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On the Eighth Day

Man Was Created in the Torah

1) When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. Happy are srael for the Creator ga!e them the holy Torah, "hi#h is the joy of e!erything, the joy of the Creator and the pla#e "here He roams, as it is "ritten, and "as daily all delight, and the "hole Torah is one holy name of the Creator. $nd the "orld "as #reated in the Torah, as it is "ritten, Then "as %eside Him as trusted & Amun'. (ot not read it as Amun, %ut as Uman &a master #raftsman', as she "as His tool for #reating the "orld. )) Man "as #reated in the Torah, as it is "ritten, $nd God said* +,et us ma-e man. t is "ritten, ,et us, in plural tense. The Creator said to the Torah, "ish to #reate man. /he said %efore him, This man "ill sin and !e0 you. f 1ou are not patient "ith him, ho" "ill he persist2 He told her, 1ou and Me "ill esta%lish him in the "orld, for it is "ith good reason that am #alled, +slo" to anger.3 4) The "ritten Torah, ZA, and the oral Torah, Malchut esta%lished man in the "orld, as it is "ritten, ,et us ma-e man in our image, after our li-eness. t is "ritten in plural tense. This is the image and the li-eness, %oth of "hi#h made man. Tzelem & mage' is ZA, and Demut &li-eness' is Malchut, from the "ord, Demama &stillness5silen#e', "ho has nothing of her o"n, e0#ept "hat she re#ei!es from ZA. $lso, man3s soul is %orn from the Zivug of ZA and Malchut, "hi#h is "hy it is "ritten, in our image, after our li-eness. Hen#e, the %eginning of the Torah is in the letter, Bet &numeri#al !alue, )', implying ZA and Malchut. 6) Why is the letter Bet & ' open on one side and #losed on the other side2 When a person #omes to join "ith the Torah, it is open to re#ei!e him and parta-e "ith him. $nd "hen a person shuts his eyes to her and goes %y another "ay, she is %lo#-ed from the other side, li-e the Bet, as it is "ritten, f you forsa-e me for one day, "ill forsa-e you for t"o days, and he "ill not find the opening until he re#onne#ts "ith the Torah fa#e7to7fa#e and "ill not depart it. Hen#e, the Torah opens, #alling upon people and de#laring and summoning them, To you, 8 men, #all. 9) Bet has a shape of t"o roofs and one line that #onne#ts them. 8ne roof points up, to"ard the hea!en, and this is ZA, and one roof points do"n to"ard the earth, and this is Malchut. $nd the Creator, Yesod, grips them and re#ei!es them. :) The three upper lights, three lines, "hi#h are #lung together are the "hole of the Torah, and they open doors to all. They open doors and impart upon faith, meaning Malchut, and they are home to all. This is "hy they are #alled, house, sin#e they are the three lines in the Bet, implying the three lines of ZA, "hi#h are a house. $nd this is "hy the Torah %egins "ith Bet, sin#e she is the Torah, and the #ure for the "orld. ;) Hen#e, for one "ho engages in the Torah, it is as though he engages in the holy name. $nd the "hole Torah is one su%lime, holy name. $nd %e#ause it is a holy name, it %egins "ith Bet, the entirety of the holy name, the three lines in journeyed, #ame, and pit#hed, "hi#h are the three lines of ZA, "hi#h are three ties that affe#t the faith, Malchut. <) $ll those "ho engage in Torah #ling to the Creator and are #ro"ned in the de#orations of Torah. They are lo!ed a%o!e and %elo", and the Creator offers them His right hand, mer#y. t

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is e!en more so "ith those "ho engage in Torah at night, as "ell, for they ha!e esta%lished that they parta-e in (i!inity and join together. $nd "hen the morning #omes, the Creator de#orates them "ith a single string of gra#e, so they "ill %e among the higher and among the lo"er. >) $nd all these morning stars sing together "hen the assem%ly of srael, Malchut and all "ho engage in Torah, #ome to %e seen %efore the -ing, as it is "ritten, When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy. What is, shouted for joy2 t is "ritten, The earth is %ro-en, %ro-en do"n, meaning shattered. This is so %e#ause these judgments, #alled God3s #hildren, are %ro-en. They all %rea- %efore the morning, "hen the morning rises in the "orld, "hi#h is the illumination of Hesed de ZA, as it is "ritten, ?o" $%raham arose early in the morning. $%raham is Hesed@ hen#e, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.

Aion and Berusalem

11) The ,ord %less you out of Aion@ and see the good of Berusalem. Crom Aion, "hi#h is the Yesod &also foundation' of Malchut, %lessings emit to all, as it is "ritten, Cor there the ,ord #ommanded the %lessingDlife fore!er. /in#e Aion, the Yesod of Malchut, "as filled "ith %lessings, Berusalem, Malchut, is %lessed and there are Rachamim &mer#ies' in her. $nd "hen Berusalem is %lessed, the "hole nation is %lessed. 1)) .all the days of your life, so a %o" "ill not appear in your days, as it did "ith your father, for a %o" indi#ates judgments. t is said a%out that, .and see the good of Berusalem all the days of your life, that in all your days you "ill see the good of Malchut and there "ill %e no judgments in her. $nd see your #hildrenEs #hildren, that they "ill fear sin, and %e pious and holy. Then, Fea#e %e upon srael, upon the Rosh &head' of ZA, #alled srael, as long as it has GAR, Rosh, so it "ill not la#- anything. This is %e#ause the letters in srael are the letters of Li Rosh & ha!e a head', and pea#e %e on the Rosh of ZA as long as there are righteous in the "orld. 14) ChildrenEs #hildren are the #ro"n of old men@ and the glory of #hildren are their fathers. The #hildren are HGT de ZA@ the #hildren3s #hildren are NHY, as it is "ritten, $ll your sons "ill %e taught of the ,ord, #on#erning NHY. $nd it is "ritten, The pre#ious sons of Aion, "hi#h are NHY de ZA that #onne#t "ith Aion, Yesod of Malchut, as it is "ritten, and the glory of #hildren are their fathers. The sons are HGT, "hi#h #ro"n in the patriar#hs, Hochma and Bina. The sons, HGT, are not #ro"ned and are not "atered %y the ri!er, Bina, e0#ept "hen the fathers, HB, are #ro"ned and %lessed %y Kete , as it is "ritten, and the glory of #hildren are their fathers.

/e!eral Messengers (oes the Creator Ha!e

16) 8n#e, he &a man' "as praying. While he "as praying, a serpent "rapped itself around his ass3 legs. The ass "as startled and %rayed t"i#e. When he #on#luded his prayer he said, This must %e painful to my %east. t is punished %e#ause today "as early and my lips "ere spea-ing the Torah, and the ass too- me through a pla#e "here there is filth, and no" it is %eing affli#ted. He rose and sa" the serpent tied to the ass3 leg and said, /erpent, serpent, go and tie your -nots in the slopes of your hole. $t the same time, he remo!ed the serpent from the ass3 leg and it fell, pie#es o!er pie#es.

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19) The Creator is meti#ulous "ith the righteous and guards them, sin#e He "ishes to add holiness to their holiness. $nd this ass "as affli#ted %e#ause he "as -eeping my holiness. That serpent "as a messenger. The Creator has se!eral messengers, and He #arries out His mission, e!en in animals of the field, as it is "ritten, $nd "ill send the %east of the field among you, "hi#h shall ro% you of your #hildren, and "ith idol "orshippers, as it is "ritten, The ,ord "ill %ring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth. 1:) The Creator deli!ers His message through srael, as "ell, su#h as a "i#-ed through a righteous. Gut a "i#-ed in the hand of another "i#-ed from srael does not #arry out his mission, e0#ept in a time "hen he is not intending, as it is "ritten, $nd if a man did not lie in "ait, %ut God #aused it to #ome to his hand. t is "ritten pre#isely, did not lie in "ait, for he did not intend to -ill him %ut God #aused it to #ome to his hand, to punish %oth of them, the -iller and the -illed. 1;) Ho" does the Creator #arry out His mission through those and through idol "orshippers2 1<) When He is Huiet, "ho "ill #ondemn2 When He is Huiet, "hen the Creator gi!es man pea#e and Huiet, "ho has permission to harm him and a##use him2 $nd "hen He hides His fa#e, "ho #an %ehold Him2 When He hides His eyes from "at#hing o!er him, "ho "ill "at#h o!er him and guard him and -eep him2 Then #ome the damagers and harm him, and the Creator3s "ay is on a nation and on a man ali-e, "hether for the "hole "orld, for one nation, or for one person. 1>) When people3s deeds are good %elo", the right hand of the Creator a"a-ens on them from a%o!e. Then, se!eral lo!ers, se!eral -eepers of the "orld, and se!eral -eepers of man a"a-en from the right and from the left, from the side of Hesed and from the side of Gevu a, to "at#h o!er him. $nd then the left surrenders and #annot go!ern. $nd "hen people3s deeds are not good %elo", the left side a"a-ens upon them, meaning judgments. $nd all those that #ome from the left side a"a-en and %e#ome emissaries to harm people, sin#e all those "ho %rea#hed the "ords of Torah are "ritten %efore them, and they are e!ident to those "ho a"a-en from the left side. )I) Hen#e, the animals and idol "orshippers all #ome from the left side@ they are all #alled messengers to those "ho are "ritten %efore them, and they a"a-en to"ard them. $nd although the deeds of srael are not good, they all #ome from the right. $nd sin#e the right surrenders through the e!il deeds of those "ho are "ritten %efore them, the left, and all those "ho #ome from the left, go!ern them. Cor this reason, the mission is in the hands of the animals and the idol "orshippers and all that are similar to them, "hi#h are from the left side. t is not in the hand of srael, sin#e e!en though he is "i#-ed, he #omes from the right side, and this side surrenders through their a#tions. )1) $nd a "i#-ed from srael "ho falls into the hands of srael is only "hen the "i#-ed did not intend to -ill him. $t that time, it is not %e#ause of an emissary, %ut %e#ause they are %oth punished and suffer punishments to purify them. They are on the right, and did not #ling to the left, and ne!er mingled "ith it, sin#e they are %oth sraelites. Hen#e, he #annot %e an emissary of the left, to punish anyone. $nd for this reason, "hen "i#-ed sraelites intend to -ill, they are remo!ed from the "orld. ))) We -no" this from the mistress in Gi%eah. =!en though the people of Gi%eah "ere "i#-ed, the Creator did not "ant them to a"a-en to punish other "i#-ed from among the #hildren of srael. This is "hy they died all the times that they died, in the first "ars, until all 4

