Career Level Guide and Checklist For Engineers

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Career Level Guide and Checklist for Engineers

This docu m e n t describ e s the profession al series entitled Engine er s. Thes e are guidelines and are not intend e d to be all inclusive of the duties of an Engine er, the cap a bilities of individual incumb e n t s , or absolut e criteria for adva n c e m e n t . This docu m e n t does not guar a n t e e employm e n t . Advanc e m e n t opportunity subject to employe e qualifications.


Definiti o n
Brief explanation of the essence of the job

Com p e t e n c y Lev el I Dev e l o p i n g Engin e e r

Uses prescribed methods to perform specific and limited portions of a broader engineering project which requires the application of standard and routine engineering techniques, procedures and disciplines

Com p e t e n c y Lev el II Se a s o n e d Engin e e r

Provides project management, design review, administrative, and engineering field support for projects

Com p e t e n c y Lev el III Care e r Engin e e r

Provides professional engineering field support for designated projects Makes independent contributions to projects based on professional training or functional experience

Su m m a r y

Ke job characteristics that significantl differentiate one level from another

Short Tes t for Clas s ifi c a t i o n

!egreed in discipline or equivalent level of knowledge !emonstrates basic understanding of engineering fundamentals "andles less complex project assignments

!egreed in discipline or equivalent level of knowledge #mplements plans and specifications and monitors work progress to ensure compliance with all standards #ndependentl performs a variet of moderatel complex engineering work Performs assigned tasks of larger projects

$ecogni%ed mentor and technicall credible role model to staff& Ma coordinate work of engineers, architects, planners, and other support staff& Monitors work progress to assure compliance 'upervises and manages the capital improvement and renovation programs and contractor compliance #ndependentl performs a variet of complex engineering work

Basi s for Pro gr e s s Throu g h This Lev el

$equisite capabilities that must be demonstrated consistentl before advancement can be considered

!emonstrates increasing independence and decreasing need for work direction to succeed in an ever widening range of project assignments

(ffectivel applies engineering principles to resolve problems !emonstrates continual success in performing increasingl more complex projects that require both seasoned technical skills and

!emonstrates abilit to lead and oversee highl complex)high profile projects !emonstrates expert professional capabilities and project leadership

William M. Mercer,Incorporated


Career Level Guide and Checklist for Engineers

This docu m e n t describ e s the profession al series entitled Engine er s. Thes e are guidelines and are not intend e d to be all inclusive of the duties of an Engine er, the cap a bilities of individual incumb e n t s , or absolut e criteria for adva n c e m e n t . This docu m e n t does not guar a n t e e employm e n t . Advanc e m e n t opportunity subject to employe e qualifications.


Definiti o n

Com p e t e n c y Lev el I Dev e l o p i n g Engin e e r

Understands advanced engineering principles 'uccessfull accomplishes assigned projects

Com p e t e n c y Lev el II Se a s o n e d Engin e e r

judgement !evelops and completes projects in a timel manner and within budget

Com p e t e n c y Lev el III Care e r Engin e e r

Possesses a compelling *track record+ of successful , complex assignments, accomplished with independence and creativit

,haracteristics that describe the nature of the knowledge and experience required to perform the job successfull

Possesses a comprehensive knowledge of professional engineering concepts, principles, practices, and procedures, t picall acquired through(ngineering and)or ,onstruction Management, e&g& ,ivil, Mechanical, etc& !egree from an accredited school

Possesses an advanced understanding of professional engineering concepts, principles, practices, and procedures, t picall acquired through-

Possesses a highl advanced and broad understanding of engineering principles, practices, and procedures, t picall acquired through-

no! l e d g e " E#p eri e n c e

(ngineering and)or ,onstruction Management !egree, e&g& ,ivil, Mechanical, etc& !egree from an accredited school $egistered engineer for positions that are required to stamp drawings /hree or more ears of progressive, related engineering experience

(ngineering and)or ,onstruction Management !egree, e&g& ,ivil, Mechanical, etc& !egree from an accredited school $egistered engineer for positions that area required to stamp drawings 'ix or more ears of progressive, related engineering experience Provides formal technical and)or functional direction to other professionals Uses professional judgement to manage projects and resolve problems

.ne to three ears of progressive, related engineering experience Knows how to develop and write basic specifications ,omputer knowledge

William M. Mercer,Incorporated


Career Level Guide and Checklist for Engineers

This docu m e n t describ e s the profession al series entitled Engine er s. Thes e are guidelines and are not intend e d to be all inclusive of the duties of an Engine er, the cap a bilities of individual incumb e n t s , or absolut e criteria for adva n c e m e n t . This docu m e n t does not guar a n t e e employm e n t . Advanc e m e n t opportunity subject to employe e qualifications.


