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O V E R V I E W OF EVALUATION PROCESS Goal Setting: 1. Goals established a. General goals f r o m PLC's b. Specific Teaching goals f o r each individual 2.

Goals shared w i t h : a. PLC's b. Administrator - during conference c. Peer reviewer 3. Goals Reviewed: a. End of year review w i t h A d m i n i s t r a t o r b. Review w i t h PLC team c. Self evaluation Peer Review: Training a. Preschool w o r k s h o p t r a i n i n g i. Refresher and new teacher t r a i n i n g b. Review during year c. Re-evaluate d b y administration at end of year/changes 2. Peer review partner a. Selected f r o m PLC team 3. Number of times review 1 a. During the t w o years of peer r e v i e w / observed at least $ times?? 4. Forms a. Developed b y team b. Put i t teacher f o l d e r / n o t employment file Summative Evaluation: 1. Form still being developed 2. Once every three years 3. Done b y administrator Length of Process: 1. Three a. b. c. year process T w o years peer review One year A d m i n i s t r a t o r - Summative final review Different teachers on d i f f e r e n t cycle years 1.

Still to be determines is the 3 5 %

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