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Consumer Shopping Behavior in BIG BAZZAR



G"I#E# B)4 . Mrs5 Meena6 Pen7se


This is to certify that eha!ior in "I# "$%$$R& the FIELD WORK titled Consumer shopping

Is a "ona fide 'or( carried out y )r* +I,-$L ,-$R)$ student of )aster of )$RKETI.# )$.$#E)E.T ,emester /nd of )$TRI0 "1,I.E,, ,C-OOL2 31.E under 1ni!ersity of 3une in the 4ear /5567

Internal guide )rs7 )eenal 3endse

Director Dr7 87.7 3ol

Date9 3lace9 3une College ,eal

$ successful pro:ect can ne!er e prepared y the single effort or the person to 'hom pro:ect is assigned 2 ut it also demand the help and guardianship of some con!ersant person 'ho helps in the undersigned acti!ely or passi!ely in the completion of successful pro:ect7 With great pleasure I e;press my gratitude to our director Dr787.73ol and pro:ect guide 3rof7 )eenal 3endse 'ithout their help this 'ould not ha!e een completed7 They ha!e gi!en their precious suggestions and constructi!e guidance has een indispensa le in the completion of this pro:ect 'or(7

I 'ould also li(e to than( the staff of the )atri; "usiness ,chool7 They ha!e supported me in this endea!or2 and appreciated me in my efforts during my pro:ect7

Last ut not the least I 'ould also li(e to than( my friends and all the responded7 Who directly and indirectly supported to me during my pro:ect 'or(2 'ithout the help of 'hom this pro:ect 'ould not ha!e een possi le7

$nuraag ,harma


,r7 .o < / A C = ? @ B 6 <5 << </ E;ecuti!e ,ummary O :ecti!e and scope of the study Company 3rofile Theoretical "ac(ground Research )ethodology Data analysis and Interpretation Findings Limitations Conclusion Recommendations $nne;ure "i liography


3age .o7 =>? @ B><5 <<><@ <B>/< //>A5 A<>A/ AA AC A=>A? A@>A6 C5


3ro:ect Title
Consumer uying eha!ior 'hile ,hopping& The study of any su :ect is made y e;amining it in an organiDed fashion7 There are three classes of !aria les in!ol!ed in understanding consumer eha!iorE ,TI)1L1,2 RE,3O.,E and I.TER+E.I.# !aria les7 ,timulus !aria les2 such as ad!ertisements2 products e;ist in oth the indi!idualsF e;ternal en!ironment7 These generate a sensory input to consumers7 Response !aria les are the resulting mental G or physical reactions of indi!iduals 'ho are influenced y stimulus !aria les7 For e7g79 > purchasing a product or forming attitudes a out it could e !ie'ed as response !aria les7 )any of the !aria les affecting consumers Hsuch as personality2 learning2 and perceptions are e;ternal situations2 moti!es2 and so forthI cannot e directly o ser!ed7 The pro:ect Consumer uying eha!ior 'hile shopping&7 Is carried out under super!ision and guidance of "I# "$%$$R7 The pro:ect 'as a out studying the consumer uying eha!ior7 $ Juestionnaire 'as prepared y us in order to conduct mar(et sur!ey7 The Juestionnaire 'as ased on different parameters to :udge and understand the consumer eha!iors and determine the est possi le strategies 'hich could e used to attract customers7 The research carried out in this pro:ect 'as descripti!e in nature7 The study 'as aimed at (no'ing the !arious eating ha its of a consumer7

This pro:ect helped in understanding 'hat e;actly a customer loo(s in an eating :oint efore entering it7 It ga!e an idea a out the essential factors that are reJuired no' a day for an eating :oint to attract customers in this competiti!e 'orld7

