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South Augusta Baseball League

P.O. Box 425 Greenville, VA 24440 Parent Pledge South Augusta Baseball League & Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth League Inc. Mission:
The Baseball program, using regulation competitive baseball rules, teach skills, mental and physical development, a respect for the rules of the game, and the basic ideals of sportsmanship and fair play. In all aspects, the league is committed to providing our participants the very best educational, sports experience possible. It is our fundamental belief that every child with the desire to play baseball be afforded the opportunity. 1. I will encourage my guests, parents and fans of my player to exhibit positive behaviors and demonstrate appreciation for the efforts of both teams. 2. I understand the process! that teaches players mental and physical skills, emotional development, sportsmanship, rules, boundaries, and appreciation for team collaboration is more important than the outcome of a game. I will encourage guests, parents, and fans of my player to recogni"e the process. #. I will, as well as encourage guests, parents, and fans of my player, to respect all coaches, players, officials, and board members at all events. $%ames, practices, fundraisers, etc.& '. I will ()T use abusive language, especially cursing* at any event as well as encourage guests, parents, and fans of my player to refrain from such activity. +. I will not admonish any other player. I understand that correction is the responsibility of the coaching staff. ,. I understand that -.B/ facilities are a T)B.00)1./0)2)/ 3455 6)(5. (o tobacco use is permitted with the exception of the parking lot beyond the main 0ommunity 0enter building. (o alcohol use is permitted on the premises. 7. I will respect the use of the 2andicapped parking areas. 8. I will report any unsafe conditions to team manager or a board member. 9. I understand that a parent $or substitute age 1+:& must work at least 2 games in the 0oncession stand and must find their own replacement if the scheduled games are in conflict with my schedule. I understand that I may be exempt from this duty for a fee of ;#<. I understand that my child will not be allowed to play one game for each missed game I do not provide a worker. =ayment for exemption is due at registration. 1<. I have been given the opportunity to read the -.B/ By>/aws, -.B/ policy regarding children who $chronically& miss practices1games and the need for full parent participation, and understand and agree that they are the governing bodies for -.B/. 11. I understand that my child must participate in fundraising per -.B/ By>/aws as -.B/ is a non>profit organi"ation that is supported only by a nominal fee, fundraisers, and donations. I understand that I may be exempt from fundraising for a fee of ;1<<.<< due at the time of registration. 12. I understand that the registration fees and fundraisers cover expenses such as* ?mpires, field maintenance and improvement, league insurance, league sanctioning fees, e@uipment, trophies, and game balls. 4egistration fees and fundraisers A) ()T pay for uniforms. I understand that uniforms are paid for by team sponsors. If a team sponsor is not obtained, parents should expect an additional cost per child to purchase a uniform.

1#. =layers are re@uired to attend .// baseball games and practices and arrive on time and ready to play. =layers who miss practices or games or arrive late with an excused absence $defined to be at least 2' hours notice of conflicts involving school, religion or family, or .-.= notice on health& will be eligible to play in games in accordance with the leagueBs playing time policy. ?nexcused absences will result in reduced playing time at the discretion of the manager1head coach. In addition, players who do not try their hardest and1or do not show respect for coaches, officials, opponents or teammates will also result in reduced playing time at the discretion of the manager1head coach. 0oaches will report excessive absences and attitude issues to the Board and players may be suspended. =arents should discuss these policies with their children. 1'. I understand that -.B/ is supported, governed, and managed by volunteers. -.B/ has () paid staff and .// proceeds are used to provide a @uality baseball experience. The more support -.B/ has from the parents, families, and community $financial, labor, skills, etc.& the more the experience, e@uipment, facilities @uality and training will increase. 1+. I will not engage in any unlawful acts at any -.B/ sponsored event and shall report unlawful acts to the board and1or the appropriate authorities. 1,. I will do my part to be a good steward of the property and dispose of trash appropriately and in appropriate containers. If they are full, I will find another receptacle to dispose of trash. =layerCs (ameD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE =arent1%uardian (ameD EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE $=rint =lease& =arent1%uardian -ignatureDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AateD EEEEE1EEEEEE1EEEEE

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