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the "i#-ed that "ere a"a-ened to punish them died and "ere lost, and only the most righteous remained, for they did this in the "ay of truth. $nd although they are righteous, "hen the "orlds are as one, that is, "hen the lo"er "orld %eha!es as though it is an upper "orld, it is gi!en only to those "ho #ome from the leftDthe animals and the idol "orshippers. This is so %e#ause "hen the %ottom "orld %eha!es as the upper, the %ran#hes of the right #annot %e emissaries to the a#tions of the left, to -ill and to punish, sin#e these matters are ne!er repla#ed a%o!e. $nd at the time of the "ars "ith the mistress in Gi%eah, the "orlds "ere not #orresponding, one similar to the other. Hen#e, the righteous #ould punish and -ill, although no su#h thing o##urs a%o!e. )4) Hen#e, to other "i#-ed, the "i#-ed of srael are not the -ing3s messengers, sin#e they do not #ome from the left. This is a-in to people "ho sinned against their -ing. The offi#er rose to"ard them, to #at#h and punish them. 8ne sage from among the people of the #ity rose up and mingled "ith the offi#er3s assistants. The offi#er loo-ed up, sa" him, and said, Who put you here among us2 $re you not one of those "ho sinned against the -ing2 Hen#e, you "ill %e punished first. They too- him and -illed him. )6) /u#h are srael* they #ome from the right side, are not atta#hed to the left, and ne!er mingled "ith it. $nd "hen the transgressions of the "i#-ed #ause the right to surrender and the left to a"a-enDin#luding all those "ho #ome from there to punish themDif one from srael, from the right, arises to mingle "ith them, they -no" him and tell him* $re you not one of those "ho #ome from the right, "ho surrendered %e#ause of the transgressions of the "i#-ed2 $re you not one of those "ho sinned %efore the -ing2 Who put you among us2 Thus, he is punished first. Jing /olomon #ried against them and said, Wherein a man has e0er#ised authority o!er another man to his hurt. Certainly, it is to his hurt, sin#e he is not the -ing3s emissary and he does not #ome from the left side. )9) Kight and left, mer#y and judgment. srael are to the right and the idol "orshipping nations are to the left. srael, e!en "hen they are "i#-ed and yielding, they are on the right@ they do not #ling to the left, and ne!er mingle "ith it. This is "hy it is "ritten, /a!e "ith 1our right hand, and ans"er me, for "hen the right as#ends, sraelD"ho #ling to itDrise and are #ro"ned in it. Then the left side and all "ho #ome "ith it surrender, as it is "ritten, 1our right hand, 8 ,ord, shatters the enemy.

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):) $nd it #ame to pass on the eighth day, for He shall ordain you se!en days. );) Happy are the priests "ho are #ro"ned "ith the #ro"ns of the Holy Jing, ZA, "hose #ro"ns are the lights of Bina. They are anointed "ith the holy anointing oil, %y "hi#h the upper oil a"a-ens, "hi#h is the a%undant Hochma in Bina, "hi#h "aters all se!en !e"i ot HGT NHYM that are anointed %y that holy oil in Bina. $nd all these se!en #andles, "hi#h are se!en !e"i ot, are lit up %y her, and the holy oil, Bina, is the sum of all se!en. Hen#e, it is said a%out them, He shall ordain you se!en days. /e!en days are the se!en !e"i ot in#luded in Bina. They "ill fill your hands "ith the anointing oil %y imparting in the se!en !e"i ot de &of' ZA, and ea#h se!en !e"i ot de ZA are in#luded in Bina. )<) They are only si0 days, HGT NHY, in#luded in Bina, and Bina in#ludes them all. This is "hy she is #onsidered as a separate day. This, also, is "hy it is "ritten, He shall ordain you se!en days, "hi#h are HGT NHY de ZA "ith the Bina, sin#e HGT NHY de ZA depend on

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Bina@ hen#e, she is #ounted "ith them. $nd this is "hy Malchut, Bat !heva &He%re"* ha!ing se!en', is #alled the assem%ly of srael, sin#e she is made of si0 other !e"i ot. Gut then, she should ha!e %een #alled Bat !hesh &He%re"* ha!ing si0'. Ho"e!er, together "ith her !e"i a, she is se!en. Here, too, sin#e Bina #onsists of si0 others, she is regarded as a separate day, as "ell, to %e #ounted along "ith them, and they are se!en days. )>) /in#e they are se!enDBina "ith the si0 days in#luded in herDhe #omplemented the priests, #ro"ned them, and anointed them "ith e!erything "hen they #ame to the assem%ly of srael, Malchut, "hi#h is the eighth day, after Bina, HGT, NHY. $aron "as #ommanded to sa#rifi#e a #alf, the offspring of a #o"D"hi#h implies MalchutDto atone for the sin of the other #alf that $aron had #ommitted and had sinned, to the #o", to Malchut, "hi#h is the eighth to the se!en days, and she is #alled, ."ho are pea#ea%le and faithful in srael. Then the priest is #omplete "ith e!erything, the eight attires of glory, #omplete "ith all the !e"i ot, #omplete a%o!e, and #omplete %elo". 4I) =!erything should %e sho"n in a#tion %elo". This is "hy there "as the deed "ith $aron %elo", "hen he did not lea!e the ta%erna#le for se!en days and made the offering of the sa#rifi#e on the eighth day, to thus a"a-en a%o!e so e!erything "ill %e in the same "ay. Then, all the "orlds are %lessed and the %lessings are present %e#ause of the priest. $nd thus the priest is #ompleted as he should %e. 41) .a %ull7#alf for a sin7offering %e#ause of that sin he had initially #ommitted, "hi#h is the #alf. .and a ram for a %urnt7offering %e#ause of the ram that $%raham had sa#rifi#ed, instead of saa#, the mitigation of saa#, the un%lemished offering. $nd this ram "as fitting for sa#rifi#e and to #omplement and to mitigate the left and to #omplement the Malchut from the side of saa#. /in#e Malchut is %uilt from the left side, saa#, it must %e #omplemented from there. $nd this ram "as sa#rifi#ed as an offering %e#ause of saa#3s ram, sin#e the offering rises to Bina to #ro"n Malchut in #ompleteness. $ #alf is for her, to #orre#t the fla" in Malchut from the deed "ith the #alf. $nd the ram is to #omplement her "ith the perfe#tion of saa#, sin#e saa# is the left, an o0, and the ram is his mitigation and #ompletion. 4)) srael, "ho sinned along "ith the priest in the sin of the #alf, sa#rifi#e, as it is "ritten, $nd an o0 and a ram for pea#e7offerings, to sa#rifi#e %efore the ,ord. $n o0 is to #orre#t the fla" for ha!ing sinned "ith the #alf, and a ram is to #omplete the Malchut in saa#3s perfe#tion. 44) Why does it say, #on#erning a priest, .a %ull7#alf for a sin7offering, and does not say a%out srael, an o0 for a sin7offering2 srael "ere punished first, and in se!eral "ays through the sons of ,e!i. Hen#e, the Creator did not "ish to mention their sin as in the %eginning. This is "hy it does not say here, a sin7offering, %ut for pea#e7offerings, to sho" pea#e, that the Creator is at pea#e "ith srael in that regard. 46) Gut $aron "as not punished for the sin of the #alf %e#ause of Moses3 prayer. $nd until no", the sin "as in the air, "hi#h is "hy it is "ritten, .a %ull7#alf for a sin7offering, to atone for his sin and purify him, so he "ill %e fully #ompleted. 49) 8n that day, the upper and lo"er "ere #ompleted, and he "as #omplete in e!erything, joy a%o!e and %elo". $nd if the o%stru#tion to the sons of $aron had not %een found on that day, sin#e srael rose from the sea, there "ould not %e joy of upper and lo"er as on that day. 8n that day, the sin of the #alf "as remo!ed from the "orld, and the priests and srael "ere 9

