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The state includes the island of Tasmania, the 26th largest island in the world, and the surrounding

334 islands. Tasmania has been volcanically inactive in recent geological times but has many jagged peaks resulting from recent glaciation

Tasmania is essentially a mountainous island. ighest mountains! "ssa at #6#$ m, %egges Tor rises #&$& m. There are four other peaks over #&'' m. (ut the dominant feature of Tasmanian geography is the glaciated, lake)studded *entral +lateau. ,eepest lake! %ake -t. *lair, in the central highlands. .n places it is over 2'' m deep.%argest lakes! %ake /ordon and %ake +edder, at 2$2 and 24# s0.km respectively.*onnected by a canal, together they form 1ustralia2s largest freshwater lake. %ongest rivers!The -outh 3sk 4iver, in the north)east of the state, is the longest at 2'# km .This is followed by the /ordon 4iver on the west coast ,#5& km, and the ,erwent 4iver in the south) east ,#52 km.

Tasmania has a cool temperate climate with four distinct seasons. -ummer lasts from ,ecember to 6ebruary when the average ma7imum sea temperature is 2# 8* and inland areas around %aunceston reach 24 8* ."ther inland areas are much cooler, with %iawenee, located on the *entral +lateau, one of the coldest places in 1ustralia, ranging between 4 8* and #$ 8* in 6ebruary. 1utumn lasts between 9arch and 9ay and e7periences changeable weather, when summer weather patterns gradually take on the shape of winter patterns. The winter months are between :une and 1ugust and are generally the wettest and coolest months in the state, with most high lying areas receiving considerable snowfall. ;inter ma7imums are #2 8* on average along coastal areas and 3 8* on the central plateau, as a result of a series of cold fronts from the -outhern "cean. -pring is a season of transition, where winter weather patterns begin to take the shape of summer patterns, although snowfall is still common up until "ctober. -pring is generally the windiest time of the year with afternoon sea bree<es starting to take effect on the coast.

Flora and Fauna

Tasmania has e7tremely diverse vegetation, from the heavily gra<ed grassland of the dry 9idlands to the tall evergreen eucalypt forest, alpine heathlands and large areas of cool temperate rainforests and moorlands in the rest of the state. 6lora! ;et eucalypt forests,dry eucalypt forests, uon pines

6auna! Tasmanian tiger, Tasmanian devil, birds,frogs

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