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The value of choosing Accreditation Canada

At Accreditation Canada, our client-centred programs reward competence and innovation. Earning accreditation from us is a tangible way to demonstrate that accountability, quality, risk mitigation, and patient safety are paramount in your organization. It can be an overwhelming task to determine which quality improvement partner is right for your organization and it is important to choose an accrediting body that understands the needs of the community you serve.

A trusted partner in health care quality improvement

By choosing one of the worlds most experienced and most credible accreditation institutions, you can rest assured that we: 99 Understand the needs of health care organizations across Canada 99 Partner with many leading Canadian health and safety organizations 99 Can give you access to an integrated portfolio of accreditation and education services 99 Have been committed to health care quality improvement in Canada since 1958 99 Have inspired two thirds of the worlds accreditation programs

As a CEO, I look to Accreditation Canada to help me get value for my expenditures, direction on how to move forward, and quality in the accreditation product they produce for us.
Randy Penny President and CEO, Renfrew Victoria Hospital and St. Francis Memorial Hospital

Responsive to unique health care needs

There are many types of organizations in health care services, and they often face competing quality and safety requirements. Our Primer and Qmentum programs serve diverse organizations while providing targeted and relevant programs that: 99 Evolve, adjusting to jurisdictional priorities and supporting your accountability 99 Are recognized by all health ministries in Canada and by many health care associations and programs 99 Support you in addressing your competing quality and safety requirements

Leading organization-wide standards that keep you up-to-date

With Accreditation Canada you will achieve quality and safety by: 99 Assessing and building quality and safety throughout your entire organization, not solely at the service/program level 99 Supporting the development of a sustainable culture of improvement that permeates your organization 99 Helping you make the most of your resources by focusing on improving efficiencies, staff communication, safety, and well-being.

Connect with us at
1-800-814-7769 LearnMore@accreditation.ca | accreditation.ca

2013 Accreditation Canada

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