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purified from it. 8n that day, all the a##users a%o!e "ere remo!ed, and they "ere "al-ing and "andering around srael, %ut they "ere not found at that time. 4:) Lntil the time #ame "hen ?ada% and $%ihu rose and mi0ed the joy of all, and anger "as made in the "orld, as it is "ritten, $nd the glory of the ,ord appeared unto the people. Fromptly, $nd ?ada% and $%ihu, the sons of $aron, too- ea#h of them his #enser. 4;) 8n that day, there "as the joy of the assem%ly of srael, Malchut, #onne#ting in ties of faith "ith all the holy ties in all the !e"i ot of ZA. This is so %e#ause the in#ense #onne#ts all as one, "hi#h is "hy it is #alled in#ense. ?ada% and $%ihu #ame and tied all these together to the !it a Ach a, and left the Malchut outside %e#ause they did not #onne#t her "ith the !e"i ot de ZA. They tied another thing instead of the Malchut, "hi#h is "hy he later "arns the priests, as it is "ritten, With this shall $aron #ome into the holy pla#e, "hen he ties this Malchut, #alled, this. 4<a) n se!eral "ays "as the joy of the assem%ly of srael mi0ed* That they did not marry a woman and were not qualified to sacrifice and to have the worlds blessed through them; The time was not ripe for burning incense, since it was not during the raising of the candles and the making good of the candles; They prematurely attempted to inherit the priesthood, while their father was still alive; Before they gave the incense, their sentence had come out, as it is written, And offered strange fire before the Lord, when the Sitra Achra was connected in that tie and they immersed the assembly of Israel, Malchut, from the outside. 4<%) t "as not pla#ed outside, %ut the assem%ly of srael "as not tied to ZA %y them, sin#e "here!er there are male and female, the assem%ly of srael is not among them "hatsoe!er. This is "hy he "arned the priests, as it is "ritten, With this shall $aron #ome into the holy pla#e, that male and female "ill %e found. 8ther"ise, this Malchut "ill not %e and hen#e the priest "ill not #ome unto the holiness until he marries a "oman, to parta-e in the #onne#tion of the assem%ly of srael. This is so %e#ause he "ho did not marry a "oman lea!es the assem%ly of srael outside and she does not join "ith him. Hen#e, for them it is a mi0ture on that day. 4>) ,i-e a lily among the thorns, so is my "ife among the daughters. The lily among the thorns is the assem%ly of srael. The Creator praises the assem%ly of srael, and the Creator3s lo!e is to #ling unto her. Hen#e, he "ho marries a "oman should praise the Creator and praise the assem%ly of srael, sin#e in e!ery Mitzva &#ommandment5good deed', one should sho" lo!e in the a#t, as a man "ho #lings to his mate and his lo!e is a##ordingly. This is so %e#ause "hen he #omes to stand %efore the Holy Jing, he e!o-es another Zivug, a higher one, sin#e the lo!e of the Creator is to #ling unto the assem%ly of srael, and one "ho e!o-es itDthe Creator %lesses him and the assem%ly of srael %lesses him. 6I) The praise that the Creator praises the assem%ly of srael, Malchut, is li-e a lily among the thorns, sin#e she is %etter and higher than all. /u#h is the assem%ly of srael among the rest of the #amps, sin#e she rises a%o!e all and #ro"ns them. $nd this is the lily among the thorns and the #itron among the thorns, sin#e lily and #itron are the names of Malchut, "ho is among the thorns, to sho" the praise of the assem%ly of srael a%o!e all.

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Malchut#s Kelim de Acho aim &posterior !essels' fell into the "orld of Be ia, "here there is a grip to the e0ternal ones. $t that time, she is among the thorns. n Gadlut &adulthood', "hen she is in Zivug "ith ZA, she raises her Kelim de Acho aim from the "orld of Be ia and from the e0ternal ones, and they %e#ome Kelim for light of Hochma, sin#e the light of Hochma is re#ei!ed only in these Kelim de Acho aim. t follo"s that they rise a%o!e all others, and this is "hy He praises her, $s a lily among the thorns. Gut she is also a #itron among the thorns %e#ause she ta-es all the praise from there. 61) The assem%ly of srael is %lessed %y the priest, and srael are %lessed %y the priest, and the priest is %lessed %y the high priest, Hesed de ZA, as it is "ritten, /o shall they put My name upon the #hildren of srael, and "ill %less them. 6)) Kemem%er, 8 ,ord, Thy #ompassions and Thy mer#ies, for they are from the "orld. Kemem%er. Thy #ompassions is Ba#o%, and Thy mer#ies is $%raham. .they are from the "orld means that the Creator too- them from the "orld and raised them, and made them into a holy #hariot to prote#t the "orld. $nd %e#ause they are from the "orld, He remem%ers them, to prote#t the "orld and to ha!e mer#y on it. /imilarly, the Creator ta-es righteous from the "orld and raises them, to prote#t the "orld. 64) saa# is not mentioned here %e#ause he remained to a!enge those "ho affli#t his sons, as it is "ritten, stir up Thy might. t is also "ritten, The ,ord "ill go forth as a mighty man, He "ill stir up jealousy li-e a man of "ar. This is saa#, the Huality of Gevu a, "hose merit is -ept for a day of !engean#e. Kemem%er, 8 ,ord, Thy #ompassions and Thy mer#ies are Ba#o% and $%raham, "hom "e need to prote#t us. Gut saa# is there only to "age "ars, "hi#h is the opposite of mer#y and #ompassion. Hen#e, they do not need him "ith them, so he "ill not e!o-e the judgment. 66) When He #reated the "orld, He too- saa# and #reated the "orld, for He #reated the "orld "ith the Huality of judgment. He sa" that judgment alone #ould not hold, and too- $%raham, Hesed, and sustained the "orld "ith him. t is "ritten, These are the generations of the hea!en and the earth BeHi$a am &"hen they "ere #reated'. (o not read, BeHi$a am, %ut Be Av aham &"ith $%raham'. When He sa" that more sustenan#e is reHuired, He too- Ba#o%, the Huality of mer#y, and asso#iated it "ith saa#, judgment, and sustained the "orld, as it is "ritten, in the day that the ,ord God made earth and hea!en. Ha%aYaH &the ,ord' is the Huality of mer#y, and &lo'im &God' is the Huality of judgment. Hen#e, "ith $%raham and Ba#o%, the "orld persisted, "hi#h is "hy it is "ritten, Cor they are from the "orld. 69) 8n#e $aron "as #ompleted in those se!en days, "hi#h are Bina, HGT, and NHY, and "as #ro"ned in them, the eighth day, Malchut, should %e #ompleted %y the se!en fillings through the priest. Hen#e, the "or- in the eighth is to %e #ro"ned %y the se!en, "hi#h are Bina, HGT, and NHY, and for the priest to %e #orre#ted for the transgression of the #alf that he initially sinned. 6:) $nd he said unto $aron* +Ta-e thee a %ull7#alf,3 to atone for the #alf he had sinned in, as it is "ritten, .and made it into a molten #alf. $ %ull7#alf and not a %ull7#o" sin#e, he should %e #orre#ted "ith the #o", Malchut, "hom he fla"ed %y the deed "ith the #alf@ hen#e, he is unfit to sa#rifi#e from her to her. This is "hy it did not say, %ull7#o". The gift that he sends to the -ing should %e from another house, and not from the -ing3s house. Thus, he is unfit to sa#rifi#e from his o"n to his o"n, sin#e he sinned "ith a #alf and he sa#rifi#es "ith a #alf, and he should ha!e sa#rifi#ed another spe#ies@ hen#e a %ull7#alf and not a %ull7#o". ;

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Cattle implies an o0, Gevu a de ZA, and a #o" implies Malchut. $nd Malchut #ontains three fa#es* the fa#e of a lion, the fa#e of an o0, and the fa#e of an eagle. $ %ull7#alf implies the o0 in#luded in Malchut. /in#e he fla"ed Malchut, the #orre#tion should %e from another pla#e, sin#e a %ull7#alf implies the fa#e of an o0 in ZA, from "hi#h the #orre#tion is e0tended to Malchut. Hen#e, it is not from his to his, %ut from another pla#e, unli-e a %ull7#o", "hi#h "ould imply the o0 in Malchut. 6;) To atone for that sin "hi#h he had sinned. .and a ram for a %urnt7offering, "ithout %lemish. $ #alf is not a sa#rifi#e for an offering, %ut a sa#rifi#e for a sin. Hen#e, "ithout %lemish, in plural tense &in He%re"', relates only to the ram2 6<) Gut saa#3s ram must %e sa#rifi#ed to the #o", as it is mentioned t"i#e in the te0t. t is "ritten, $nd $%raham lifted up his eyes, and loo-ed, and %ehold %ehind him a ram, $nd $%raham "ent and too- the ram, thus t"o. t is "ritten a%out them, and offered him up for a %urnt7offering. This is "hy it is said, "ithout %lemish, in plural tense, t"o rams. This is also "hy Gevu ot are di!ided into se!eral others. The Ginding of saa# is diminution of GAR of the left line so it "ill unite "ith the right line, #alled $%raham. T"o a#tions o##ur in Masach de Hi i' in the middle line "hen it #omes to unite the left and the right* 1) t e0poses the Masach of the Huality of judgment of the first restri#tion, "hen the left line "as entirely emptied of its lights. )) t #on#eals the Huality of judgment and ele!ates Malchut to Bina, "here it is mitigated %y the Huality of mer#y, sin#e it first e0tends Bina#s Katnut &infan#y' through this Masach. Through the upper illumination, it lo"ers the Malchut from Bina and the Gadlut &adulthood' of Bina appears. Then it o%tains the left line in %AK de GAR on#e more and unites "ith the right, "hi#h is GAR de (anim &fa#e'. This is "hy it initially said from the middle line, ZA, to $%raham, Hesed and right, to slaughter his son, saa#, %y the for#e of the first a#tion of the Masach de Hi i' in the middle line, the dis#losure of the Huality of judgment that remo!es all the lights from the left line, "hi#h is #onsidered slaughtering. $fter"ards he "as told, ,ay not thy hand upon the lad. This is the #on#ealment of the Huality of judgment. Then it is said, $nd $%raham. loo-ed, and %ehold %ehind him a ram #aught in the thi#-et %y his horns, that is, he sa" ho" Malchut rose and "as entangled in Bina. This is the se#ond a#t of the Masach de Hi i'. Through this seeing, the Katnut e0tends from Bina. /u%seHuently, through higher illumination, Malchut des#ends from Bina and the Gadlut from Bina appears, as it is "ritten, .and too- the ram, and offered him up for a %urnt7offering instead of his son, sin#e then saa#, his son "as #orre#ted through the Gadlut from Bina. Thus, the t"o times that the te0t "rites ram are t"o mitigations* one for Katnut and one for Gadlut. This is "hy it is said, .a ram for a %urnt7offering, "ithout %lemish, t"i#e ram, sin#e "hile sa#rifi#ing the ram as an offering, one should aim to"ard the t"o dis#ernments of offerings of ram, mentioned in the %inding of saa#. t is said a%out them, "ithout %lemish, in plural tense &in He%re"', sin#e there are t"o -inds of Gevu ot* 1) of Katnut, "hi#h is the left line, Gevu a, %AK "ithout a Rosh, and )) of Gadlut, "hen the left line has %AK de Hochma. $nd these t"o Gevu ot di!ide into se!eral dis#ernments.


