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Gifhorn, Germany

INSTALLATION Customer Name Location Size Module Type Connected Operator Energy Company
S.A.G. Solarstrom Vertriebs GmbH Dieter Z. family home 38518 Gifhorn, Germany 8.1 kWp Yingli YL 180 2008/05/23 Dieter Z. LandE-Stadtwerke Wolfsburg GmbH & Co. KG

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rated System Power Number and Module Type Inverter Orientation Annual energy yield FIT/kWh Cash-In per annum CO2-savings p.a.*
8.1 kWp 45 units YL 180 1 x Mastervolt XS6500 IP44, 1 x Mastervolt QS3500 IP44 South 7,200 kWh 46.75 cents EUR 3,366 approx. 4,303 kg


* Source: German CO2 offset calculation (597.7 g of CO2 avoided per kWh) based on data from GEMIS (Global Emission Model for Integrated Systems) 2005.

After carrying out detailed research in the relevant media, at the start of 2008 Dieter Z. decided to combine the planned roof renovation of his family home with the acquisition of his own solar installation. His decision was based on the financial benefits, such as the tax depreciation and the secure earnings for many years to come. But also the inexpensive, clean energy recovery from the sun and the associated improvement in the overall energy balance for the house were compelling arguments for Dieter Z. Ultimately, all these considerations led him to extend the small solar installation that was originally planned to a much larger one to cover the entire roof area to get maximum benefits.

Every day I am pleased by the earnings from my solar installation

 ver the last few years the costs of gas, electricity and heating have risen consid O erably. Because of this for some time I have been looking into improving our house in terms of its energy balance. The main reason for choosing a solar installation was that in addition to the energy advantages the system also produced financial benefits. Together with Elektro-Ohlhoff we then developed a plan and coordinated this with the roof renovation, which we had already planned. The recommendation for Yingli modules came from Elektro-Ohlhoff, who had already successfully installed several systems in the Gifhorn region with Yingli modules. The excellent earnings forecasts of these systems really convinced me. And evaluation of the actual initial earnings from my installation confirms that I made the right decision.
Dieter Z.


P  ractical system planning coupled with the planned roof renovation, allowed the photovoltaic system to beconnected without any problem N  o special conversion work needed in the house, as the cables and inverters could be installed in the cellar, which gave the owners more space B  ecause of effective planning the system could be installed in just three days Integrating  the solar modules on the south-facing roof has produced a marked improvement in the temperatures ofour attic rooms Y  ingli modules exceeded the predicted earnings from day one



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