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Six Sigma Green Belt Course Outline

Course Description and Topics covered: Six Sigma involves in improving processes by speaking to/ listening to Data and speaking to/ listening to Process. We expose the participants to these concepts by explaining the following and taking up number of exercises/ cases. Introductory concepts: Ability to Improve as Most desirable ability among Executives Statistical Thinking as foundation for Improvement Concept of Quality and its Dimensions: Product / Service / Information Concept of variation: types and their characteristics, Measurement

Core Concepts: Overview of Six Sigma; Definition, underlying principles Introduction to DFSS Role of people: Champion, Sponsor, Black Belt, Green Belt Key words: Defect, opportunity, DPMO Basis for selecting a project and Criteria for Closing a project DMAIC Methodology Introduction to QFD Concept of Six in Six Sigma Concept of Process Capability Process Sigma/Z-value

Tools for Speaking to/ Listening to Data: o o o o Seven QC Tools Concept of Probability and Probability Distributions Descriptive Statistics Hypothesis Testing

Tools for Speaking to/ Listening to Process: Design of Experiments Statistical Process Control FMEA

Tel: 9912876900/8008203031 Email: , website : 2nd Floor Uma Chamber, Nagarjuna Circle, Punjagutta, Hyderabad

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