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Established in 1991, Unified Credit Solutions Pvt Ltd (UCS) , formerly TCM Risk Management India Pvt Ltd,

is a leading B B Credit Management gro!", s"e#iali$ing in B!siness Information %ervi#es, Re#eivables Management, &ebt Colle#tion and Para Legal %ervi#es' (C% is a )oint "arti#i"ant in the *orld*ide e+"anding net*ork of B B #redit management servi#e "roviders and offers a total sol!tion to all #redit management needs and beyond' ,ead-!artered in India *ith re"resentation a#ross all ma)or global #ities #overing .. #o!ntries, (C% has assembled a tried and tested team of "rofessionals and lo#al "artners that "rovide for "rom"t, effi#ient and reliable servi#e making "roblems s!#h as lang!age, #!lt!re and differing #ommer#ial and legal "ra#ti#es, a thing of "ast' /e are re"resented in all leading ind!stry asso#iations globally in#l!ding 0C0 international *orld1s largest 0sso#iation of Credit 2 Colle#tion Professionals, that hel"s !s to remain !"dated of the #hanging global s#enario'

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