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unlverslLy of 8eadlng
3-7 SepLember 2014


Leslle 8uLler (uarLmouLh College)
Sarah 1. hllllps (8osLon unlverslLy)

ln order Lo fosLer llnks beLween nlneLeenLh- and LwenLleLh-cenLury unlLed SLaLes hlsLorlans, Lhe 2014
annual conferences of 8rAnCP and PC1CuS wlll be held [olnLly aL Lhe unlverslLy of 8eadlng. apers are
lnvlLed on all Loplcs concernlng Lhe hlsLory of Lhe u.S. from 1789 Lo Lhe presenL. lndlvldual or panel
proposals are welcome (panels should have no more Lhan Lhree presenLers ln LoLal). 1he organlsers are
also keen Lo encourage papers and panels LhaL brldge Lhe gap beLween nlneLeenLh- and LwenLleLh-cenLury
hlsLory ln lmaglnaLlve and lnnovaLlve ways. 1oplcs for papers or panels mlghL lnclude:

8ace and raclsm
Cender and sexuallLy
CaplLallsm and economlcs
uomesLlclLy and Lhe home
LnvlronmenLal hlsLory
CulLural and lnLellecLual hlsLory
1he medlcal humanlLles
lnLernaLlonal and LransnaLlonal hlsLory
PlsLorlography and memory

lease send a brlef Cv and a summary of Lhe proposed paper or panel of no more Lhan 300 words per
paper by 56 )7(#8 96:; Lo './, Lhe conference organlzer, Lmlly WesL, and Lhe PC1CuS LvenLs SecreLary,
nlck WlLham:

Lmlly WesL (e.r.wesL[
nlck WlLham (nlck.wlLham[

lurLher lnformaLlon on membershlp and forLhcomlng evenLs can be found aL Lhe 8rAnCP and PC1CuS
webslLes: and

8oLh organlsaLlons graLefully acknowledge Lhe supporL of Lhe u.S. Lmbassy ln London.

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