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Delaney Banda

Email: Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. nly through e!perience o" trial and su""ering can the soul be strengthened# ambition inspired# and success achieved.$ %&elen 'eller &illiard Bradley &igh (chool )*+1+, -resent. /elated Course 0or1: Career 2entorship# 3natomy and -hysiology# (ociology# (ocial -sychology# -hysics &onors: &onor /oll )4all *+1+, -resent. 5-3: 6.789.+

0or1 E!perience

&illiard 4amily 3quatic Center )(ummer *+11, -resent. :i"eguard8 (;im lesson <nstructor Communicate ;ith patrons En"orce rules E!ecute learned li"eguard s1ills ;hen needed =each proper s;im s1ills Certi"ied in C-/ and "irst aid (miley Dental 5roup )4ebruary *+16, 2ay *+16. (tudent 2entor <denti"ied the teeth and their sur"aces E!plained reasons "or -eriodontal issues and ho; they are discovered E!plained the proper ;ay to brush and "loss <denti"ied the tools a dentist used to per"orm a "illing >nderstands ?ob responsibilities o" a dentist -rovides con"ident input in group planning meetings "or /enaissance club Collaborates ;ith other s;im team managers during s;im meets -lanned senior night "or high school s;im team. 2ade sure each gi"t ;as properly made and that no detail ;as missed. rgani@es in"ormation "or s;im team coach -rovides accurate ;ritten records o" s;immersA times (upervised children ;hile under my care En"orced rules and authority ;hile ;atching children 2otivate teammates to try their best -rovides help"ul guidance to s;immers to improve their abilities Contributes to s;im team outings and dinners -rovides personal s;im stories to relate to other s;immers to understand their problems

-ro"essional E!perience



:eadership <nterpersonal /elationships

=eam 0or1

Collaborated ;ith other teammates to plan senior night 0rote school research paper in a group Completed and presented group pro?ect to English class

/e"erences available upon request

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