Taller de Pasado Simple

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Taller de Pasado Simple

NAME: _________________________________________________________ GRADE: _____

1. Realiza una presentación en power point con mínimo 8 diapositivas

sobre la rutina diaria en presente y pasado. Enviar lo al correo.

Eje : I get-up at six o´clock every day

I got-up at six o´clock yesterday.

2. Escribe el pasado de los siguientes verbos:

• Go buy
• Drink write
• Cut study
• Swim think
• Catch do
1. Ordena las siguientes oraciones
• She/last week/went/to Cartagena:
• Last month/father/my/ a car/bought:
• They/did/sweep/house/?/the/:
• Didn´t/we/do/task/the/last Monday/:
• Did/what/eat/you/last/Sunday/?/
1. Re-escribe el siguiente texto en pasado.

My name is Thomas, I am eleven years old, I live in Canada. Every day in the
morning I wake-up at five thirty, then I take a shower and I go to school. My
school is very big and beautiful, it has many classrooms and many students.

My mother´s name is Clarice, she has two jobs, as a secretary and as a

housewife, she does many activities in the morning, she practices basket-ball
and swims. In the afternoon she prepares my lunch and cleans the house.
My father´s name is Robert, he Works as a police- man so he has to gets-up
very early every day, he is tall and handsome, he comes back home at 9:00
p.m. every day, he eats dinner and after he goes to bed.

2. Realiza preguntas con wh question en pasado teniendo en cuenta la

siguiente información:

Eje. What/drink: what did she drink last Monday?

• Where/go:
• When/brush your teeth/
• How/go to school
• Why/practice soc cer

1. Responde las siguientes preguntas:

• What did you do in class yesterday?
• Where did you go last vacation?
• What did your mother eat last Sunday?
• When did you talk to your dad?
• Why did you watch news?
1. Colorea de rojo los verbos regulares y con azul los irregulares

Paint go think

Buy drink eat mix

Shout scream arrive

Do jump play

Read cut walk

2. Realiza las preguntas para las respuestas

• ____________________________
I played soccer yesterday

• ____________________________
I went to Pereira plaza last Sunday

Because I like it
1. Encuentra el error
• They didnot slept at the house yesterday
• Did we swiming in the poo last week?
• She play soccer in the afternoon
• She wrotes a letter in spanish class

1. Lee con ciudado y responde


• On my last vacation my family and I went to California.

Every day in the morning we ate corn flakes and my father
ate bacon with eggs and drank orange juice. My sister
washed the dishes, my grandmother swept the floor and
cleaned the bedrooms, and I swam in the pool. In the
afternoon we rode bikes and went to the beach. At night I
watched tv. and my brother jumped rope and played
soccer. Mother and father read magazines.


1)Did my family and I go to Brazil? 2) Did I go to


3)Did we eat corn flakes? 4) Did my father eat bacon with




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