Server Config

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#this is an example config file for TerrariaServer.exe #use the command 'TerrariaServer.exe -config serverconfig.

txt' to use this confi guration or run start-server.bat #please report crashes by emailing crashlog.txt to #the following is a list of available command line parameters: #-config <config file> to use. #-port <port number> #-players <number> / -maxplayers <number> #-pass <password> / -password <password> #-world <world file> tart the server. #-autocreate <#> in the path specified by -world. World size is ), and 3(large). #-banlist <path> nlist. Defaults to "banlist.txt" in the working #-worldname <world name> using -autocreate. #-secure o the server. #-noupnp ng Specifies the configuration file Specifies the port to listen on. Sets the max number of players Sets the server password Load a world and automatically s Creates a world if none is found specified by: 1(small), 2(medium Specifies the location of the ba directory. Sets the name of the world when Adds addition cheat protection t Disables automatic port forwardi

#Set s the max number of players allowed on a server. Value must be between 1 and 255 #maxplayers=8 #Load a world and automatically start the server. #world=C:\Users\Defaults\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds\world1.wld #Set the port number #port=7777 #Set the server password #password=p@55w0rd #Set the message of the day #motd=Please don t cut the purple trees! #Sets the folder where world files will be stored #worldpath=C:\Users\Defaults\My Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds\ #Creates a new world if none is found. World size is specified by: 1(small), 2(m edium), and 3(large). #autocreate=3 #Sets the name of the world when using autocreate #worldname=World #The location of the banlist. Defaults to "banlist.txt" in the working directory . #banlist=banlist.txt #Adds addition cheat protection. #secure=1 #Sets the server language 1:English, 2:German, 3:Italian, 4:French, 5:Spanish

#lang=1 #Automatically forward ports with uPNP #upnp=1 #Reduces enemy skipping but increases bandwidth usage. The lower the number the less skipping will happen, but more data is sent. 0 is off. #npcstream=60 #Default system priority 0:Realtime, 1:High, 2:AboveNormal, 3:Normal, 4:BelowNor mal, 5:Idle priority=1

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