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Ingredients for Vegetable Macaroni and Cheese : 8 blocks butter 380 g flour 19 liters of milk 7 pcs cheddar cheese

Eden in 250 g 1 1/4 cup quick melt cheese , 44 cups quick melt cheese / 10 pcs quickmelt cheese in 475 g 11. 1 kg macaroni pasta 30 pcs large carrots 5 kg broccoli 7 kg cauliflower 1 kg Spinach 1 bottle Mackcormic Nutmeg powder 200 g Parsley kg salt kg pepper

CHICKEN: 150 pcs. Chicken Breast 28 cups flour 28 cups shredded coconut (courtesy chef mads) 75 pcs eggs 18 tbsp oil 9 pcs small nestle yogurt / any brand 18 pcs sweet ripe mango

Stevia Vanilla Cupcakes with Stevia Cream Cheese Frosting 1.8 kg cake flour 200 g baking powder 11 sticks butter 1 kg stevia (courtesy chef mads) 25 pcs eggs 4 small bottles McCormic Vanilla Extract 3 liters milk 2 kg semi sweet choco bar, Mini marshmallow 1kg, sprinkles 1/2 kg, cupcake paper 150 pcs, and 1L corn oil.

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