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Chlorpheniramine maleate Dextromethorphan HBr 20mg Guaifenesin 400mg Phenylephrine HCl 10mg Codeine Phosphate Menthol

Sodium Citrate Para etamol or ! etaminophen "aproxen #$uprofen

Pre%ention of the symptoms of allergi onditions su h as rhinitis and urti aria Cough Suppressent &xpe torant "asal De ongesion Dry ough or Cough 'ithout phlegm and lo'ers the feeling of pain short(term relief of minor sore throat and minor mouth or throat irritation #n de ongestants for hest and sinuses

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)e%er redu er and pain relie%er "aproxen is ommonly used for the redu tion of pain* fe%er* inflammation* and stiffness aused $y onditions in lud #$uprofen is nonsteroidal anti(inflammatory drug /"S!#D0 used for relief of symptoms of arthritis* fe%er*-1. as an ana

used $y onditions in luding migraine* osteoarthritis* +idney stones* rheumatoid arthritis* psoriati arthritis* gout* an+ylosing spo hritis* fe%er*-1. as an analgesi /pain relie%er0* espe ially 'here there is an inflammatory omponent* and dysmenorrhea,

arthritis* gout* an+ylosing spondylitis* menstrual ramps* tendinitis* and $ursitis,-4. nt* and dysmenorrhea,

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