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6>) Then to the sons of srael you shall spea-, saying, +Ta-e a male goat for a sin offering.3 /hould it not ha!e said a #alf for a sin offering, as "ith the priest2 Ho"e!er, srael had already re#ei!ed their punishment. This is "hy it does not say a%out them, a #alf for a sin offering, %ut a #alf for an offering, sin#e all those "ho sinned "ith the #alf in spee#h, in deed, and in ser!i#e, had already re#ei!ed punishment. $nd e!en those "ho did not really ser!e %ut "anted to ser!e it "ere punished, too, as it is "ritten, .and made the sons of srael drin- it. This #aused punishment to those "ho "ished to ser!e it. Gut all those "ho did not "ish to ser!e it, %ut only raised a shado" of a "ish out of it "ere #leansed here "ith the sa#rifi#e of the offering of the #alf. This is "hy it is sa#rifi#ed as an offering and not as a sin7offering, sin#e an offering is sa#rifi#ed for the #ontemplation of the heart. 9I) Ta-e a male goat for a sin offering, sin#e they only sinned "ith the thoughts of the heart, for "hi#h an offering is suffi#ient, sin#e they first sa#rifi#ed to the he7goats that rule o!er the high mountains. This is the meaning of sin7offering, sin#e they needed a sin7offering to %e purified from that sin. Moreo!er, they needed a sin7offering for the rene"al of the moon, for it "as the %eginning of ?issan &eighth month in the Be"ish #alendar', and a sin7 offering is sa#rifi#ed at the %eginning of a month. 91) $nd an o0 and a ram for pea#e7offerings. $n o0 and not a %ull %e#ause a #omplete o0 implies the fa#e of an o0, Gevu a de ZA, %ut %ull and #o" imply male and female in the left of Malchut, "hi#h is in#omplete. Hen#e, the o0 #omes to sho" the pea#e in Malchut, "here from Gevu a de ZA, "hi#h is an o0, the Gevu a of Malchut is mitigated. These are the %ull and the #o", as it is "ritten, pea#e7offerings. 80 and ram #ome from the left side of ZA. $n o0 is from the left, as it is "ritten, the fa#e of an o0 on the left side, and a ram is, too, %e#ause it is saa#3s ram, "hi#h is from the left. Cor pea#e7offerings, to #omplement them to the assem%ly of srael, "hi#h is Malchut. Hen#e, $nd an o0 and a ram for pea#e7offerings. 9)) =!erything is %e#ause the assem%ly of srael, Malchut, is #ro"ned and %lessed "ith fillings %y the priest. $nd the eighth day, the joy of the assem%ly of srael in the Creator, is the joy of upper and lo"er. $nd as the priest is #ompleted %elo", the priestD"hi#h is Hesed de ZADis seemingly #ompleted a%o!e, as "ell, e0#ept for ?ada% and $%ihu, "hi#h #aused o%stru#tion %et"een the mistress and the -ing, hen#e, $nd there #ame forth fire from %efore the ,ord, and de!oured them. 94) $nd Moses said. unto =leaMar and unto thamar. +,et not the hair of your heads go loose.for the anointing oil of the ,ord is upon you.3 Gy the a#t %elo", a#tions a"a-en a%o!e. $nd the a#t %elo" should %e seen as the a#t a%o!e. 96) $ll the joy a%o!e depends on the holy oil, Hochma &"isdom', from "hi#h joy and %lessings #ome out to all the #andles. $nd the high priest, Hesed, is #ro"ned in the a%undan#e of oil that e0tends from Hochma. Cor this reason, the priest, on "hom the anointing oil is poured, su#h as a%o!e, should sho" gladness and a %right fa#e, and no defi#ien#y should %e seen in his head and his #lothes, %ut he should %e utterly perfe#t, su#h as a%o!e, and no fla" should %e seen in him, so he "ill not %lemish else"here, a%o!e. 99) f =leaMar and thamar "ere seen as fla"ed at that time, in either their #lothes or heads, they "ould not %e sa!ed at the time "hen ?ada% and $%ihu died, sin#e the time "as time to pass judgment. This is "hy "e learned that "hen there is a plague in the "orld, one should not a"a-en himself to anything in the "orld so as to not ma-e an impression, to a"a-en the >

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litigants upon him, e0#ept if he a"a-ens himself to a good thing and #an repel the time of judgment. This is so %e#ause "hen there is judgment in the "orld, one "ho meets it is pi#-ed up and ta-en a"ay from the "orld. Cor this reason, and you shall not die. t is "ritten, and your %rothers, the "hole house of srael, shall grie!e o!er the %urning, sin#e they do not #ome from the side of the priests and there is no fear that they "ill %e harmed. Hen#e, they are permitted to a"a-en and grie!e o!er the fire, %ut not the priests, "hi#h are ruled %y the judgment at that time.

$nd $aron Too- =lishe%a

9:) $nd $aron too- =lishe%a. $nd $aron too-, su#h as a%o!e. Gat /he%a, Malchut, "as fit for (a!id sin#e the day the "orld "as #reated. =lishe%a, Malchut, "as fit for $aron sin#e the day the "orld "as #reated. 9;) /in#e %oth are Malchut, "hat is the differen#e %et"een Gat /he%a and =lishe%a2 t is all one@ they are %oth Malchut, %ut for judgment and for mer#y. When she #onne#ts "ith (a!id, she is in judgment, "aging "ars and shedding %lood. n $aron, she is for pea#e, for joy, for %rightness of fa#e, to %e %lessed %y him. This is "hy there she is #alled, Gat /he%a, and here =lishe%a, for she #onjoined "ith Hesed. t is %e#ause she is the letters &li !heva, and &l is Hesed. Gat /he%a is for judgment, to inherit the Malchut and to %e#ome stronger. 9<) This !oi#e of the !ho"a &Kam3s horn' is %eautiful. This is Ba#o%, "ho "as #ontemplated NHochma) along "ith the patriar#hs Nthe general HGT), and they emerged from the !ho"a together, from Bina, upper )ma. This is so %e#ause as you %lo" the !ho"a and it produ#es "ater, "ind, and fire together, from "hi#h the !oi#e is made, upper )ma, #alled !ho"a , edu#es the patriar#hs, HGT, "ith one !oi#e, the middle line, Ti""e et. $nd out of the thought, they rise together in a single !oi#e, and that !oi#e is #alled the !oi#e of the !ho"a . $nd this is Ba#o%, the middle line, "hi#h in#ludes the patriar#hs, HGT, together, sin#e the middle line #ontains all three lines "ithin it, and it is #alled !oi#e. 9>) There are t"o !oi#esDof the lo#- and of the -ey. The !oi#e of the lo#- emerges from the !oi#e of the -ey. Gut one !oi#e is #alled the !oi#e of the !ho"a , the !oi#e of the -ey, the mitigation of Malchut in Bina, #alled a !ho"a . Crom here, the rest of the !oi#es #ome out of the !ho"a , in the Zivug of the thought, Hochma "ith Bina. $nd they are se!en !oi#esDHGT NHYM de ZAD"hi#h emerge through the Zivug of the thought in the !ho"a , Hochma and Bina. $nd this !ho"a , "hi#h is Bina, "aters and satiates the patriar#hs first, HGT, and then the sons, NHYM. :I) $nd $aron too- =lishe%a, Malchut, to perfume her and delight her, and re#onne#t her "ith the holy -ing, ZA, in a #omplete Zivug, through "hi#h the %lessings "ill %e in all the "orlds through $aron. This is "hy the high priest should ha!e a %right fa#e, "ith joy, su#h as a%o!e, sin#e it is through him that %lessings and joy are found. Therefore, judgment and anger and sadness depart from him, to not %lemish the pla#e that ties to him, the Malchut. $nd for this reason, their %rothers, the "hole of the house of srael "ill grie!e o!er the fire, and not a priest. t is "ritten a%out them, Gless, ,ord, his su%stan#e, and a##ept the "or- of his hands.