We 'ere also gi!en a tas( to understand the customer eating ha its2 'hat a consumer 'ants 'hile eating in a restaurant 'hat all a consumer loo( for and 'hat are their e;pectations2 ho' can a mall o'ner satisfy the needs and 'ants of a consumer so that the consumer may come ac( and the retailer can retain its consumer7 This pro:ect helped us to figure out the different consumer eating eha!ior and to understand the o!erall customer perception of eating in a restaurant as 'ell as their demand for mall7 The trend today has een to com ine shopping 'ith !arious offering7 For e7g7 apart from shopping there are food courts2 cinema theaters and e!en in some an amusement centre for children7 ,hopping has made people spend not :ust on their reJuirements of goods to e ought ut to loo( on the totally of e;perience ha!e a Juic( ite at )cDonalds in the mall or let the (ids play fun game 'hile one is usy shopping or e!en ta(ing the family out for mo!ie and ha!ing a dinner all under one roof7 The enefits of this totally offering are that many !endors get to ha!e peoples patroniDe their offerings2 'hile the ,hopping e;perience i7e7 eing enhanced2 more usiness got y the stores at the !enue7 ,hopping is no longer a onetime agenda for people7 +arious options are opening up7



To analyDe consumer eha!ior to'ards consumption of fast food7

S;ope o= <he pro:e;<4.

The mar(et sur!ey has done in fast food restaurantsE this pro:ect is useful for the etter understanding of the consumer eha!ior7 The pro:ect encompasses the !arious eha!ior of customer2 their pre and post eha!ior 'hen they eat7 There is also o!er!ie' of the consumerFs attraction to'ards fast food restaurants2 mostly consumer perceptions are changing and most of the consumer no' prefers to eat in fast food restaurant7 The pro:ect 'or( in!ol!es specific guidelines for the restaurant and helps the restaurants to understand etter the consumer eha!ior in fast food restaurants7

Compan> pro=i6e

B!g B"#""$

3antaloon Retail HIndiaI Limited2 is IndiaFs leading retailer that operates multiple retail formats in oth the !alue and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer mar(et7 -eadJuartered in )um ai H"om ayI2 the company operates o!er @ millions sJuare feet of retail space2 has o!er <555 stores across =A cities in India and employs o!er /=2555 people7

The companyFs leading formats include 3antaloons2 a chain of fashion outlets2 Big Ba?aar2 a uniJuely Indian -ypermar(et chain2 food "aDaar2 a supermar(et chain2 lends the loo(2 touch and feel of Indian bazaars 'ith aspects of modern retail li(e choice2 con!enience and Juality and Central2 a chain of seamless destination malls7 ,ome of its other formats include2 Depot2 ,hoe Factory2 "rand Factory2 "lue ,(y2 Fashion ,tation2 all2 Top <52 aDaar and ,tar and ,itara7 The company also operates an online portal2 future aDaar7com7 "ig "aDaar is not :ust another hypermar(et7 It caters to e!ery need of your family7 Where "ig "aDaar scores o!er other stores is its !alue for money proposition for the Indian customers7 $t "ig "aDaar2 you 'ill definitely get the est products at the est prices > thatFs 'hat they guarantee7 With the e!er increasing array of pri!ate la els2 it has opened the doors into the 'orld of fashion and general merchandise including -ome furnishings2 utensils2 croc(ery2 cutlery2 sports goods and much more at prices that 'ill surprise you7 $nd this is :ust the eginning7 "ig "aDaar plans to add much more to complete your shopping e;perience7

u<ure group

Future group is one of the countryFs leading usiness groups present in retail2 asset management2 consumer finance2 insurance2 retail media2 retail spaces and logistics7

The groupFs flagship company2 pantaloon Retail HIndiaI Limited operates o!er @ million sJuare feet of retail space2 has o!er <555 stores of its leading retail formats include2 3antaloon2 "ig "aDaar2 Central2 Food "aDaar2 -ome To'n2 ODone2 Depot2 future )oney and online retail format2 future aDaar7com7

