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ENGLESKI JEZIK IV razred: Udzbenik: Engleski jezik za III razred srednje skole Autori: Isti kao za III razred I Lekcije: 1. Seeing the USA the American Way 2. Night Watch 3. The Pretty Girls of New York 4. British Homes 5. The Tarzan of Central Park 6. Man Brings Stroke Victims Car to a Halt 7. The United Nations 8. Could You Spare a Quarter 9. Living in New Yourk 10. Shops and Shopping 11. Cloning II gramatika: * Present - Simple - Continuous - Perfect / Continuous * Past - Simple - Continuous - Perfect *Past Perfect Continuous * Future - Simple - Perfect *Passive voice * Sequence of tenses * Reported speech *Conditionals: I, II, III * Modal verbs / Perfect Infinitive * Clauses of reason (because, because of, as, since) *Compound nouns Plural (passers-by, book-shops, mothers-inlaw.) *Definitive articles *Comparison of adjectives *Participles *Bare infinitive (infinitive without to) *Clauses of purposes (in order to, so as to, so that) *Adverbs (manner + place + time) *Prepositions

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