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(rin- ?o Wine or /trong (rin:1) ?ada% and $%ihu "ere drun-en %y "ine, and "ine ma-es manEs heart glad. f the priest needs to rejoi#e and ha!e an e0#eptionally %right fa#e, "hy is he for%idden to ha!e "ine2 $fter all, this is "here joy lies, and the %rightness of the fa#e is "ithin it. :)) The %eginning of "ine is gladness and its end is sadness. $nd the priest should %e glad fore!er. Moreo!er, the "ine #omes from the side of the ,e!is, the left, sin#e the Torah and the "ine of Torah are from the side of Gevu a, "hile the side of the priests is #lear and %right "ater, "hi#h is Hesed. :4) The left is in#luded "ith the right, and the right "ith the left. Hen#e, "ine, "hi#h is from the left, %egins "ith joy, sin#e it #onsists of "ater, "hi#h is from the right, and then returns to its pla#e, the left, and he is sad, angry, and judgmental, as is the "ay of the left. :6) Wine, oil, and "ater #ome from one pla#e. The priests ta-e the "ater and oil from the right and inherit them. 8il, Hochma, more than anything, is joy in the %eginning and in the end, unli-e "ine, "hi#h ends in sadness, as it is "ritten, li-e the pre#ious oil upon the head, #oming do"n upon the %eard@ e!en $aronEs %eard. $nd "ine, "hi#h is to the left, is "hat the ,e!is inherit, to raise the !oi#e and to sing, and not to -eep silent, sin#e "ine is ne!er silent and oil is al"ays in a "hisper. :9) What is the differen#e %et"een oil and "ine2 8il is in se#ret and al"ays in a "hisper. t #omes from the thought, Hochma, li-e an undis#losed thought. Hen#e, oil is from the right. Wine is to raise the !oi#e@ it is ne!er silent. This is %e#ause the drun- #annot -eep silent. t #omes from the side of )ma, from the left of Bina, and it is inherited %y the ,e!is, "hi#h are to the left, and are ready to sing and to raise the !oi#e. They are in judgment. Hen#e, it is "ritten, and a##ording to their "ord shall e!ery #ontro!ersy and e!ery stro-e %e. $nd although this is said a%out the priests, it is "ritten there, the priests the sons of ,e!i, "hi#h indi#ates that they are ,e!is. Thus, a##ording to their "ord shall e!ery #ontro!ersy and e!ery stro-e %e. ::) Cor this reason, "hen a priest %egins to "or- at the Temple, he is for%idden to drin- "ine, sin#e his a#tions are se#reti!e. He #omes se#retly and ma-es unifi#ations and mates "hom he mates, Z*N, and e0tends %lessings to all the "orlds. $nd it is all in se#ret, for all his deeds are hidden. This is "hy he is for%idden to drin- "ine, "hi#h re!eals se#rets, %e#ause "hen "ine enters, a se#ret e0its, and in all his deeds, he is a%out to raise his !oi#e. 8il e0tends from Hochma, right, and A%) are al"ays in #o!ered Hassadim. $nd the oil is in #on#ealment and in se#ret, for it does not appear in illumination of Hochma. $nd from there the priests e0tend. The "ine is from the left of Bina that returned to %eing Hochma, illumination of Hochma, "hi#h re!eals the Hassadim and sounds them. Hen#e, the "ine re!eals a se#ret. t raises the !oi#e %e#ause !oi#e is Hassadim and the "ine re!eals the Hassadim, for the out"ard appearan#e is tantamount to raising one3s !oi#e. Hen#e, the priest, "hose e!ery a#tion is in se#ret and in hiding, sin#e he e0tends from Hochma and Hesed, is entirely right and #o!ered Hassadim. This is "hy he is for%idden to drin- "ine, for he must %e li-e his root a%o!e. :<) $nd your mouth is li-e the good "ineO t goes straight to my %elo!ed. $nd your mouth is li-e the good "ine is the "ine of Torah. t is good %e#ause the "ine of the !it a Ach a is not good, and the "ine of Torah is good for allDgood for this "orld and good for the ne0t "orld. t is a "ine that is more a##epta%le to the Creator than any other. $nd %e#ause of that, 11

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one "ho satiates himself "ith the "ine of Torah "ill a"a-en to the ne0t "orld and "ill %e re"arded "ith the re!i!al of the dead "hen the Creator raises the righteous. :>) Had it %een "ritten, $nd your mouth is from the good "ine, "e "ould ha!e said that it means from the "ine of Torah. Gut it "rites, li-e the good "ine, and not, from "ine. ;I) 8ne "ho engages in Torah and adheres to it, that "ord of Torah is sounded from him, and he does not "hisper it %ut raises his !oi#e. This is so %e#ause the !oi#e should %e raised in the Torah, for it is "ritten, /he #alls at the head of the noisy streets, to raise the song of Torah and not in a "hisper. That person is li-e good "ine that does not -eep silent. He is destined to raise a !oi#e "hen he lea!es this "orld. t goes straight to my %elo!ed, sin#e he "ill not stray to the right or to the left, and "ill find no one to detain him. .spea-ing through the lips of those "ho are asleep, for e!en in that "orld, his lips spea- "ords of Torah. ;1) Moreo!er, $nd your mouth is li-e the good "ine is said to the assem%ly of srael, Malchut, in her praise. Who praises her2 f it is the Creator "ho praises her, "hat is, t goes straight to my %elo!ed2 t should ha!e said, goes straight to Me. ;)) Gut #ertainly, the Creator is the one "ho praises the assem%ly of srael, as she praises Him, as it is "ritten, His mouth is full of s"eetness. /imilarly, the Creator praises the assem%ly of srael, $nd your mouth is li-e the good "ine. The good "ine is the -ept "ine, illumination of Hochma that is in Bina. .goes to my %elo!ed is saa#, the left line of ZA, #alled, a friend from the "om%. .straight, as in, 1ou ha!e esta%lished eHuity, "hi#h are Hesed and Gevu a, to in#lude the left, Gevu a, to the right of Hesed, and this is . straight. Ge#ause of the joy of that good "ine, the left is in#luded in the right and all rejoi#e %e#ause all a"a-en "ith joy and %lessings, and all the "orlds are glad and a"a-en to impart %lessings %elo".

$nd God Created the Great /ea Monsters

;:) $nd God #reated the great sea7monsters. $ny pla#e of judgment is #alled &lo'im &God'. $nd that high pla#e, Bina, the pla#e from "hi#h the judgments emerge, he #alls it &lo'im. $nd e!en though Bina is mer#y, judgments emerge from her and depend on her. This is "hy she is #alled &lo'im. ;;) The great sea monsters are the patriar#hs, HGT, "hi#h are first "atered %y Bina, and then send roots to %esto" upon all. .and e!ery li!ing #reature that mo!es. =!ery li!ing #reature is Ne"esh of Adam ha Rishon, "hi#h the upper land, Malchut, edu#ed from the upper Ha+a, "hi#h is Bina. t is "ritten, ,et the earth %ring forth li!ing #reatures, "hi#h is Ne"esh of Adam ha Rishon, "ho pulled into him. .that mo!es is Ha+a, Bina. .s"armed means %esto"ing in all the mountains, "hi#h are HGTDa%o!e and %elo"Dto ZA and Malchut. $nd the "ords, $nd the earth %rought forth. is Malchut, Ne"esh of Adam ha Rishon, from the li!ing #reature that mo!es, "hi#h is Bina. ."ith "hi#h the "aters s"armed are the Hassadim &mer#y' of the upper ri!er, Bina, "hi#h stret#hes out of =den, Hochma, and "aters the tree, ZA, so it may stri-e its roots o!er e!erything, and "ill #ontain food for all. ;<) $nother meaning* the #reature that mo!es is Malchut, Jing (a!id, of "hom it is "ritten, shall not die %ut li!e. .and e!ery "inged %ird after its -ind are the holy angels that are there to san#tify the name of their Master e!ery single day. t is "ritten a%out them, si0


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"ings, si0 "ings for the one. $nd some fly around the "orld to do their Masters3 "ill, as His heralds, ea#h as it should. ;>) Certainly, the li!ing #reature that mo!es is the highest Ha+a, Bina, sin#e the te0t #alls the other oneDMalchutDland, as it is "ritten, and let %irds multiply on the earth, in Malchut, and not in "ater, "hi#h are Bina#s Hassadim. The ri!er, Bina, stret#hes out and "aters "ithout separation do"n to that pla#e #alled earth, Malchut. $nd from there do"n, it is "ritten, and from there it parted, "hi#h are the "orlds of separation. $nd the fo"l are the angels from the "orld of separation. The fo"l depend on the earth, Malchut, and are "atered %y it, as it is "ritten, and let %irds multiply on the earth.