Future group includes2 Future Capital -olding2 Future #enerally India Indus league clothing and #ala;y Entertainment that manages sports "ar2 "re' "ar and "o'ling Co7 Future Capital -olding2 the group Ks financial arm2 focuses on asset management and consumer credit7 It manages assets 'orth o!er L< illion that are eing in!ested in de!eloping retail real estate and consumer>related rands and hotels7

The groupFs :oint !enture partners include Italian insurance ma:or2 generally7 French retailer ET$) group7 1s> ased stationery products retailers2 ,taples Inc7 and 1K> ased Lee Cooper and India> ased Tal'al(arFs2 "lue Foods and Li erty ,hoes7

Future #roupFs !ision is to2 deli!er E!erything2 E!ery'here2 E!ery time to e!ery Indian consumer in the most profita le manner7& The group considers& as a core !alue and its corporate credo is> Re'rite rules2 Retain !alues7

Theore<i;a6 Ba;@groun7

Retailing M is the most acti!e and attracti!e sector selling goods or ser!ices directly to final of the last decade7 While the retailing industry consumers for personal2 non usiness use itself has een present through history in our country2 it is in the recent past it has 'itnessed so mush dynamism

Retailing one of the largest sectors in the glo al economy is going through a transition phase not only in India ut the 'orld o!er7

The study of any su :ect is made easier y e;amining it in an organiDed fashion7 There are three classes of !aria les in!ol!ed in understanding consumer eha!ior2 stimulus2 response and inter!ening !aria les7 ,timulus !aria les2 such as ad!ertisement2 products and hunger pangs e;ist in oth the indi!idualsF e;ternal and internal en!ironment7 These generate sensory inputs to consumers7 Responses !aria les are the resulting mental andGor physical reactions of indi!idual 'ho are influenced y stimulus !aria les7 For e;9 > purchasing a product or forming attitudes a out it could e !ie'ed as responses !aria les7

)any of the !aria les affecting consumer Hsuch as personality2 learning2 and perceptions of e;ternal situations2 moti!es2 and so forthI cannot e directly o ser!ed therefore2 those 'ho 'ant to learn a out the !aria les affecting consumer must often ma(e inference to determine the e;tent to 'hich a gi!en !aria le is ha!ing an influnce

The study of consumer eha!ior can also e Juite comple;2 ecause of the many !aria les in!ol!ed and their thro' the !aria les2 tendency to interact 'ith and influence each other7 )odels of consumer eha!ior ha!e een de!eloped as a means of dealing7 With this comple;ity7 )odels can help organiDe out thin(ing a out consumers into a coherent into a coherent 'hole y identifying rele!ant !aria les2 descri ing their asic characteristics2 and specifying ho' the !aria les relate to each other7

Consumer 7e;isions Pro;ess


This process consists of the decision process regarding products and ser!ices7 The ma:or steps in this process are sho'n as pro lem recognition2 information search and e!aluation2 purchasing processes2 and post purchase eha!ior7 3ro lem recognition occurs 'hen the consumer is acti!ated y a'areness of sufficient difference her actual affairs and her concept of the ideal situation7 This can occurs through acti!ation of a moti!e such as hunger2 y confronting some e;ternal stimulus such as an ad!ertisement2 or y eing effected y additional !aria les such as social or situational influences7

Internal search M a Juic( and largely unconscious re!ie' of memory for stored information and e;periences regarding the pro lem7 The information is in the form of elief and attitudes that ha!e influenced the consumerFs preference to'ards ands7 Often such a re!ie' results in recogniDing a strong rand preference2 and a routine purchase occurs7 -o'e!er if an internal search does not pro!ide sufficient information a out products2 or ho' to e!aluate them2 the consumer continues 'ith a more in!ol!ed e;ternal search for information7 This result e;posure to numerous informational inputs called stimuli2 'hich can arise from a !ariety of sources2 including ad!ertisement2 printed products re!ie's2 and comments from friends7

