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News from


City of San Diego
For immediate release: January 30, 2014 Contact: Tracy Cambre, (619) 533-6396

Interim Mayor Gloria, Law Enforcement Leaders Announce Campaign to Combat Human Trafficking
SAN DIEGO (January 30, 2014) Interim Mayor Todd Gloria and City and County law enforcement leaders will announce today the launch of a campaign against human trafficking. Senate Bill 1193 requires certain business owners to participate in antitrafficking efforts and the City of San Diegos Human Relations Commission is working to ensure local compliance. WHO: Interim Mayor Todd Gloria City Attorney Jan Goldsmith Assistant San Diego Police Chief Cesar Solis Hazel C., human trafficking victim District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis Commander Mike Barletta, County of San Diego Sheriffs Department Mark Dillon, Chair of the City of San Diego Human Relations Commission Announce a change in the human trafficking law that directly impacts certain businesses in San Diego; highlights local efforts. Thursday, January 30 at 10:00 a.m. Outside the San Diego Police Department Headquarters, 1401 Broadway, San Diego, CA




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