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Flag Football

Beginner Flag Football Quiz

Name Teacher Date Class

True or False
Read each statement carefully. If the statement is true, write a T in the column to the left. If the statement is false, write an F. If using a grid sheet, blacken in the appropriate column for each question, making sure to use the correctly numbered line for each question and its answer. _____ 1. A team able to move the line of scrimmage forward at least 10 yards (9 meters) in four downs maintains possession of the ball. _____ 2. Offensive players must line up on either side of the line of scrimmage for the next play. _____ 3. Passes, handoffs, running plays, and blocking for the ball carrier are plays made by the defensive team. _____ 4. A touchdown is scored when a team has the ball in the opponents end zone. _____ 5. Once a ball is ahead of the line of scrimmage, it can be passed forward. _____ 6. If the ball changes hands behind the line of scrimmage, the defense may rush the ball carrier even though 7 Mississippi has not yet been called. _____ 7. In order to legally stop a ball carrier, you must pull her flag. _____ 8. Defensive players should not let the person they cover get behind them. _____ 9. If a pass is not caught, the line of scrimmage does not move and players must return to where the line of scrimmage was in the previous play. _____ 10. If a player runs out of bounds with the ball, the new line of scrimmage is in line with where the ball was taken out of bounds.

Extra Credit
Match the columns (1 point each) _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. catch the ball interception tackling square right kickoff or throw-off a. b. c. d. e. illegal in class push off left foot watch the ball into your hands starting the game the defense catches the ball

From Isobel Kleinman, 2009, Complete Physical Education Plans for Grades 5 to 12, Second Edition (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).


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