$ny informational stimuli are su :ected to information>processing acti!ities2 'hich the consumer uses to deri!e meaning from stimuli7 The process In!ol!es allocating attention to a!aila le stimuli deri!ing meaning form these stimuli and holding this meaning in 'hat is termed in 'hat is termed short term memory 'here it can e retained riefly to allo' further processing7

Ind!"n $et"!l m"$ket %cen"$!o


The financial year /55=>5? sa' India ride high on the 'a!es of a ooming economy7 The ",E sense; scaled ne' heights y crossing the </55 points mar( early that year7 The #D3 gro'th for /55=>5? 'as a out B7C N 'hile foreign reser!es had crossed the 1,L <?= illion mar(7 India had shed its tag of a third 'orld country and is eing hailed as one of the most rapidly emerging mar(ets and a popular in!estment destination7

"et'een the affluent and the middle class has reduced dramatically7 The Indian middle class is e;pected to gro' from its current share of // N to A/ N of the total population y /5<5 o!er the last fe' years retail has ecome one of the fastest gro'ing sector in the Indian economy7 Retail in India is currently estimated to e a L/A5 illion industry of 'hich organiDed retail A N or roughly L @ illion7 $t (eamey has identified India as the leading retail destination in their annual list of most attracti!e countries for international retail e;pansion H#lo al retail de!elopment inde; /55?I7 OrganiDed retail is e;pected to gro' at the rate of /=>A5N per annum and is pro:ected to attain a siDe of L/A illion y /5<57 The ooming ser!ices sector in India has fueled the gro'th of a ne' class of consumer the single ur an youth 'hose e;penses are typically independent of family compulsion7 $s o ser!ed glo ally the steady clim in lifestyle and leisure goods is essentially due to disposa le income of this class of consumers7 O!er the last one year salaries ha!e increased y appro;imately <=>/5N7 The di!ide

The go!ernment has allo'ed foreign direct in!estment in real estate since early /55=7 This has led to increased foreign interest and has encouraged :oint !entures et'een Indian and foreign de!eloper7 Considering the !ast potential in the retail usiness =<N FDI in single rand retailing has also een allo'ed recently7 This mo!e is anticipated to attract foreign in!estment technology glo al est practices and cater to the demand for high Juality randed goods in India7

Corollary to the real estate gro'th retail oom too has percolated to the tier>/ and tier>A cities of India of the total A?< mail pro:ects currently under'ay in India //@ are in the top @ cities 'hile the rest <AC are distri uted o!er !arious tier>/ tierA cities7 These statistics re!eal the far reaching effect of positi!e macro trends In changing the consumer preferences and shifting mindsets to'ards organiDed retail e;perience esides ne' malls close to A= hypermar(et A/= large department stores and o!er <5555 ne' outlets are also under de!elopment7 #ro'th in rural population and increase in agricultural incomes also offers considera le scope for inno!ati!e retail formats7

IndiaFs !ast middle class and its !irtually untapped retail industry are (ey attraction for glo al retail giants 'anting to enter ne' mar(ets7 $s India continues to get strongly integrated 'ith glo al policies the retail sector is ound to gro' manifold in the years to come7 The depth of the Indian mar(et and the !ariations of the consumer profile portend a right future for the sustained gro'th of the Indian retail sector7


C&$$ent %cen"$!o

3une has een e;periencing a retail oom since the last />A years in /55= appro;imately <7/= mm7 sJ7 ft of ne' retail space 'as added to 3une real estate mar(et7 This led the current retail stoc( of the city to gro' to A7= mm7sJ ft gro'th in commercial acti!ities and the migrant population of young 'hite collar 'or(ers has een the (ey dri!er of real estate oom in the city7

With /A mall pro:ects in the pipeline the city 'as e;pected to ha!e a cumulati!e retail slot of appro;imately C7= mn7sJ ft y end /55? and infusion of ne' retail space o!er the ne;t t'o years the total retail stoc( in 3une y end /55B is estimated to e a out B7@ mn sJ ft7

