ecessary %ualities to succeed i# this tou$h 'usi#ess. 2e ha(e closely "atched [him/her] de(elop i#to a &i#e leader a#d [he/she] curre#tly ma#a$es [em'ellish here]. Additio#ally, [First Name]3s desire to stay at the top o& [his/her] $ame is clear as [he/she] co#siste#tly o&&ers a &resh perspecti(e a#d creati(e approach to pro4ects. [.e/She] also approaches [his/her] pro4ects 'y calculati#$ ris)s a#d ma)i#$ solid determi#atio#s. ! ha(e "or)ed "ith [First Name] &or [time spa#]. The thi#$ that impresses me the most a'out [him/her] is [em'ellish here]. [.e/She] is also co#sta#tly loo)i#$ &or #e" challe#$es, s)ill 'uildi#$ a#d de(elopi#$ a resource&ul #et"or) o& collea$ues that respect a#d admire [him/her]. [First Name] is still you#$ to the i#dustry a#d ca# 'e [em'ellish here] at times. .o"e(er, [he/she] someho" ma#a$es to tur# #e$ati(e e(e#ts i#to positi(e lear#i#$ e*perie#ces a#d #e(er ma)es the same mista)e t"ice. [.e/She] also #e(er $i(es up a#d appreciates positi(e criticism that ca# o#ly ma)e [him/her] $ro" i# the lo#$ ru#. [First Name] does ha(e a &e" shortcomi#$s5that [he/she] is a"are o& a#d tries to "or) o#5"hich ! thi#)

your $raduate pro$ram "ill help [him/her] to o(ercome. [.e/She] does #eed help [em'ellish here]. !t is my 'elie& that a stro#$er educatio# "ill help [First Name] to truly succeed i# the [i#dustry type] i#dustry 'y dimi#ishi#$ [his/her] shortcomi#$s a#d impro(i#$ [his/her] tale#ts. Si#ce the curriculum o&&ered 'y your u#i(ersity is desi$#ed to 'uild o# each stude#t,s capa'ilities, ! am co#&ide#t that [First Name] "ill 'oth $ro" &rom a#d $i(e 'ac) to your pro$ram. Si#cerely, [+mployer,s Name] [+mployer,s Title] [Compa#y]

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