Sexual Abstract #1

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Gordon, Kendra Lyon, H., Giordano, P. C., Manning, W. D., &Longmore, M. A. (2011).

Identity, Peer Relationships, and Adolescent Girls' Sexual Behavior: An Exploration of the Contemporary Double Standard. Journal Of Sex Research, 48(5), 437-449. This study discussed how the double standard is viewed in society today. The researchers wanted to see if women who reported to have a high number of sex partners were also perceived to be less popular and have a lower self-esteem. If they proved that the double standard cause a low self-esteem in women, the researchers could also see if there are social prices to pay if the women choose not to live by the double standard. Prior to conducting the study, they defined the double standard as by saying that men have more sexual freedom in comparison women, who are socially criticized for the same actions. They then did the study, using the interview method while only sampling women. Women were only chosen to be sampled because the double standard applies more negatively to them. What they found was that the average number of sex partners was less than one and a great majority of women considered themselves popular. They also found that if a woman had four or more sex partners then she would be considered flirty, whereas a woman with less sex partners being flirty or "sexy" is not that big of a deal. After conducting the experiment the researchers asked the women if they thought the double standard still exists, the data showed that many women still recognized the double standard; however, it is not as extreme as it was in the past. For example, it is okay to have three sex partners before marriage, however, it is not okay to have sex with three people in one night, but it would be fine for a male to do so.

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