Kaisin Ca-es and $pples

<I) /ustain me "ith raisin #a-es, refresh me "ith apples. We learned this !erse and it is good. Gut the assem%ly of srael says it in the e0ile. /ustain me means that one "ho has fallen needs to %e supported, as it is "ritten, The ,ord sustains all "ho fall. Cor this reason, the assem%ly of srael, Malchut, "hi#h has fallen, as in, /he has fallen, she "ill not rise again, needs to %e sustained. This is "hy she said, /ustain me. /he said that to srael, her sons, "ho are in e0ile "ith her. <1) With "hat is the fallen Malchut sustained2 With raisin #a-esDthe patriar#hsD"hi#h are first filled "ith the good, -ept "ine, illumination of Hochma from Bina#s left line, "hi#h is re#ei!ed in HGTDthe patriar#hs. $nd "hen they re#ei!e the -ept "ine, they are #alled, raisin #a-es. $nd "hen they are filled, the %lessings are inside Malchut, through one degree, "hi#h is righteous, Yesod, "hi#h re#ei!es from the patriar#hs and %esto"s upon Malchut. $nd it unites the Holy ?ame, Malchut, "ith ZA, so she "ill re#ei!e of those raisin #a-es e!en though there are no %lessings in the "orld, for she is still in e0ile. He, Yesod, supports and sustains the assem%ly of srael in e0ile, "hi#h is "hy she said, /ustain me "ith raisin #a-es. <)) .refresh me "ith apples. $pples and raisin #a-es are %oth the patriar#hs, "hi#h %esto" upon Yesod, and Yesod, upon Malchut. The differen#e %et"een them is that a raisin #a-e %rings in the "ine, and the apple ta-es out the "ine and aims the desire. This is "hy it "rites raisin #a-es and apples. Kaisin #a-es to %e satiated %y "ine, and apples to aim the desire, so the "ine "ill not do harm. $nd all of this is for am lo!e7si#-, in e0ile. $nd one "ho unites the Holy ?ame should unite the judgment "ith mer#y, to properly in#orporate them, to properly perfume and #orre#t e!erything. $nd this supports the assem%ly of srael in e0ile. The patriar#hs, HGT de ZA, are #alled apples, sin#e ZA is #alled an apple, as it is "ritten, ,i-e an apple tree among the trees of the forest. Ho"e!er, apples are regarded as %eing from the side of Hassadim, "hi#h are dominated %y the right of HGT, as it is "ritten, n his shade too- great delight and sat do"n. Kaisin #a-es are regarded as %eing from the side of the domination of the left side of HGT, "hi#h re#ei!es the -ept "ine, illumination of Hochma from Bina#s left side, "hen HGT de ZA are go!erned %y the left, "hi#h is the time for re#ei!ing "ine. These are Kelim &!essels' for re#eption of the "ine, and at that time they are #alled raisin #a-es. When illumination of the left is dra"n "ithout Hit'alelut &mingling' "ith the right, this dra"s harmful judgments from the left. This is "hy the apples, "hi#h are illumination of Hassadim, are needed, for then


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the raisin #a-es do not do harm, as it is "ritten, raisin #a-es, "hi#h are judgments, "ith apples, "hi#h are mer#y.

Jept Wine
<4) Who ate the fat of their sa#rifi#es, and dran- the "ine of their drin- offering2 Happy are srael for they are holy, and the Creator "ishes to san#tify them. The holy srael, the entire life of the "orld that they inherit depends on the ne0t "orld, Bina, sin#e it is the life of e!erything, a%o!e and %elo". $nd this is the pla#e of the -ept "ineDin her left line. Crom there, from Bina, life and san#tity emit to all. $nd the "ine of srael %elo" is holy %e#ause of the "ine of another srael, a%o!e, "hi#h is ZA, "ho re#ei!es the -ept "ine from Bina. 8ne depends upon the other, for the "ine %elo" depends and #orresponds to the "ine a%o!e, sin#e srael a%o!e, ZA, ta-e life in the "ine, illumination of Hochma, #alled Ha+a. This is "hy it is #alled, The Tree of ,ife. t is a tree from that pla#e "hi#h is #alled life, and from "hi#h life emits. This is the reason "hy "e %less to the Creator "ith "ine, for the "ine of srael %elo" is as the "ine a%o!e. <6) $n idol "orshipper is impure, and one "ho nears him %e#omes impure. When he approa#hes and tou#hes srael3s "ine, the "ine is defiled and is for%idden to drin-. $ll the more so, the "ine that he himself ma-es is impure, sin#e their "ine is dis#erned as the !it a Ach a, "hi#h e0tends the into0i#ating "ine, the e0tension of illumination of Hochma from the left, from a%o!e do"n"ards, "hi#h is se!ere impurity that nourishes the Kli,ot &shells'. The -ept "ine, ho"e!er, is the "ine of the upper srael, ZA, "hi#h e0tends from %elo" up"ards. Hen#e, do not say that only the "ine that srael ma-es %elo" is as that of a%o!e, %ut all that srael do %elo" is a sample of a%o!e, espe#ially "ith "ine, "hi#h stands at a high pla#e, li-e the -ept "ine. <9) Cor this reason, srael drin- the "ine of srael, "hi#h "as made properly, in san#tity. t is similar to the srael a%o!e, ZA, "ho drin-s and is rooted and %lessed %y that su%lime, holy "ine, "hi#h e0tends from Bina from %elo" up"ards. $nd they do not drin- "ine that "as made in impurity and from the side of impurity, sin#e the spirit of impurity is in it, and the spirit of one "ho drin-s it is defiled, and he is defiled. He is not from the side of srael and has no share in the ne0t "orld, sin#e the ne0t "orld, "hi#h is Bina, is the pla#e of the -ept "ine that e0tends from %elo" up"ards. <:) Hen#e, the holy srael should -eep it more than anything, sin#e it #onne#ts to the pla#e of the ne0t "orld. $nd for this reason, the Creator is %lessed "ith "ine more than "ith anything, sin#e it rejoi#es the left side of ZA, %y the for#e of the -ept "ine that stret#hes to it from Bina. n its joy, it is in#luded in the right of ZA, and the Hassadim from the right are in#luded "ith the illumination of Hochma in the left. $nd "hen e!erything %e#omes right in ZA, "hen the right in him pre!ails, the Holy ?ame, Malchut, delights, and the %lessings are present in all the "orlds. The a#t of drin-ing "ine %elo" a"a-ens the a#t a%o!e, and illumination of Hochma, the -ept "ine, e0tends from Bina to the left line of ZA, as it is "ritten, drin-, drin- a%undantly, 8 %elo!ed. This is "hy "e summon the "ine %elo", #orresponding to the "ine a%o!e. <;) $nd %e#ause it is -ept "ine a%o!e, in Bina, it must %e -ept %elo" from any foreign tou#h. ts -eeping is holiness for srael, and one "ho fla"s it %elo", in the side of impurity, "ill %e defiled in this "orld and "ill ha!e no share in the ne0t "orld, Bina, the pla#e of that -ept "ine. 16

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$nd sin#e he did not -eep the "ine %elo", he is not -ept for the ne0t "orld. He defiled the "ine and he "ill %e defiled in that "orld, and "ill ha!e no share in that "ine of the ne0t "orld. Happy are srael "ho san#tify themsel!es "ith the upper holiness and -eep "hat should %e -ept, and san#tify the -ing "ith this su%lime -eeping. Happy are they in this "orld and in the ne0t.

$ Man Who Ta-es Gri%es

<<) The -ing gi!es sta%ility to the land %y justi#e, %ut a man "ho gi!es gifts destroys it. The -ing is the Creator. .%y justi#e is Ba#o%, "ho is the sum of the patriar#hs, the middle line, #ontaining Hesed and Gevu a, $%raham and saa#, sin#e in the middle line does he esta%lish and sustains the earth, Malchut. Gut a man "ho gi!es gifts means the "ord Te umot &gifts5donations' is "ritten "ithout a %av, "hi#h is the middle line, #alled senten#e. The gift is Malchut, as it is "ritten, $nd this is the #ontri%ution. Malchut is #alled this, and the man "ho gi!es gifts is =sau, "ho as-ed a%out #ontri%utions and tithing e!ery day %ut did nothing. He "ould as- his father, Ho" does one gi!e tithing off stra" and salt2 Gut he did not gi!e tithing e!en from "hat should %e dedu#ted as tithing. $nd he is a man of #ontri%utions "ho is not senten#ing, li-e Ba#o%, "ho is the middle line. Ho"e!er, he is only from the left line that is not in#luded in the right, sin#e the #ontri%ution, Malchut, is the departure of mer#ies from his side@ it is dis#erned as judgment only, "hi#h is left "ithout right. $nd this is "hy Malchut is not in#luded in the senten#e that in#ludes right and left, and this is "hy he destroys her, as it is "ritten, some are perished "ithout senten#e, sin#e it is judgment "ithout mer#y. Hen#e, .a man "ho gi!es gifts destroys it. <>) Gut Jing (a!id "as a man of gifts. s Jing (a!id a #hariot for Malchut from the dis#ernment of her left2 He is rather, in mer#y, not only for Malchut of the left, su#h as =sau, %ut also for the left of Malchut, #lothed in mer#y. Moreo!er, it is "ritten, the sure mer#ies of (a!id. Thus, as he #lung to the Malchut of the left, he #lung to the Hassadim, as "ell. >I) $ll his life, Jing (a!id tried to #onne#t this #ontri%ution, Malchut, to the senten#e, ZA, the middle line, and ha!e them mate together. /olomon #ame and #oupled them, and the moon, Malchut, stood in its fullest. $nd the earth, Malchut, insisted on its persisten#e. Aede-iah #ame and separated them, and the earth, Malchut, remained "ithout a senten#e, ZA. Thus, the moon "as fla"ed and the land "as ruined. Then it "as said, %ut a man "ho gi!es gifts, Aede-iah, destroys it.

8il and Wine

>1) 8il, right, is for the priests. Wine, left, is for the ,e!is. t is not %e#ause they need to drin"ine, %ut %e#ause a%undan#e of Hochma in the left line of Bina e0tends to their side from the -ept "ine, to join e!erything together and to delight all the "orlds. n this "ay, right and left "ill %e #ompletely mingled in one another and all "ill %e li-ed, and there "ill %e lo!e of the sons of faith. Thus, the Hit'alelut &mingling' of right and left in one another #ompletes all the degrees. >)) Those "hose desire #lings to the Hit'alelut of right and left are "hole in this "orld and in the ne0t. $nd all their days, they #ling to repentan#e, "hi#h is BinaDthe pla#e "here there are "ine and oil Nuniting of right and left). $nd then he "ill not %e atta#hed to this "orld, not to "ealth or its delights.


