College Survey Psych Per 5

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Education And You

1) How old are you? _______ years old

(write age)

2) What grade are you currently in? (please circle one)

9th 10th 11th 12th

3) On a scale from 1 to 5, 5 being “completely agree”, do you fee that high

school is important in your life? (please circle one)

1 2 3 4 5
completely disagree maybe completely agree

4) Do you plan on graduating high school? (please circle one)

Yes Maybe No

5) Do you have plans for attending college? (please circle one)

Yes Maybe No

6) If answer for question 5 was no or maybe, do you plan on entering the

workforce after high school? (please circle one)
Yes Maybe No

7) If you plan on attending college, what kind of college are you

considering entering? (please circle all that apply)
Vocational College
Community College
State College
Trade School/College
Ivy League
Not Sure Yet/Still Deciding

8)If you plan on attending college, how many years will you go for?
(please circle all that apply)

none 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9+

9) Is money a big factor in your decisions about attending/years spent in


1 2 3 4 5
completely disagree maybe completely agree

10) Do you have any idea of what you might want to do as a job?
(please circle one)
Yes Maybe No

11) Would you consider joining the Armed Forces to pay for a college
education? (please circle one)
Yes Maybe No

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