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Analyzing Plate Motions

ENVS112 Lecture 11

Relative plate motions Triple junctions
Stable Unstable

Motion on a sphere Euler poles

Direct measurements of plate movements

Pre-1980s: standard geodetic measurements (optical, laser ranging) Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VBLI) Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) Satellite radio positioning (using GPS)

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VBLI)


Goddard Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory


Relative plate motions

Relative plate motions

Relative plate motions

Triple junctions

Triple junctions

Unstable triple junctions

SAF evolution

SAF evolution

SAF evolution

SAF evolution

Eulers theorem

Euler poles

Euler poles

Global tectonics Kearey and Vine. Chapter 5: The framework of plate tectonics

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