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Contain about 70% of corporate data from operations (accounting, payroll, billing, etc.) Often the database server in web-enabled database applications

Dominated by IBM Mainframe competitors build clones
Called plug-compatible machines

Terminal-Host Communication
Traditionally, Just a Terminal, Host, and Transmission Line (Chapter 1)
Poor response time Poor user interface: sending graphics over a distance is expensive (and lines usually are slow) Inadequate for production workers who use their terminals hours per day

Mainframe Communication
User site has multiple terminal users
3270 Terminals
High speeds, some color, some graphics
User Site 3270 Terminal

Mainframe Communication
Cluster Controller at User Site
Supports a cluster of terminals and printers Provides limited on-screen text editing power to terminals
This elimination of text editing work allows the mainframe to focus on high-value database chores Limited Text Editing

Cluster Controller

Mainframe Communication
Cluster Controller at User Site
Supports a cluster of terminals and printers Provides limited on-screen text editing power to terminals
This also reduces response time because editing is done locally

Limited Text Editing

Cluster Controller

Mainframe Communication
Cluster Controller at User Site
Multiplexes transmissions of multiple terminals and printers to the central site
This reduces transmission costs, which are expensive for higher-speed long-distance links




LongDistance Line

Central Site

Mainframe Communication
Transmission Line
Long-distance lines are expensive per bit sent But 3270 terminals need high speeds Multiplexes terminal communication onto 56 kbps, 1.544 Mbps or faster line to give high speed but keep cost reasonable
LongDistance Line Central Site

Mainframe Communication
Central Site

Communications Controller
Handles multiplexing to reduce transmission cost

Handles detailed interactions with cluster controllers, freeing mainframe to deal with database processing

Communications Controller

Mainframe Communication
Handles high-value database work Must be freed of low-value communications processing work to be economically efficient

Mainframe Communication
Reducing Response Time
Text editing work is done locally Still delay for heavy database work on mainframe

Reducing Transmission Costs

Multiplexing, and Cluster controller provides limited local screen editing, so fewer bits need to be transmitted to and from the mainframe

Mainframe Communication
Reducing Work the Mainframe Needs to Do, so that it can Focus on High-Value Database Processing
Cluster controller handles most text-editing chores freeing mainframe from having to support this work, and Communications controller handles details of communication with cluster controllers, freeing mainframe from having to support this work

Application Servers
NOT Part of Mainframe Communications
Can act as terminals or cluster controllers Transparent to mainframe: no need to do anything differently on mainframe system
App Server App Server

Use SNA Standards Architecture Instead of TCP/IP
Not peer-to-peer control; Master-slave control under a System Services Control Point program on a mainframe SSCP program governs all sessions among devices

SNA Standards Architecture
Like TCP/IP and OSI, uses layering Uses OSI standards at the physical and data link layers

SNA Standards Architecture
SNA Path Control layer is like TCP/IP internet layer and OSI network layer

SNA Transmission Control layer is like the OSI and TCP/IP transport layer
However, not peer to peer operation; masterslave operation under the control of the SSCP

SNA Standards Architecture
Highest layers are like OSI layers Network Addressable Unit (NAU) Services layer is like OSI session layer Data Flow Control layer is like OSI presentation layer However, applications are not standardized within SNA
There is no SNA application layer

Communication takes place between network addressable units (NAUs)
Unit is a general name for a communicating entity In networks, communicating entities must have addresses; So they are network addressable units

Logical Units
Deal directly with end users Terminals are logical units! Connection points on mainframe (not mainframe itself) deal with application programs,which are considered to be end users
Application Human User

LU6 Connection

Physical Units
Do not deal directly with end users
Mainframe, communications controller, cluster controller Path control network connects cluster controller and communication controller
Path Control Network

Third type of NAU Program located on the mainframe In classic SNA, two other NAUs can only be connected under the control of the SSCP

Versions of SNA Classic SNA
All communication under the control of SSCP

Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN)

Newer; NAUs can connect directly

High-Performance Routing
Classic SNA and APPN are difficult to route Newer still; HPR improves routing

SNA and Router Networks
To link cluster controllers to communications controller over routed networks Data Link Switching (DLSw) standard supports SNA transmission through routers High-Performance Routing (HPR) is better

Mainframes and TCP/IP Networks TN3270E
TN3270E servers communicate with mainframe Users have PCs with TN3270E client software that emulates 3270 terminals
PC with TN3270E Client TCP/IP Network TN3270E Server

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