Definiti o n
(ngineering skills needed to effectivel manage projects

Com p e t e n c y Lev el I Dev e l o p i n g Engin e e r

0pplies and develops technical skills related to basic engineering techniques, procedures, tools, etc& 0ssist in the review of design documents for compliance with building codes, 0!0, and ."'0 standards 0ssist in the preparation, development, monitoring and maintaining project schedules and resources for capital and renovation projects 0ssists in the field supervision and monitoring of the contractors work in the field 1athers data 1enerates basic reports, charts and graphs

Com p e t e n c y Lev el II Se a s o n e d Engin e e r

$eview design documents for compliance with building codes, 0!0, and ."'0 standards $eview dail on site field operations for compliance with the approved plan !evelop cost estimates, initiate change orders for Project Manager approval $eview expenditures against project budget 0pplies and develops safet awareness and safe work practices

Com p e t e n c y Lev el III Care e r Engin e e r

Provide expertise in conceptual design and construction implementation of highl complex s stems ,onsult with 0dministrator to determine functional requirements for projects !evelop change order cost estimates and review expenditures against approved budget projects 0pplies and develops safet awareness and safe work practices

Engin e e r i n g S$ills

William M. Mercer,Incorporated


Career Level Guide and Checklist for Engineers

This docu m e n t describ e s the profession al series entitled Engine er s. Thes e are guidelines and are not intend e d to be all inclusive of the duties of an Engine er, the cap a bilities of individual incumb e n t s , or absolut e criteria for adva n c e m e n t . This docu m e n t does not guar a n t e e employm e n t . Advanc e m e n t opportunity subject to employe e qualifications.


Definiti o n
Ke interpersonal and communication skills needed to accomplish work

Com p e t e n c y Lev el I Dev e l o p i n g Engin e e r

0nswers standard questions and knows when to direct others for further advice 1ives and receives technical information (ffectivel communicates through written correspondence 2o formal supervisor or work guidance responsibilit 3eads b example 0ssists with the successful completion of assigned tasks

Com p e t e n c y Lev el II Se a s o n e d Engin e e r

Knows how to communicate technical concepts to others in a wa that builds understanding, respect, and trust 0rticulates ideas and thoughts and responds to others on standard engineering issues (ffectivel communicates through written correspondence #nterfaces well with other professionals and technicians on projects

Com p e t e n c y Lev el III Care e r Engin e e r

(nsures communication is understood and accomplishes intended objectives Prepares clear, technicall accurate and documented explanations for design changes ,learl discusses matters related to highl complex projects

Com m u n i c a t i o n S$ills

Inter a c ti o n !ith %th er s

Ke skills needed to transmit information to others directl or indirectl 0ccountabilit parameters of the job

Provides guidance to engineers, technicians, and other professionals& .versees project work of other engineers and support staff& (nsures timeliness and integrit of all assigned projects 4e&g&, budget, standards5 0ccomplishes acute awareness to safet in the work6place in relation to both design and construction

Impa c t " Con s e & u e n c e s

0ccomplishes assigned results for projects, or for significant aspects of larger, complex assignments 0ccomplishes acute awareness to safet in the work place in relation to both design and construction&

William M. Mercer,Incorporated


Career Level Guide and Checklist for Engineers

This docu m e n t describ e s the profession al series entitled Engine er s. Thes e are guidelines and are not intend e d to be all inclusive of the duties of an Engine er, the cap a bilities of individual incumb e n t s , or absolut e criteria for adva n c e m e n t . This docu m e n t does not guar a n t e e employm e n t . Advanc e m e n t opportunity subject to employe e qualifications.


Definiti o n
,haracteristics that define the demands of the job

Com p e t e n c y Lev el I Dev e l o p i n g Engin e e r

7orks under guidance of a more experienced professional Meets assigned deadlines

Com p e t e n c y Lev el II Se a s o n e d Engin e e r

Performs a broad range of work with minimal supervision Understands interdependenc of deadlines on multiple projects and act to preserve integrit of others8 deadlines and overall project progress and success #ndependentl identifies problems and solves problems rel ing on own resources to resolve them Performs work independentl with limited technical guidance $eceives guidance on more complex questions and issues from senior level professional&

Com p e t e n c y Lev el III Care e r Engin e e r

Makes critical contributions to managing and solving complex and or large technical challenges /akes a comprehensive approach to identif ing problems, understanding implications, and creating solutions that support overall project progress and success 7orks independentl 9 supervision received is for routine department management)process tasks 4e&g& performance reviews5 #ndependentl performs assignments based on general guidance from supervisor& ,onfers with senior level professional on unusual matters

'or$ Com pl e #ity

(uid a n c e " Sup e r vi s i o n )ec e i v e d

/he degree of oversight and instruction required or received from others

7orks under direct supervision and from detailed and written instructions Performs work as directed b supervisor or hibher level engineers /urns to supervisor and higher level engineer for technical guidance


William M. Mercer,Incorporated


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