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$nd Jing /olomon #ried a%out it and said, He "ho lo!es "ine and oil shall not %e ri#h in this "orld, sin#e another "ealth a"aits him, in "hi#h he "ill ha!e a share. He "ill ha!e a share in the ne0t "orld, the pla#e "here there are "ine and oil, in this "orld and in the ne0t. $nd those "ho lo!e this pla#e do not need "ealth and do not #hase it. Happy are the righteous, "ho engage in the higher "ealth all day, as it is "ritten, Gold or glass #annot eHual it, nor #an it %e e0#hanged for !essels of fine gold. This is in this "orld. $nd later, in the ne0t "orld, To endo" those "ho lo!e Me "ith "ealth, that may fill their treasuries.

Written Torah and 8ral Torah

>4) ?o" the ,ord said to Moses, +Come up to Me on the mountain and remain there, and "ill gi!e you the stone ta%lets "ith the la" and the #ommandment "hi#h ha!e "ritten for their instru#tion.3 The la" is the "ritten Torah, "hi#h is ZA, and the #ommandment is the oral Torah, Malchut. Cor their instru#tion is "ritten "ithout a %av &in He%re"'. Whose instru#tion2 f it is to instru#t srael, "hi#h are Z*N, "hose #hildren are srael, as it is "ritten, 1ou are the #hildren of the ,ord your God, it is not so, for srael are not mentioned in this !erse, to %e said a%out them, for their instru#tion. Kather, for their instru#tion #on#erns the la" and the #ommandment, "hi#h is the -ept "ine, Bina, the mother of Z*N, #alled la" and #ommandment. This is so %e#ause e!ery "riting of the upper %oo-, "hi#h is Hochma, #alled, the upper %oo-, is there in Bina. The upper %oo- is Hochma@ it is #on#ealed and the %eginning of its dis#losure, #onsidered "riting, is in Bina. $nd the "ritten la" emerges from there, from Bina, "hi#h is ZA. This is "hy "e #all ZA, the "ritten Torah, sin#e ZA "as emanated and emerged from the "riting, "hi#h is Bina. This is the meaning of, for their instru#tion, #ertainly to instru#t them, Hochma and Bina, "hi#h are %oo- and "riting, %eing the instru#tions of ZA. >6) The oral Torah, Malchut, is a different la", "hi#h stands and e0ists orally, "hi#h is Daat, ZA, "hi#h determines %et"een Hochma and Bina, %eing the mouth of %oo- and "riting, "hi#h is Hochma and Bina. This is so %e#ause Daat, ZA, determines and re!eals the Hochma and Bina, "hi#h are %oo- and "riting. t is li-e the mouth of a person, "hi#h re!eals "hat is hidden in one3s thought. $nd this la" is a different la" than the "ritten Torah. t is #alled oral Torah, and it stands and e0ists on that mouth, #alled, "ritten Torah, "hi#h is ZA, sin#e Malchut stands and e0ists from ZA. This is "hy it is #alled, oral Torah. t is also "hy Moses "as higher in e!ery "ay than all other faithful prophets, as it is "ritten, and "ill gi!e you. 1ou e0#ludes the rest of the prophets, sin#e Moses is a #hariot to the Daat, %e#ause from him #omes the oral Torah.

$nd His Throne Will Ge =sta%lished in Mer#y

>9) Ta-e a"ay the dross from the sil!er, and there #omes out a !essel for the smith@ Ta-e a"ay the "i#-ed from %efore the -ing, and his throne shall %e esta%lished in mer#y. When "i#-ed a%ound in the "orld, the throne of the Holy JingD MalchutDis esta%lished in judgment, is su#-ed %y judgment, and its flames %urn the "orld. $nd "hen the "i#-ed pass from the "orld, his throne shall %e esta%lished in mer#y, and not in judgment. >:) This means that the lo"er "orld, Malchut, depends on the upper "orld, ZA, and the upper "orld affe#ts the lo"er "orld a##ording to the "ays of the lo"er "orld. Hen#e, his throne 1:

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shall %e esta%lished in mer#y. This means that those "ho "ant to %less and #orre#t their throne, "hi#h is the lo"er "orld, "ill #orre#t it in mer#y and not in judgment. t means that he "ill #orre#t it in mer#y. When the priest "al-s into the Temple, Malchut enters the Hesed, it enters the "ater, and "ill not enter the "ine that he dran-, "hi#h is Gevu a. This is so %e#ause no" he re!ealed his intention, that Hesed and judgment, said a%out, his throne shall %e esta%lished in mer#y, are "ater and "ine, Hassadim and illumination of Hochma. $nd the meaning of the !erse, Ta-e a"ay the "i#-ed from %efore the -ing means that e0tending "ine, "hi#h is illumination of Hochma that is e0tended in judgments, remo!es the "i#-ed from the "orld. Gy that, Ta-e a"ay the "i#-ed from %efore the -ing. $nd after the "i#-ed ha!e passed, there is no further need to e0tend the dis#ernment of "ine, %ut only Hassadim, "hi#h is "ater. This is so %e#ause they ha!e already e0tended the "ine to eradi#ate the "i#-ed and the !it a Ach a, as in, his throne shall %e esta%lished in mer#y, and there is no further need to e0tend the dis#ernment of "ine, %ut only "ater, "hi#h is Hesed.

This s the $nimal

><) $nd the ,ord spo-e unto Moses and to $aron, saying unto them* +.This is the animal that you may eat.3 t "rites $aron %e#ause he al"ays separates the impure from the pure, sin#e $aron is Hesed and illumination of Hochma, Ha+a, and the differen#e %et"een an impure and pure Ha+a &animal' is only in the Hesed. The impure #ling to the left line, "hi#h is separated from the right, Hochma "ithout Hassadim, from "hi#h all the dar-ness and judgments e0tend. $nd the pure ones #ling to the left line that is in#luded in the right, "hen Hochma is #lothed in Hesed, from "hi#h all the %lessings and all the san#tities e0tend. The "ords, This is the animal imply illumination of Hochma, #alled, light of Ha+a. The differen#e %et"een a pure Ha+a and an impure one is only in the Hesed, the dis#ernment of $aron@ this is "hy this !erse spea-s to Moses and to $aron. >>) Who is the man "ho desires life2 ,ife is #alled, the ne0t "orld, Bina, "here there is life. The tree of life is a tree, ZA, from this life, the light of Bina, a tree that "as planted in this life. This is "hat the "ords, Who is the man "ho desires life2 spea- of. 1II) .and lo!es days, that he may see good2 (ays are the name of the Holy Jing. Malchut is #alled, a name. /he #lings to the upper days, HGT NHY de &of' ZA and re#ei!es them. t is said a%out them, and lo!es days. They are #alled, as the days of the hea!ens a%o!e the earth. The days of the hea!ens are HGT NHY de ZA, "hi#h are re#ei!ed %y Malchut, #alled earth. $nd one "ho desires the life a%o!e, to ha!e a share in them, for they are the light of Bina that is re#ei!ed in the tree of life, ZA, and one "ho desires the upper days, HGT NHY de ZA that are re#ei!ed in Malchut, to #ling to them and to lo!e them, "ill guard his mouth from anything. He "ill -eep his mouth and tongueD-eep his mouth from food and drin- that defile the soul, and -eeps man a"ay from this life of Bina in ZA, #alled tongue, and from the days of ZA, in Malchut, #alled mouth. $nd he "ill -eep his tongue from slandering so he "ill not %e defiled in them@ he "ill -eep a"ay from them and "ill ha!e no share in them. 1I1) Malchut is #alled mouth, and ZA is #alled tongue. $ man "ill not %lemish his mouth and tongue %e#ause he %lemishes the upper mouth and tongue, all the more so "ith defiling the "hole of his soul and %ody, sin#e he has %e#ome impure in the other "orld, a%o!e. 1;

