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Rutgers University School of Engineering Dept.

of Materials Science and Engineering

14-440:407 Mechanical Properties of Materials

HOMEWORK #1 1. Determine the most likely type of primary bond in each of the following materials: O2, NaF, InP, Ge, Mg, CaF2, SiC, (CH2)n, MgO, CaO. The bond-energy curve can be used to gain information about three of the four following macroscopic materials properties. Which type of information cannot be determined from the bond-energy curve? a. Bond energy b. Equilibrium separation distance c. Bond type d. Vaporization temperature Rationalize the observation that the modulus of materials generally increases with the melting temperature. Calculate the minimum and maximum RC/RA ratios for CN = 4. Give two examples of materials that are held together by each of the following types of secondary bonds: a. Hydrogen bridge b. Permanent dipole c. Temporary dipole



4. 5.

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