The city has een 'itnessing an interesting trend of mo!ie screens eing located in large format mall de!elopments7 $nother noticea le trend in the retail format is the ad!ent of specialty mall or niche malls7

Cent$e loc"t!on% The locations 'here retail de!elopers ha!e flourished traditionally are the high streets of ) 7# Road F C road and 87 )7 road in the central part of the city these mar(ets ha!e a uniJue mi; of local rands along 'ith national and international retailers oth are (no'n to generate su stantial re!enues along 'ith hea!y footfalls7

-o'e!er the de!elopment of malls in the neigh oring locations is anticipated to affect the footfalls of these traditional high streets7 $ case in point is the presence of magnum mall H<@=555 sJ7 ft7I In the camp area 'hich has created a pull effect on the consumer stronghold of )7 #7 road7nucleus mall H/55555 sJ ft I in camp 'hich ecame operational in /55= had shoppers stop ta(e up space for its second outlet in the city7 $nother large scale pro:ect 3une central a mall y pantaloon retail on und garden road has food aDaar as its anchor tenant and caters to the domestic needs of the ul( of the resident population of central 3une7

These retail mar(et in the central location of the city currently house appro;imately <7@B mn7sJ7ft of retail stoc( a ne' mall fun n tra!el H<55555 sJ ftI has een planned in the und garden region 'hile t'o malls ascent H6A?=C sJ ftI $nd one centre port H</C5555 sJ ftI are coming up on the uni!ersity road7 These de!elopments are slated to enter the mar(et sometime in /55@7

S&'&$'"n "nd (e$!()e$"l loc"t!on

While the retail mar(ets in camp an und garden road continue to mature retail sector acti!ity is increasingly shifting to su ur an and

peripheral locations of $undh2 -adpsar (ar!e road (ondh'a and yer'ada note 'othy mall de!elopment sude! a;is HA=5555I 'ill also e operational in /55@ this micro mar(et is e;pected to 'itness a num er of large scale mall de!elopments amounting to appro;imately /7A mn sJ ft of ne' retail space y /55B7

Research )ethodology ill common parlance refers to a search for (no'ledge7 One can also define also research as a scientific and systematic research for pertinent information a specific topic7 Research is an art of systematic in!estigation7 ,ome people consider research as a mo!ement2 a mo!ement to the (no'n to the un(no'n7

A;;or7ing <o C6i==or7 'oo7>4 .


Research comprises defining and redefining pro lems2 formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions2 collecting2 organiDing and e!aluating data2 ma(ing deductions mil reaching conclusion2 and at last carefully testing the conclusion to determine 'hether they fit the formulating hypothesis7&

)ar(eting research is defined as a systematic gathering and analysis of the data concern 'ith an o :ecti!e7 The 'hole acti!ity is di!ided into !arious parts and after compilation of that 'e reach at certain findings2 'hich ena le us to mar(eting decision7 It in!ol!es the diagnosis of information needed and the selection of the rele!ant and inter>related !aria les7

Resear;h P6an4 . Research $pproach9 ,1R+E4 )ET-OD Primar> Sour;e 3rimary data consists of original information gathered for specific purpose7 The primary data is collected through Juestionnaire7 The Juestionnaire is through common instrument collecting primary collection7 I collected the data through Juestionnaire from different small eating :oints7

Resear;h Ins<rumen< The research instruments used for collecting the primary data 'ere the Juestionnaire7



The Juestionnaire 'as carefully de!eloped tested and de ugged efore they 'ere administered on a large scale7 Each Juestions contri uted to the research o :ecti!e here Juestionnaire is structured types means there are concrete2 definite and predetermined Juestions7

The Juestions are presented are e;actly same 'ording and in the same an order to all respondents7 The Juestionnaire had a mi; type of open ended2 closed ended and multiple choice Juestions7 The Juestions 'ere limited in num ers simple direct and un iased technology 'as adopted7

