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Site Participation Form

Name: Paul Pearson Date of Participation: January 20, 2014 Participation Site: Valley View High School Guiding Question: How does the physics classroom function today, and how does it differ from my high school, military, and college experience? Brief description (3-5 bullets) of activity during participation: Keystone Exams completed Last remaining exam on potential and kinetic energy administered Quarterly and semester grades calculated Cooperating teachers administrative, grading techniques observed Assisted cooperating teacher in grading exams Reflection on Participation Experience: Although I did not witness the teaching of subject matter, I gained valuable insight on classroom management procedures and the teachers responsibilities outside of in-class instruction. The classroom environment was surprisingly similar to what I expected. Although I was apprehensive at first, I became acclimated and comfortable with the classroom setting and the few students with whom I interacted.

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