8n the =ighth (ay

1I)) This is the animal. from all the %easts. The Creator said that as long as srael -eep their souls and %odies so as to not defile them, #ertainly, This is the animal that you may eat, "hi#h "ill %e in upper holiness, to #ling unto My ?ame, Malchut, #alled this, and animal. Through the #hoi#e of that %east, "hi#h ha!e #hosen for you to eat, you "ill not %e defiled in them and you "ill %e adhering to My ?ame, to Malchut. This is the animal means that you "ill %e adhering to Malchut, #alled, This is the animal that you may eat from among all the %easts, "hen you eat the pure %easts that ha!e #hosen for you. 1I4) $s long as they do not "at#h o!er themsel!es and their %odies from food and drin-, they "ill #ling to another pla#e, the impure one, to %e defiled in them. This is "hy it is "ritten, This is the animal that you may eat from among all. "hi#h is the Holy ?ame, to "hi#h to adhere. .from among all implies Yesod, #alled, all, from "hi#h #omes the adhesion to His ?ame, as it is "ritten, all that is in the hea!en and in the earth. Yesod #onne#ts ZA and Malchut, #alled, hea!en and earth. .from among all the %easts that are on the earth means that the eating of a %east "ill %e in purity and "ill not defile you. Then you "ill ha!e a share in My ?ame, #alled, all, to #ling to. 1I6) This is the animal that you may eat. t is "ritten a%out Fharaoh, Gy this you shall -no" that am the ,ord. This is Malchut, against you, to a!enge you. This is the animal that you may eat from among all the %easts. This is against you, to a!enge you, should you defile your souls. Malchut, spe#ifi#ally, "ill punish them, sin#e the souls of people #ome from her. This is so %e#ause the Ne"esh &soul' e0tends from Malchut, and the Ruach &spirit' e0tends from ZA. $nd if you defile that soul, "hi#h is hers, then this, Malchut, "ill %e against you. f it is for the %etter, she "ill stand for you so you "ill #ling to her and ha!e a%undant goodness. $nd if it is for the "orse, she "ill stand up to punish you. 1I9) This is the animal that you may eat from among all the %easts means that you are permitted to eat from among all those "ho #ling to the pure side. $nd you are for%idden to eat all those "ho do not #ome from that side. This is so %e#ause there are %easts that #ome from the pure side, and there are %easts that #ome from the impure, other side. Their sign is the "ords, Whate!er di!ides a hoof. $ll are "ritten, and the "riting registers them all. Hen#e, anyone "ho eats of those that #ome from the impure side is defiled in them and defiles his soul, "hi#h #omes from the impure side. 1I:) t is a general rule that as there are ten !e"i ot of faith a%o!e, there are ten !e"i ot of impure sor#ery %elo". $nd of all that there is on earth, some are gripped %y that side and some are gripped %y the other side. $nd the "riting permits us those animals that are gripped on the side of the ten !e"i ot of holiness, and for%ids us all the animals that grip unto the side of the ten !e"i ot of impurity. 1I;) This goat, upon "hi#h lies the spirit of impurity, are "e permitted to eat it2 ?o, for if the spirit of impurity is in it, "e are for%idden to eat it. Ho"e!er, the spirits of impurity pass through them and appear opposite them, %ut do not stay "ithin them, for "hen they #ome to %e in them, another spirit, from the pure side, passes o!er them and the spirits of impurity depart them. Hen#e, they are only seen opposite them, to slander against people from "ithin them, %ut they do not rule them. This is "hy "e are permitted to eat them. 1I<) /in#e the spirits of impurity #ome to rule them, another spirit passes, from the pure side, and they raise their eyes and see their Reshimot &re#olle#tions' from the pure side, and


8n the =ighth (ay

separate from them. Ho"e!er, they are still seen %efore them, "hi#h is "hy it is not for%idden to eat them. 1I>) n %easts, in animals, in fo"l, and in fish, in all of them, the right and left are seen. We are permitted to eat anyone "ho #omes from the right side, and "e are for%idden to eat all those "ho #ome from the left side. This is so %e#ause all their degrees are in impurity and they are all impure, and the spirit of impurity is in them and d"ells in them. Hen#e, srael3s spirit of holiness "ill not mingle "ith them and "ill not %e defiled %y them, so srael "ill %e holy and "ill %e re#ogniMed a%o!e and %elo". Happy are srael, for the Holy Jing desired them and "anted to purify them and to san#tify them o!er all, sin#e they are adhered to Him. 11I) srael, in "hom sho" My glory. $nd if the Creator sho"s His glory in srael, ho" "ill they #ome to %e defiled and adhere to the side of impurity2 This is "hy it is "ritten, san#tify yoursel!es, and %e holy, for am holy, and do not defile your souls. 8ne "ho is in the image of the -ing does not need to part from the "ays of the -ing. This is "hy the Creator "rote for srael all those "ho #ome from the other side. Happy are srael, of "hom it is "ritten, $ll "ho see them "ill re#ogniMe them %e#ause they are the offspring "hom the ,ord has %lessed. 111) $nyone "ho eats of the for%idden food #lings to the other side and loathes his soul and %ody. The spirit of impurity is upon him and he sho"s himself as ha!ing no share in the Lpper God and that he does not #ome from His side and does not #ling unto Him. f one e0its this "orld in this "ay, all those "ho #ling to the side of impurity #ling to him and defile him, and determine him to %e a person "ho is despised %y his master, despised in this "orld, and despised in the ne0t "orld.

That 1ou /hould Ge (efiled %y Them

11)) t is "ritten a%out that, .that you should %e defiled %y them, "ithout the letter Ale,h &in the "ord, defiled, in He%re"'. This indi#ates that there is no #ure to this a%omination in him, and he ne!er departs his impurity. Woe unto them and "oe unto their souls, for they "ill ne!er #ling to the %undle of life, for they ha!e %een defiled. Woe unto their %odies. t is "ritten a%out them, for their "orm shall not die. and they shall %e an a%horring unto all flesh, and it "as the side they adhered to that #aused them all that. 114) srael #ome from the right side. f they #ling to the left, they %lemish the right side@ they %lemish their %odies, and they %lemish their souls@ they %lemish in this "orld and they %lemish in the ne0t "orld. t is e!en more so "ith those "ho #ling to the side of impurity, "hi#h e0tends from the left side. t is all %lemished, sin#e all are adhered to ea#h other* the impure side and the left side are adhered to ea#h other, meaning the upper left line, "hi#h is separated from the right, from "hi#h impurity e0tends, as it is "ritten, Cor you are a holy nation unto the ,ord your God. 116) $ll of man3s la%or is for his mouth. o%ser!ed the "ords of Jing /olomon, and they are all gripped in su%lime "isdom. $nd the !erse, $ll of man3s la%or is for his mouth means that "hen a person is judged in that "orld, it is "ritten that e!ery judgment and e!ery suffering in that "orld, "hen he suffers the !engean#e of the "orld, all that is to his mouth. This is %e#ause he did not "at#h o!er his mouth, and defiled his soul and did not #ling to the side of life, the right side. .and yet the appetite is not satisfied, meaning her judgment "ill ne!er e!er %e #ompleted. $nother interpretation* .and yet the appetite is not satisfied,


8n the =ighth (ay

meaning she "ill ne!er %e #ompleted to rise to her pla#e, sin#e she has %een defiled and #lung unto the other side. 119) $nyone "ho is defiled in them is as though he is idol "orshipping, "hi#h is a%omination to the ,ord. $nd it is "ritten, 1ou shall not eat any a%omina%le thing. 8ne "ho idol "orships parts from the side of life, e0its the domain of holiness and enters another domain. /imilarly, one "ho is defiled "ith these foods departs the side of life, e0its the domain of holiness, and enters another domain. Moreo!er, he is defiled in this "orld and in the ne0t. This is "hy .that you should %e defiled %y them is "ritten "ithout the letter Ale,h. 11:) t is "ritten, $nd you shall not ma-e yoursel!es detesta%le %y animal or %y %ird or %y anything that #reeps on the ground, "hi#h ha!e separated for you as un#lean. What is, as un#lean2 t is to defile the idol "orshipping nations, for they are impure and they #ome from the side of impurity, and ea#h #lings to its pla#e. sraelDto those "ho #ome from the side of holiness, and the idol "orshipping nationsDto those "ho #ome from the side of impurity. 11;) The Creator is destined to purify srael. With "hat "ill He purify them2 With "hat is "ritten, $nd "ill sprin-le #lean "ater upon you, and you shall %e pure. These are the "aters of mer#y, "hi#h #lothe and in#lude the illumination of the left, from "hi#h the purity #omes. $nd sin#e they are purified, they are san#tified, for they #ling to the san#tity of ZA, "hi#h has the Mochin of A%), #alled, holiness. $nd srael, "ho #ling to the Creator, are #alled, holiness, as it is "ritten, srael is the ,ordEs sa#red portion, the first of His har!est. t is also "ritten, $nd you shall %e holy men unto Me. Happy are srael, for the Creator says a%out them, 1ou shall %e holy, for am holy, sin#e it is "ritten, and to Him shall you #ling, and, He has not dealt so "ith any nation@ and as for His ordinan#es, they ha!e not -no"n them, halleluiah.

Cish and Grasshoppers (o ?ot KeHuire /laughtering

11<) Cish and grasshoppers do not reHuire slaughtering. Kather, #olle#ting them is "hat permits them. /u#h are the heads of the seminary@ they do not reHuire slaughtering "hen they die, as "ith the rest of the people, "ho are slaughtered %y the s"ord of the angel of death. Kather, it is said a%out them, and "as gathered unto his people. They are gathered "ithout slaughtering, "hi#h turns a man into a #orpse. $s the fish li!e in the sea, the dis#iples of the "ise, authors of the Mishnah, li!e in the Torah. f they are separated from the Torah, they die at on#e. The Tannaim of the Mishnah are gro"n in the Torah, li-e the fish of the sea are in the sea. $nd if those that are on land go into the "ater and do not -no" ho" to float, they die. Gut a man "ho is an author of Ja%%alah is a%o!e them all. t is said of him, and let them ha!e dominion o!er the fish of the sea, and o!er the fo"l of the air. Those are the authors of the Mishnah. 11>) The authors of the Mishnah are the great sea7monster, the Ba iach &Goa, %ut also %ar' serpent, after the middle Ba iach in the midst of the %oards, "hi#h is Ti""e et. $nd "hen there is a dispute %et"een the sea monsters, there is dispute among the authors of the Mishnah, and they as- one another, and one s"allo"s the other. f it is a small dis#iple, "ho has not a#hie!ed tea#hing and instru#tion, he must die. $nd if they are eHual and dispute, it is finally said a%out them, Pahe% in /uphah, and "e e0plained, Ahava $e so"a &lo!e in the end'.


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