#a<a Sour;e4



The data 'as collected through Juestionnaire comprising of <@ Juestions7

The data 'as collected through9 #a<a Co66e;<ion Ins<rumen<4 Ouestionnaire

Samp6ing Pro;e7ure4 <7 ,ample 1nit /7 ,ample ,iDe A7 ,ampling )ethod 9 9 9 Consumer !isited ,mall Eating 8oints =5 Respondents Random ,ampling )ethod



Ouestion .o7 < Do you +isit mall* Do you !isit 4es .o 5N 5

.o7 of Respondents HNI <55N .o7 of Respondents Hin no7I =5


Do you visit
120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Yes No No. of Respondents (%)

$ll the candidates inter!ie'ed !isited mall7

Ouestion .o7 / With 'hom you prefer to !isit mall* 3refer to !isit malls .o7 of Respondents HNI Friend ?5N ,pouse /5N Colleagues CN $lone <?N


.o7 of Respondents Hin no7I



Prefer to visit malls

16% 4% Friend Spouse Colleagues 20% 60% lone

Out of =5 respondents9> ?5N preferred to !isit malls 'ith Friends7 /5N preferred to !isit malls 'ith their spouse7 Ouestion .o7 A -o' much time you spend in a mall* Time spent on !isiting malls .o7 of Respondents HNI .o7 of -our <>/ hrs )ore than A hours A5N <=

/5N <5

=5N /=

Respondents Hin no7I

Time spent on visiting malls


20% #our 1$2 %rs &ore t%an " %ours !0%

Interpretation Out of =5 respondents /= respondents spend appro;7<>/ hrs in a mall7 Out of =5 respondents <= respondents spend appro;7more than A hrs in mall7 Out of =5 respondents <5 respondents spend appro;7 less than <hrs7 In mall7 Ouestion .o7 C Does the person 'ith 'hom you !isit mall influence you* 3erson 'ho influence 4es .o ?5N A5

.o7 of Respondents HNI C5N .o7 of Respondents Hin no7I /5


Person who influence

'0% 60% !0% 40% "0% 20% 10% 0% Yes No 40% No. of Respondents (%) 60%

Interpretation -umans are social eing2 different person has different perception and attitude2 so they purchase according to their o'n need li(e7

Ouestion .o7 = Do you !isit the mall2 y ad!ertising influence* $d!ertisement 4es influence .o7 of Respondents HNI .o7 of Respondents C5N .o /CN ,ometime yes <?N CanFt say /5N





Hin no7I

Advertisement influence

20% 40% Yes No 16% 24% So(eto(e )es Can*t sa)

Interpretation Out =5 respondents9> /5 respondents responded that they come to (no' things through ad!ertisement7 </ respondents responded that they are not affected y ad!ertisement7 5B respondents responded that sometime yes and sometime they donFt (no'7 Ouestion .o7 ? Why do you choose mall for shopping* Choosing malls for shopping Less time Economical "rands +ariety Ouality $ll under one roof /CN /?N BN <CN ?N Con!enient

.o7 of <CN Respondents HNI



.o7 of @ Respondents Hin no7I



Choosing malls for shopping

+ess ti(e ,-ono(i-al .rands /ariet) 0ualit) ll under one roof Con1enien

Interpretation @ respondents said less time2 </ respondents said its economical2 <A respondents said they get rands7 Ouestion .o7 @

Do you go for unplanned Hspot 3urchasesI shopping G 3urchases*

1nplanned 4es purchases or spot purchases .o7 of Respondents HNI .o7 of Respondents Hin num ersI =CN /@


CanFt say

A/N <?

<CN @

Unplanned purchases or spot purchases

14% Yes No "2% !4% Can*t sa)


Out of =5 respondents =CN respondents made unplanned purchases7 A/N respondents said they donFt ma(e unplanned purchases7 <CN respondents said that they 'ere not sure Ouestion .o7 B Which of the follo'ing media you find the ads of any shopping mall* )ode of .e'spaper T7+ ad!ertisement .o7 of Respondents HNI .o7 of Respondents Hin num ersI A5N =5N Radio <5N -oardings BN Others /N




Mode of advertisement

8% 10%

2% "0% Ne2spaper 3./ Radio #oardings 4t%ers



Out of =5 respondents A5N respondents get a'are through .e'spaper7 /=N respondents get a'are of the ads through T7+7 <5N respondents get a'are through Radio channels7 BN respondents get a'are through hoardings7


<7 $lmost e!ery person contacted or inter!ie'ed said that heGshe has !isited malls7 )a;imum num er of respondents said they are a'are of malls7

/7 From analysis 'e found out that most of the people 'ere affected and attracted 'ith offers and schemes7

A7 It has een found out that most of the people in 3une city !isit malls for refreshment and en:oy7

C7 Consumers choose malls to stop ecause they all 'ant !ariety and rands and shopping at malls according to the consumers is economic as compared to shopping at other places7

=7 )ost of the people 'ho 'ere inter!ie'ed y me responded that rand loyal and most of them stac( to the rand they li(e7

?7 $d!ertising plays a !ery crucial part in the consumer decision ma(ing process7

@7 )ost of the respondents ta(e on the spot decision of uying different products ecause of the !arious attracti!e product displays and pretty com ination 'hich the store tries on the manneJuins is mostly dependent y the customers2 sho' that most of the consumers are attracted to'ards different fancy displays7

B7 For most of the respondents Juality plays a !ery important role ecause most of the respondents said that they 'ant Juality productsF and thatFs also one reason for most of the respondents stic(ing to particular rands7 67 We can also say that location2 !ariety con!enience and economical products are not the only things 'hich attract the customer ut there are some other factors 'hich play a ma:or role in attracting the customers as mentioned7


Time ;ons<rain<

The allotted time to conduct the sur!ey 'as <= days7 Therefore it ecame a it difficult to co!er the entire city of 3une7 -o'e!er2 the (ey areas 'ere aptly co!ered7

Avai6a9i6i<> o= 7a<a4
)ost of the restaurants and eating :oints 'ere not in fa!or of us conducting the sur!ey inside their premises as it 'ould distur their customers7 K.on>'illingness of the respondents to ans'er the Juestionnaire 'as also a hurdle7

Re6ia9i6i<> o= 7a<a4.

Relia ility of data al'ays remains a prime concern 'hen humans are sur!eyed7 )on>interest2 poor understanding2 unclear Juestions2 ina ility to thin( instantly and customer iases creeps in apprehensi!eness in the minds of the researcher 'hile ta ulating and analyDing the data7


ConsumerFs eha!ior is often studied ecause certain decisions are significantly affected y their eha!ior or e;pected actions7 For this reason consumer eha!ior is said to e applied discipline7 <7 In a general sense2 the most important reason for studying consumer eha!ior is the significant role it plays in our li!es7 )uch of our time is spent directly in the mar(et place2 eating or engaging in other acti!ities7 $ large amount of additional time is spent thin(ing a out products and ser!ices2 tal(ing to friends a out them2 and seeing or hearing ad!ertisements a out them7 In addition2 the goods people eat and the manner in 'hich they use them significantly influence ho' they li!e their daily li!es7 These general concerns alone are enough to :ustify our study of consumer eha!ior7 -o'e!er2 many see( to understand the eha!ior of consumers for 'hat are thought to e more immediate and tangi le reasons7

/7 The main reason ehind this pro:ect 'as to find out the eha!ior of the consumer uying eha!ior 'hile shopping at mall ecause most of the population sur!eyed preferred to shop at malls and ho' day y day the consumers demands are increasing and through this pro:ect I came to (no' that 'hat are the !arious eha!ior of a typical customer 'ho shops at mall7



Customers are ecoming price conscious they are ha!ing many options in the mar(et considering the consumer uying eha!ior the malls and other shopping centers should ta(e certain definite steps li(e retaining customers y gi!ing those schemes discounts and etter ser!ice7

The trend today has een to com ine shopping 'ith !arious offerings for e;P in a mall apart from shopping a customer en:oys food courts and many others ser!ices 'hich todayFs modem malls pro!ide7

,hopping has made people spend not :ust on their reJuirements of goods to e ought ut to loo( on the totality of the e;perience ha!e a Juic( ite at )c DonaldFs in the mall are let the (ids play fun games 'hile one is usy shopping or e!en ta(ing the family out to mo!ie and ha!ing a dinner $LL 1.DER O.E ROOF&

The enefits of this totality offering are that many !endors get to ha!e people patroniDed their offerings 'hile the shopping e;perience i7e7F eing enhanced more usiness is got y the stores at the !enue7 ,hopping is no longer a onetime agenda for people7 +arious options are opening up7

During the analysis it 'as found that customers ecome loyal to fe' malls and department stores and !isit them often as compared to other7 $lthough it 'as found all of them (eep appro;imately same (inds of rands and products and the same pleasing en!ironment7 $ll this in mind 'e need to differentiate our mall from others in the city to uild up our o'n set of customers7 It 'as found that the ma:or pro lem faced y the customers is the cro'ed at the cash counter7 The life of todayFs generation has ecome !ery fast7 They donFt 'ant to 'ait in a Jueue for a longer period7 Thus 'e must pro!ide more cash counters in our mall7

One ad!antage is that there is only one mall in the city that is magnum mall others are the department stores7 ,o enhance it and ma(e it etter to ma(e it different i7e7 y ha!ing special attraction li(e ody spa2 #ym in the mall7 There should e a pro!ision for $T)s in the mall too7


Ouestionnaire on Consumer shopping eha!ior in "I# "$%$$R&

-i77QQ 3lease spare some time to fill in this sur!ey7 The sur!ey is !oluntary and 'ill help us to gather more information to ma(e our pro:ect7

<7 Do you !isit mall* a7 4es 7 .o

/7 With 'hom you prefer to !isit malls* a7 Friends 7 spouse c7 Colleague d7 $lone

A7 -o' much time do you usually spend in a mall* a7 -our 7 <>/ hours c7 )ore than A hours

C7 Does the person 'ith 'hom you !isit mall influence you* a7 4es 7 .o

=7 Do you !isit the mall2 y ad!ertisement influence* a7 4es 7 .o c7 ,ometimes yes d7 CanFt say

?7 Why do you choose mall for shopping* a7 Less time e7 Ouality 7 Economic f7 c7 "rands g7 d7 +ariety

$ll under one



@7 Which of the follo'ing media you find the ads of any shopping mall* a7 .e's 7 T7+7 c7 Radio d7 -oardings

B7 -o' freJuently do you !isit mall* a7 Wee(ly 7 )onthly c7 Occasionally

67 Do you stic( to a particular rand* a7 4es 7 .o c7 CanFt say

<57 Why you opt for a particular mall* a7 Ouality mouth 7 ,er!ices c7 "rand name d7 'ord of

<<7 Do you go for unplanned HspotI shopping G purchases* a7 4es 7 .o c7 CanFt say

</7What are the things you 'ould li(e to list under planned purchases* a7 $pparels 7 d7 g7 Food products c7 $ppliances -ealth R oral care Toy R #ifts

8e''ellary e7 1tensils h7

Cosmetics f7 #rocery i7





"i liography
Books and magazines:

Consumer "eha!ior > Fourth edition y Da!id L7 London R $l ert 87 Delia "itta7 Research methodology H)ethods R TechnologyI Re!ised ,econd edition y C7R7Kothari

Through net surfing: '''7google7com '''7'i(ipedia7com '''7ans'ers7com


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